Tuesday, July 3, 2018


Greetings good citizen, UBI is not UBU's litter mate (Ubu was the name of a black lab featured at the sign-off of various Paramount syndicated shows.) No UBI is a concept that first appeared in 1795 when capitalists found themselves faced with a collapse because their customers couldn't afford inputs.

[When capitalism first started it was confined to volume users, the average household still eeked out a living by seasonal agriculture, growing crops when the weather permitted and animal husbandry the rest of the year.] Competition from commercial kitchens soon resulted in driving grain prices out of reach of the average household.

When your only tool is a hammer...you know the rest and the UBI was born.

UBI didn't happen because of the obvious flaw, there was nothing stopping the greedheads from raising prices (and blaming it on increased demand)

The Market NEVER punishes 'bad actors' because the consumer is always at a disadvantage. If you want it you pay, end of discussion.

Like so many others, this is just one more elephant in the capitalist closet that nobody wants to admit is even there.

No, UBI has been dancing on the outskirts of 'market self-governance' for centuries and is basically intended to provide customers that didn't previously exist.

Worse considering the prevalence of 'the Slaver Mentality' EVERY capitalist is quick to raise prices whenever even perceived increases to the money supply occur [like the phantom 'trade war' Trump is creating thanks to his 'where did this come from?' Trillion dollar tax cut TO THE F'N BANKS!]

Now the bankers are trying to fix the rampant price gouging economy wide (that the feckless blamed on tariffs) but were actually due to desperate owners trying to keep their doors open as they vie for a dwindling pool of customers AS CAPITALISM CHOKES ITSELF TO DEATH!

Like the minimum wage, a Universal basic income will do the average citizen ZERO good and the banks debtors suck up as much of your UBI as they can to keep THEIR doors open.

Now here's something conservo-whackos don't want YOU thinking about and that is life under a Cut-Throat system where only 'A Few' get richer than they need to be, as opposed to life under a cooperative system where EVERYBODY prospers but NOBODY gets rich!

THIS IS ALSO YOUR BASIC DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A 'LIBERAL' (That believes in EVERYONE prospering, equally) and a 'CONSERVATIVE' whose motto is "I got mine, F-YOU!"

If YOU hate 'libruls' then YOU hate HUMANITY and therefore forfeit your membership in society. [But you 'win' free transportation for you and all of your like-minded friends to Lord of the Flies Island, there to live the best you can with those just as brainless and selfish as you are STUPID!]

Liberals are MAKERS and Conservatives are TAKERS [because they don't understand how to make!] Whose side are you on now?

Are you ready for the TAKERS to 'take over'?

Good luck with that!

Thanks once again for opening your mind,


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