Tuesday, July 17, 2018


Greetings good citizen, even Fox News is astonished by the president's behavior at yesterday's Helsinki summit. The wild card here is how will the 'true believers' behave?

Will the profoundly stupid label the whole incident 'fake news' or will they point at the 'liberal press' [that only exists in their feeble heads] and call it a witch hunt?

Either way they've got the bases covered.

In fact some of the conservative stalwarts are now hedging their bets, so fearful are they of a base that votes with its gut because they are allergic to thinking.

How many of YOU would be 'disappointed' to learn that the whole shitshow is orchestrated by the same people and even the conflicts are 'faked'?

In this respect evidence for this line of reasoning is everywhere, from the media's resolute avoidance of 'war without end' to it's complicity in blaming the Russians for the last stolen election.

I am not the only one to arrive at this conclusion. Once again we are deviled by what to DO about it! We agree on revolt but how do we reach the blind masses?

Without the eye that never blinks, we don't.

There are too many people incapable of thinking for themselves among the abandoned.

[Sidebar: one of today's minor headlines is they have found stone tools in China that pre-date the earliest known human remains...those of you that can, think about what this means.]

I'm of the 'opinion' that we were 'synthesized' to mine this planet of its star ship fuel...to the point it was terra-formed to suit us. [a theory I reached due to the stunning number of 'conflicts' the fossil record shows. Ancient horses were tiny and ancient dogs were gigantic!

So we came from somewhere else and, er, 'settled' where the ore deposits were. The 'stone edifices' that can be found around the planet which defy rational explanation were built using technology that is still beyond our comprehension. They weren't toombs, they were mineral processing plants.

Since we were already 'domesticated' we brought our 'civilization' (albeit a slaver one) with us.

Since it has ALWAYS been a belief of humanity that 'life is cheap' the chances are excellent we started off as clones and were engineered to adapt to the climate of the target planet...which is why we were ABANDONED here when the mines played out and our 'overlords' (we called 'gods') moved on.

Let me remind you, 14 BILLION years is a MIGHTY long time.

It also explains why so many don't think, it was above our service requirement.

The 'evidence' is all around you. The 'overseer's aren't any cleverer than the rest of us, they only know what they were taught and they were taught that they were 'special', better than the rest of us [which doesn't explain why they weren't taken with, but this only proves my point about their being, um, 'as stupid' as the rest of us.]

Anyway, the abandoned overseers were tasked with wiping the rest of us out and the only 'tool' there were given to achieve this task was the learned animosity we had for other clans/mines. Perpetually pitted in 'competition' with a rival mine, we were taught to hate them because they were always outperforming us. In fact, our overlords would repeatedly tell us we were the WORST miners on the planet (often 'punishing us' for our unsubstantiated failures...sound familiar?)

So it is you end up with a species that not only loathes itself but also instinctively distrusts anyone not of its clan.

Yup, that how we got humans who hate other humans...because our gods punished us for not performing as well as our 'competitors' did.

Those days are LONG over, the real enemy are those that keeps us at each other's throats.

Given that civilization is about to 'collapse' (again!) Don't you think it's time we perform a long overdue 'weeding' of our hypercompetitive genetic garden?

Perhaps after the dickwads are gone we can cobble together an educational system that will enable our young to perform to their 'true potential'.

It all starts by not 'hobbling them' with fantasies about god, money, profits and F-You, Pay me! (plus tax!) [Let's not forget 'the afterlife' where your excellent behavior in this life will be rewarded by God!]

Certain to be removed from the curriculum is the 'my genes are better than yours' BS.

There is already ample proof that our self-professed 'betters' received extra mental hobbling, which is what makes them 'special' [They had their feelings removed, making them superior thinkers that were incapable of appreciating the consequences of their actions...we call them psychopaths now but they think they are geniuses!

I know, too much for the 'feelies' to process.

It's a load for the rational mind as well, we are a race of lost souls because we have outlived our intended purpose but that does nothing to quench our drive to survive, a feature they purposefully enhanced because slaves really don't have much to live for.

Well, now we're a little bit too free and nobody has a clue what to do with all of these useless miners! [When there is no shortage of things that NEED Doing! First among those things is to unite to save our species from the feckless embedded among us!]

Then to undo the hundred thousand years worth of damage the overseer class has done. [Starting with the 'forced inequity'.]

Sounds far fetched and most of you are ignorant of most of what I point at but it's there if you look.

The results speak for themselves, my story is one of 'reverse engineering' combined with cause and effect. We (and our beliefs) didn't come from 'nowhere'.

God has left the building, can I get a hallelujah? [Slaving bastard!] I know most of you 'miss' s/he/it but you were never more than bugs to 'the almighty'.

Don't need to remind you that today is the first day of the rest of your life!

What will YOU DO with your newfound understanding?

I'm prepared to be amazed.


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