Wednesday, July 18, 2018


Greetings good citizen, Politics has replaced theater as an entertainment form mostly due to 'audience participation.' Like drama, you don't have to comprehend it to be 'emotionally invested' in the plot.

What few realize is while we watch the attention grabbing events unfold we are ignoring the bigger picture, the unsavory parts of life remain in stasis while we watch, spell-bound, to see whether or not the oaf we elected to lead us is a traitor!

[He's an idiot, isn't that enough?]

I wonder if that poor German newscaster who was nearly pissing herself laughing over Trump's moronic accusation that Germany was a 'captive' of Russia is still alive after the President of 'Stupid America' came out in a global press conference and actually said America has a 'stupid problem'...[and it's standing right here!] WTF

How many times do I have to repeat myself? The Rich are NOT like you and I! Like the stupidest among us, they (moronically) equate their wealth with intelligence!

Fits considering money is fake and what the wealthy do with money is both criminal and a travesty!

But being 'half right' doesn't even qualify as a pyrrhic victory.

Were we to backtrack to the core of our social ills we would find the assumption that riches equals intelligence IS the problem.

Why do the clueless assume that the wealthy are intelligent? Because of what Trump said! [We got a 'stupid problem']

If you believe money has value you are stupider than you think (which is something else you obviously don't know how to do!)

[There is SOMETHING stopping you from leaping out of the box and crushing the people that consistently play YOU for a chump and I'm gonna keep insulting you until you snap to and DO SOMETHING about it!]

{I double dog DARE you to ask 'what?'}

Circling back, we are so distracted by the 'drama' put on for our 'info-tainment' that we fail to recognize that the phenomenon is global. W. [who was a 2 termer, followed by Obama who was also a 2 termer] shook Putin's hand and said here is a man we can trust! Barry never cuddled up to Vlad but he never spanked him either...and we can once again assume he was just following orders, just as The President of Stupid is by embracing his Russian counterpart who [thanks to the oligarchs] has the job for life. Just like Xi, who was just recently awarded his 'silver helmet'.

See the 'trend'? No huh? Well Rump must be YOUR President too!

Sticking to the script (especially the 'fine print') where Rump plays the mea culpa card and says 'now I get it' to Russian interference in the 2016 election [but there was NO COLLUSION!] just to keep the pot bubbling while the global economy chokes to death.

Yeah, Bobo. Spanky is scoring just enough points with his 'base' to make a failure to ouster the feckless in the mid-term elections believable.

You obviously don't see that you're being 'set up' for another (epic) electoral fail.

Wait until the feckless corporate owned media starts spewing 'happy talk' about how 'effective' the Trump tariffs have been at 'revitalizing' the fake economy! [Try not to 'overthink' how profits are up BECAUSE YOU are PAYING MORE for the same shit due to the tariff!

Y'all think we MIGHT just have us a teensy 'Stupid Problem'?

How can you solve problems when you can't pay attention long enough to put a stop to them?

Get your head out of your butt!


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