Greetings good citizen, without hope we are doomed so instead of pointing at those who regularly pee in your cornflakes I wish to direct your attention to the reason nothing changes.
Ever wonder why there hasn't been a revolt?
It's because you are convinced the current shit sandwich is 'as good as it gets'.
We'd have to overcome entrenched obstacles that have proven so resistant to change as to be considered 'impossible'.
Ironically, everybody knows it is 'talk to the hand' telling us that.
The privileged that stand to lose so much by a re-shuffling of the deck protest the unfairness of taking their privileges away just to provide those who have sacrificed their comfort for them some relief.
How would THEY like it if the public came along and took everything THEY had 'worked so hard to earn'?
Again, everybody knows those who accumulate vast sums did so by manipulating the legal system. [NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH THE JUSTICE SYSTEM!]
You have (for far too long) been satisfied with the 'illusion of justice' just as you used to be content with the 'illusion of representation.'
Problem is society has changed and our politicians are NOT leaders. IF they have solutions they are keeping them to themselves [because the problems created by their campaign contributors are 'intentional'.]
Our politicians are stuck in 'Happy Days' when these are decidedly unhappy times.
Look at the current wrapped up in his never-ending campaign that he is (through his minions on faux news) crowing about the awesome economy his trillion dollar tax cuts [that only the very richest got] created while everybody else is choking on the higher prices his 'trade war' is causing.
Um, most of you don't pay attention to your own finances so when the media reports that the global economy is 247 TRILLION DOLLARS (not Euros) in the dink you just grin and drool on your shoes. It doesn't mean anything to you besides 'Geez, some moron has really let their credit cards get WAY out of hand!'
Quick, find a mirror because the 'moron' is staring back at you with incredulous eyes.
Under-paid and overpriced, how's that for 'rapacious'?
Begging the question of how long can we 'tolerate' those who don't live as we live to dictate the terms of our life?
How do we 'fix' this mess?
We can't using the corruption laden patronage system.
It starts with the badges and continues to the robes followed closely by 'the suits.' To insure a 'just' society we have to eliminate the existing halls of justice. In fact the entire justice system will be overhauled.
No cops [who cause more crime than they prevent] no judges [that wouldn't know 'fair' if it bit them on the ass!] and no more lawyers that claim to be experts in what belongs to us all.
Then we purge commerce of those who claim to 'own' it. [Paychecks ALL around!] Stockbrokers are going to have to learn to swing a paintbrush because most of the planet is in dire need of a fresh coat of paint!]
The stock markets AND the insurance industry will both be shuttered. Those who worked in Real Estate will be offered new positions with the 'relocation division' (a subsidiary of the construction guild.)
Bankers will cease to exist as will cash.
YOU won't need to borrow money because everything you need will be FREE! [Ironically the things you WANT (but don't need) will cost you. That's why you will still work for a paycheck!]
If everything is free, why 'work' at all? Answer is obvious, stuff doesn't make itself. Life as we have come to know it is the result of craftsmanship handed down across the ages. How can we 'operate' if commerce isn't profitable? Most of you have been taught that profits are dollars and cents, which is a total LIE! Profit is (and always has been) the benefit reaped by the individual, if society benefits too (by creating happy/secure people, wonderful!) MOTHER NATURE DOESN'T HAVE A CASH REGISTER!
[No such thing as chicks with dicks, just guys with tits! wake the f up!]
Debt driven society is a chimera that is on the edge of ripping itself to pieces as the feckless concentrate on stacking it as high as they can, screw the next guy!
The FIRST STEP in a successful revolt is taking on and eliminating the 'counter-revolution'. [Leaving the (in)justice system intact is why all previous revolutions have FAILED.]
Look across history, not one revolution has led us even a half a step away from where we are today!
Tyranny persists because the tyrants don't fight, they just sit back and watch. Once the fighting done and people are enjoying their 'illusion of victory' they step back into their badges and robes and the shitshow begins anew!
No cops, no judges, no lawyers, no politicians, no fake parties and no jails.
If this spells 'no justice' to you, expand your mind a tiny bit further. There will still be trials and courts but in a courthouse devoid of JUDGES the people/jury of your peers reigns supreme. The 'appeals' process is kaput. It only exists now to give the guilty a window of opportunity from which to escape justice. [Should the 'unimaginable' happen and a psychopath of privilege find itself behind bars. The appeals process provides the guilty with the time necessary for their crime to vanish from public view.]
But no more jails means no more 'escape, justice will be immediate...and final.
That said, most of the petty prohibitions that the current injustice system (uses line it's pockets [for profit prisons anyone?]) will disappear. Nobody will be exiled for possession because it will no longer be prohibited! Murder and theft (which should drop precipitously because money isn't transferable between individuals...if you steal it you'd best plan on keeping it because you CAN'T sell it! Oh and if you get caught with items not 'registered' to you, it's exile.)
No cops only means the 'clean up crew' will arrive later. Criminal investigators will still investigate 'incidents' but crime [with the elimination of cash] will be virtually non-existent. The ''uh-oh squad' don't have citation books. If their investigation leads to your doorstep it is on YOU to defend yourself. [Relax, ALL laws will be simple and straight-forward. If you did nothing you have nothing to worry about (because for profit prisons no longer exist, the motive to 'frame you' diminishes considerably.)
If you can prove a member of the criminal investigation team has a grudge against you that portion of the investigation will be barred from evidence. [Keyword is PROVE, you need SUBSTANTIAL corroboration of your claim.]
That said to keep the process as sanitary as possible, if any of the investigators can be connected in any way to the suspects they are removed from the case.
Those same omnipresent cameras that nailed you might just save you ass because facial recognition software will flag ANY interactions between an investigator and a suspect.
Nobody wants to fight a wrongful conviction so a clear understanding of how a proposed new justice system would work is crucial to a successful revolt because guess where the revolt starts?
Inside YOUR head!
If YOU don't think it's an idea worth fighting for it's NOT gonna happen.
You key opponents will be 'entrenched privilege' and those numb enough to still believe we can 'vote our way out of this...'
Because we won't have exile set up for a considerable while AFTER a revolt, most people slated for purging will face summary justice. You need to be mentally prepared for this. Failure to eliminate the feckless will result in another failed revolution and the collective 'we' don't have time for this crap!
Like I point out above, it ALL starts right here, inside YOUR head!
Ever wonder why there hasn't been a revolt?
It's because you are convinced the current shit sandwich is 'as good as it gets'.
We'd have to overcome entrenched obstacles that have proven so resistant to change as to be considered 'impossible'.
Ironically, everybody knows it is 'talk to the hand' telling us that.
The privileged that stand to lose so much by a re-shuffling of the deck protest the unfairness of taking their privileges away just to provide those who have sacrificed their comfort for them some relief.
How would THEY like it if the public came along and took everything THEY had 'worked so hard to earn'?
Again, everybody knows those who accumulate vast sums did so by manipulating the legal system. [NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH THE JUSTICE SYSTEM!]
You have (for far too long) been satisfied with the 'illusion of justice' just as you used to be content with the 'illusion of representation.'
Problem is society has changed and our politicians are NOT leaders. IF they have solutions they are keeping them to themselves [because the problems created by their campaign contributors are 'intentional'.]
Our politicians are stuck in 'Happy Days' when these are decidedly unhappy times.
Look at the current wrapped up in his never-ending campaign that he is (through his minions on faux news) crowing about the awesome economy his trillion dollar tax cuts [that only the very richest got] created while everybody else is choking on the higher prices his 'trade war' is causing.
Um, most of you don't pay attention to your own finances so when the media reports that the global economy is 247 TRILLION DOLLARS (not Euros) in the dink you just grin and drool on your shoes. It doesn't mean anything to you besides 'Geez, some moron has really let their credit cards get WAY out of hand!'
Quick, find a mirror because the 'moron' is staring back at you with incredulous eyes.
Under-paid and overpriced, how's that for 'rapacious'?
Begging the question of how long can we 'tolerate' those who don't live as we live to dictate the terms of our life?
How do we 'fix' this mess?
We can't using the corruption laden patronage system.
It starts with the badges and continues to the robes followed closely by 'the suits.' To insure a 'just' society we have to eliminate the existing halls of justice. In fact the entire justice system will be overhauled.
No cops [who cause more crime than they prevent] no judges [that wouldn't know 'fair' if it bit them on the ass!] and no more lawyers that claim to be experts in what belongs to us all.
Then we purge commerce of those who claim to 'own' it. [Paychecks ALL around!] Stockbrokers are going to have to learn to swing a paintbrush because most of the planet is in dire need of a fresh coat of paint!]
The stock markets AND the insurance industry will both be shuttered. Those who worked in Real Estate will be offered new positions with the 'relocation division' (a subsidiary of the construction guild.)
Bankers will cease to exist as will cash.
YOU won't need to borrow money because everything you need will be FREE! [Ironically the things you WANT (but don't need) will cost you. That's why you will still work for a paycheck!]
If everything is free, why 'work' at all? Answer is obvious, stuff doesn't make itself. Life as we have come to know it is the result of craftsmanship handed down across the ages. How can we 'operate' if commerce isn't profitable? Most of you have been taught that profits are dollars and cents, which is a total LIE! Profit is (and always has been) the benefit reaped by the individual, if society benefits too (by creating happy/secure people, wonderful!) MOTHER NATURE DOESN'T HAVE A CASH REGISTER!
[No such thing as chicks with dicks, just guys with tits! wake the f up!]
Debt driven society is a chimera that is on the edge of ripping itself to pieces as the feckless concentrate on stacking it as high as they can, screw the next guy!
The FIRST STEP in a successful revolt is taking on and eliminating the 'counter-revolution'. [Leaving the (in)justice system intact is why all previous revolutions have FAILED.]
Look across history, not one revolution has led us even a half a step away from where we are today!
Tyranny persists because the tyrants don't fight, they just sit back and watch. Once the fighting done and people are enjoying their 'illusion of victory' they step back into their badges and robes and the shitshow begins anew!
No cops, no judges, no lawyers, no politicians, no fake parties and no jails.
If this spells 'no justice' to you, expand your mind a tiny bit further. There will still be trials and courts but in a courthouse devoid of JUDGES the people/jury of your peers reigns supreme. The 'appeals' process is kaput. It only exists now to give the guilty a window of opportunity from which to escape justice. [Should the 'unimaginable' happen and a psychopath of privilege find itself behind bars. The appeals process provides the guilty with the time necessary for their crime to vanish from public view.]
But no more jails means no more 'escape, justice will be immediate...and final.
That said, most of the petty prohibitions that the current injustice system (uses line it's pockets [for profit prisons anyone?]) will disappear. Nobody will be exiled for possession because it will no longer be prohibited! Murder and theft (which should drop precipitously because money isn't transferable between individuals...if you steal it you'd best plan on keeping it because you CAN'T sell it! Oh and if you get caught with items not 'registered' to you, it's exile.)
No cops only means the 'clean up crew' will arrive later. Criminal investigators will still investigate 'incidents' but crime [with the elimination of cash] will be virtually non-existent. The ''uh-oh squad' don't have citation books. If their investigation leads to your doorstep it is on YOU to defend yourself. [Relax, ALL laws will be simple and straight-forward. If you did nothing you have nothing to worry about (because for profit prisons no longer exist, the motive to 'frame you' diminishes considerably.)
If you can prove a member of the criminal investigation team has a grudge against you that portion of the investigation will be barred from evidence. [Keyword is PROVE, you need SUBSTANTIAL corroboration of your claim.]
That said to keep the process as sanitary as possible, if any of the investigators can be connected in any way to the suspects they are removed from the case.
Those same omnipresent cameras that nailed you might just save you ass because facial recognition software will flag ANY interactions between an investigator and a suspect.
Nobody wants to fight a wrongful conviction so a clear understanding of how a proposed new justice system would work is crucial to a successful revolt because guess where the revolt starts?
Inside YOUR head!
If YOU don't think it's an idea worth fighting for it's NOT gonna happen.
You key opponents will be 'entrenched privilege' and those numb enough to still believe we can 'vote our way out of this...'
Because we won't have exile set up for a considerable while AFTER a revolt, most people slated for purging will face summary justice. You need to be mentally prepared for this. Failure to eliminate the feckless will result in another failed revolution and the collective 'we' don't have time for this crap!
Like I point out above, it ALL starts right here, inside YOUR head!
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