Friday, July 13, 2018


Greetings good citizen, war is nonsensical in the least and puzzling at best. Combat doesn't SOLVE anything although the theory is whoever is on the 'right' side of the issue will 'win' due to their level of commitment.

Hell of a way to 'decide' something, isn't it?

In case it hasn't occurred to anyone, the conservatives are willing to go to war in defense of their crackpot ideology [might makes right.] Just as Hella, goddess of death killed anyone that stood between her and her goal of galactic (and eventually universal) conquest [talk about my way or the highway!]

Ironic that THERE CAN BE NO PROSPERITY WITHOUT PEACE yet the conservo-whackos only want war and compliance, if the end result of war is suffering, so be it.

All so some psychopath can 'rule'...

Mind you, 'rule' is so divorced from 'lead' as to be polar opposites. The individual goals of the ruler trump the 'common good' and to a conqueror anything that strengthens a foe is patently BAD. [Like healthcare or education.]

What do people need to know except that the ruler demands constant, immediate obedience...and you don't need school to teach you to obey!

Ask a conservative 'what's it all about?' and they will be slack jaw, they don't know what to tell you because we are facing MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY writ huge! It doesn't make sense to them either. All they know is they want to be on the side that's 'winning'.

Something about the 'doctrine of hate' appeals to them.

No need to dissect this, all we need at this point in time is awareness, the mindless are on the warpath.

The conservatives have offered the simple-minded vengeance on those who sneered at their oafish incompetence.

The primary difference between a conservative and a liberal is conservatives 'feel', liberals 'reason'. What scares a liberal the most? There is NO REASON behind conservative doctrine.

We can call them stupid until the cows come home but it won't penetrate their uncomprehending mind. Bizarrely they can 'feel' our displeasure but they are incapable of 'understanding' it.

Conservatives are mentally outgunned, they can't refute a liberals argument (because they have already proven they were too stupid to grasp the point) so they 'react' (usually violently.)

This is why conservatives cling so tenaciously to God. God loves them no matter how stupid they are. In fact God loves them (and the stupider they are, the more s/he/it loves them.)

What the 'dopey' among us need to understand is there isn't ANY conversation that starts with 'Hey Stupid' that is going to end well.

While I have you here, considering why we are staring (completely irrational) war in the face, it may be a good time to revisit my case for exiling the 'sub-human' among us.

These people don't fit in and never will.

Not that scoring a 100 on a standardized IQ test puts you in the clear. Fecklessness is a 'cultivated thing' and involves fairly high degree of 'cleverness' [mechanical comprehension] that isn't linked to the ability to appreciate the consequences of one's actions.

This is why the stupid are cruel, their inability to 'reason' leaves a dangerous void in their personality. We don't call 'em psychopaths for nuthin'.

Yeah, A Simple Plan is primarily designed to expel the 'louts' from our midst.

DUMB is not a crime but CRUELTY is and cruelty for the sake of cruelty is DUMB! Only brutes relish suffering, which is why conservatives are proud to be 'HAWKS' [war-mongers]

It's all okay if you first wrap yourself in the flag! [Don't forget to thump your chest and proclaim loudly your great PATRIOTIC LOVE for this land...(but NOT its people!) [Zero irony that the profoundly stupid see no contradiction in this.]

They HATE people because of how they react to their STUPIDITY/pigheadedness. [It is NATURAL to fear that which can't be REASONED with...]

Not our fault chooch, conservatism is synonymous with stupid but so is any doctrine that is based on the 'I believe what I believe because I believe it.' philosophy. [Like religion, pure 'faith' totally devoid of any reason or logic.]

Feelings! Who'd a thunk? But remove logic and what's left...

You hurt a conservative's 'feel goods' at your own extreme peril [they've gone to war for less.]

And it is here we return to the topic at hand for a warning about the outcome of such an inevitable event.

The 'loutish' won a war of attrition with the brazenly feckless [Rome 'looted' the world by incentivising conquest] and the end result was the Dark Ages (and it's slavish devotion to an imaginary entity. An [ironically] 'merciful' God that obviously doesn't exist.)

How unfortunate for our species that an unthinking populous is easier to 'rule' than an educated one? [Note the distinction, RULE not LEAD.]

Is anybody listening?

Bueller? Anyone? Bueller?

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