Greetings good citizen, as Preznint Pussygrabber continues to embarrass the nation on the world stage we find ourselves in a 'teaching moment' were we have the very definition of self-importance displaying how a leader should NOT behave.
In fact if The Donald represents corporate USA we can see quite clearly where 'Every Owner a King' Capitalism has gone horribly wrong.
Let us rewind to the place we so easily lose sight of, the one where the resources of the planet belong to everyone/thing on this planet.
Ownership, which began as 'benign custody' (in trust if you will) quickly morphed into it's mine and if you want some you will 'pay' what I ask for it.
Seems people keep forgetting what the A stands for in 'class A' personality type.
How do we prevent the self important from seizing the reins of power?
Under the current broken system we CAN'T, those who do the 'vetting' have complete control over who gets on the ballot and even then the electoral college insures that the, er, 'self-interested's' pick wins the contest.
Does anyone else find it 'curious' the the now squirming (and constantly begging for handouts) Progressives only ran Hillary in the last presidential run-off...and SHE acted like we OWED the job to her!
Not to discount the fact that she was also obviously Wall Street's girl. Bizarre how her inability to distance herself from the hundreds of millions the former first Lady's family, er, 'came into' upon departing the White House was so odious as to be able to cover that her opponent was even worse then she was!
If you don't think 'The Donald' is a 'made thing' you are easily deluded...and gullible beyond belief.
Counterintuitive how the uber wealthy treat money like it's funny. Old money made prominent public displays their miserliness.
But the head of the most 'wasteful' organization on the planet [in it for the power, not the money (which is fake anyway.)] is himself an empty suit that does what it's told.
Read my lips: Money is a 'legal construct', as long as we can communicate the feckless will NEVER run out of it! [All we can do is render it useless.] Money = trust, why do the feckless keep forgetting that? Could it be due to the difficulty of keeping the public on the same page?
Do I need to remind you there's a war on? If I didn't bring it up it is unlikely you'd remember on your own. We're shoveling money into the pockets of mercenaries yet nobody is being held accountable...because the minute we stop shoveling money into 'The War Machine' we will have an unemployment crisis on our hands.
Did I mention we have insane people running the planet?
Somehow it is IMPOSSIBLE to convey to you how dangerous this is.
Because YOU believe there are people watching these people...and you'd be very much mistaken.
There is an alternative but you'd have to WANT TO LIVE to pursue it.
Somehow, that last seems to be another rare commodity. Too many fuckers and too few fighters.
Everybody wants to complain but nobody wants to act.
Gonna be a real funny 'pig pile' when the bottom drops out.
On the off chance some of you are paying attention, when they start rounding up the survivors, the camps will be a one way trip. Do NOT go with them unless you are on death's door.
Take a look at the Middle East and that 'war' everybody keeps forgetting about [neck-deep in heroin? How do you think the feckless are paying for it?]
They are just getting 'warmed up'. Soon you won't be able to distinguish between your backyard and downtown Damascus...As a multinational force of mercs hunts for 'redneck terrorists'.
How much you want to bet the folks over in Near East never imagined 'it would happen here'.
They didn't know they were living in the crazy white man's 'Holy Land'!
If the whole situation isn't psycho to you then ignorance truly is bliss...until it come knocking on YOUR front door to tell you that your child won't be coming home, the US military 'martyred' them for Jesus.
DO we really NEED the man-child kicking the global hornets nest? Where are the adults?
Oh, that's right, sorry world but the Republican's don't believe in government...or cooperation...or sanity.
How many of you a-holes are already stepping aside and telling anyone who will listen 'Don't blame me, I'm an independent!'
Nobody's buying it, the shit-stem is broke and nobody is stepping up to 'fix' it.
What are YOU planning on doing in 4 months? Not a lot of time, is it?
Thanks for letting me inside YOUR mind (those of you with one to open that is...)
In fact if The Donald represents corporate USA we can see quite clearly where 'Every Owner a King' Capitalism has gone horribly wrong.
Let us rewind to the place we so easily lose sight of, the one where the resources of the planet belong to everyone/thing on this planet.
Ownership, which began as 'benign custody' (in trust if you will) quickly morphed into it's mine and if you want some you will 'pay' what I ask for it.
Seems people keep forgetting what the A stands for in 'class A' personality type.
How do we prevent the self important from seizing the reins of power?
Under the current broken system we CAN'T, those who do the 'vetting' have complete control over who gets on the ballot and even then the electoral college insures that the, er, 'self-interested's' pick wins the contest.
Does anyone else find it 'curious' the the now squirming (and constantly begging for handouts) Progressives only ran Hillary in the last presidential run-off...and SHE acted like we OWED the job to her!
Not to discount the fact that she was also obviously Wall Street's girl. Bizarre how her inability to distance herself from the hundreds of millions the former first Lady's family, er, 'came into' upon departing the White House was so odious as to be able to cover that her opponent was even worse then she was!
If you don't think 'The Donald' is a 'made thing' you are easily deluded...and gullible beyond belief.
Counterintuitive how the uber wealthy treat money like it's funny. Old money made prominent public displays their miserliness.
But the head of the most 'wasteful' organization on the planet [in it for the power, not the money (which is fake anyway.)] is himself an empty suit that does what it's told.
Read my lips: Money is a 'legal construct', as long as we can communicate the feckless will NEVER run out of it! [All we can do is render it useless.] Money = trust, why do the feckless keep forgetting that? Could it be due to the difficulty of keeping the public on the same page?
Do I need to remind you there's a war on? If I didn't bring it up it is unlikely you'd remember on your own. We're shoveling money into the pockets of mercenaries yet nobody is being held accountable...because the minute we stop shoveling money into 'The War Machine' we will have an unemployment crisis on our hands.
Did I mention we have insane people running the planet?
Somehow it is IMPOSSIBLE to convey to you how dangerous this is.
Because YOU believe there are people watching these people...and you'd be very much mistaken.
There is an alternative but you'd have to WANT TO LIVE to pursue it.
Somehow, that last seems to be another rare commodity. Too many fuckers and too few fighters.
Everybody wants to complain but nobody wants to act.
Gonna be a real funny 'pig pile' when the bottom drops out.
On the off chance some of you are paying attention, when they start rounding up the survivors, the camps will be a one way trip. Do NOT go with them unless you are on death's door.
Take a look at the Middle East and that 'war' everybody keeps forgetting about [neck-deep in heroin? How do you think the feckless are paying for it?]
They are just getting 'warmed up'. Soon you won't be able to distinguish between your backyard and downtown Damascus...As a multinational force of mercs hunts for 'redneck terrorists'.
How much you want to bet the folks over in Near East never imagined 'it would happen here'.
They didn't know they were living in the crazy white man's 'Holy Land'!
If the whole situation isn't psycho to you then ignorance truly is bliss...until it come knocking on YOUR front door to tell you that your child won't be coming home, the US military 'martyred' them for Jesus.
DO we really NEED the man-child kicking the global hornets nest? Where are the adults?
Oh, that's right, sorry world but the Republican's don't believe in government...or cooperation...or sanity.
How many of you a-holes are already stepping aside and telling anyone who will listen 'Don't blame me, I'm an independent!'
Nobody's buying it, the shit-stem is broke and nobody is stepping up to 'fix' it.
What are YOU planning on doing in 4 months? Not a lot of time, is it?
Thanks for letting me inside YOUR mind (those of you with one to open that is...)
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