Greetings good citizen, today's offering will explore why the democrats no longer want to be known as the democrats...
Since El Rushbo has been trashing 'politically correct' Libruls since 1980 on AM dials across the nation [for f'n free!] and perhaps more damning is the FACT that Democrats were behind the fiasco to integrate public schools as well as efforts to lift the poor out of poverty. (sort of a hangover from the Roosevelt Era.)
Is this why no 'self-respecting' INDEPENDENT wants to be associated with the democratic ideals they were raised with? Voting to help someone else is counter-intuitive, you want to use your vote to help YOU!
Isn't that why you renounced the Democrats in the first place?
YOU want to vote for YOU and the Republicans have been singing that song for decades...(cept they aren't on YOUR side and never will be.)
Isn't that the primary malfunction of electoral politics? That you are perpetually being asked to support somebody else's agenda leaving the issues YOU care about unaddressed? (In perpetuity it seems.)
Where's your party and the people who care about what you care about?
[You aren't alone.]
The 'hey look over here crowd!' knows you're dissatisfied with a process that only occasionally brings minor relief from the fears that keep you awake at night.
The problem [as always] is you think the process does one thing but it actually does the exact OPPOSITE! [Politicians keep you 'charging at windmills' and away from the real issues affecting your the runaway expense picture!]
THE ONLY way to fix this is to wipe out the existing process [it's permanently stuck on 'this is how we do it' mode and we can't have that.]
Because 'how we do it' is why nothing EVER gets done. Trash that and the people 'responsible for insuring that the system doesn't work' is a crucial step towards restoring liberty. {I know it's a hassle but PLEASE look up the definition of Liberty so you'll understand what's really going on!}
It's like having a battery and you only have the Negative pole to work with...since energy flows from positive TO negative, everything positive gets sucked up by the pole and all that's left is the negative.
This is not a miracle, it is a simple fact of are working with the wrong pole/system. It's needs to be pointed the other way!
You TRIED going to the receiving side of things but you got a hand stuck in your were even told that you don't belong there.
Bewildered and frustrated you returned.
Ya know, it gets a bit tedious drawing the same picture over and over again, knowing you'll be shocked to read the same answer for the bazillionth ain't gonna change until YOU change it!
If I tell you 'just say no' for some bizarre reason you fail to comprehend WHAT you're supposed to be refusing when the answer is THE WHOLE THING!
Perhaps it would help if I spelled it out for you.
Let's start with refusing to PAY [your money is for YOU and YOU alone!] You don't owe any of these jokers anything and MOTHER NATURE doesn't have a fn' cash register! Next you refuse to work for wages you can't live on. [Economics 101, you can't maintain value if only wages are controlled!] Price controls, rejected by Nixon let the economy overheat disastrously! We had decades of inflation as prices drove wages to unrealistic levels as they will soon start doing again with numbnuts 'trade war'. It has eroded purchasing power to next to nil, most of you would be shocked to see how much 'value' the US dollar has lost since 1972 and the abandonment of the gold standard.]
Anyone care to hazard a guess as to what's going to happen to food prices when they don't have buyers for their over-production? [USA's number 1 Export, it 'subsidized' the cheaper there!] It's also why numbnuts thinks he's going to 'win' the trade war when only the OWNERS (of what belongs to us all) will win the artificially high profits the tariffs produce for THEM!
A trillion dollar tax cut and tariffs! Double Yahtzee!
THose with more than they can spend will really be rolling in it now and laughing their asses off over how STUPID we all are...and that's the other thing I want you to 'refuse', say no to being a CHUMP!
What do you mean you can't?
Afraid is NOT an excuse.
So it ends once fortunate for our rulers that their followers are incapable of thinking?
Thanks for nuthin.
Um, it's NEVER about YOU, it's ALWAYS about US and until we hand 'Lucky' their 'walking papers' we won't end the 'Us vs Them' divide that is tearing civilization apart.
Our ancestors tried to ignore the inequality issue by pretending it was 'divine provenance' when it was really unbridled greed. It's time to stop the lie and unite, all races and both genders. The 'confused' are a category of their own with no significance to the course of humanity. They are incapable of contributing to the future genepool.
If you gleaned that my original point was people who distance themselves from the democratic party are 'racist' you'd be correct but it's not the whole issue. The frustration with the repeated failure of electoral politics to produce positive outcomes is the real issue that has driven people away from the (faux) democratic party.
If you hate people that much go kill yourself! [Then you'll finally be rid of the person making you miserable.]
Since El Rushbo has been trashing 'politically correct' Libruls since 1980 on AM dials across the nation [for f'n free!] and perhaps more damning is the FACT that Democrats were behind the fiasco to integrate public schools as well as efforts to lift the poor out of poverty. (sort of a hangover from the Roosevelt Era.)
Is this why no 'self-respecting' INDEPENDENT wants to be associated with the democratic ideals they were raised with? Voting to help someone else is counter-intuitive, you want to use your vote to help YOU!
Isn't that why you renounced the Democrats in the first place?
YOU want to vote for YOU and the Republicans have been singing that song for decades...(cept they aren't on YOUR side and never will be.)
Isn't that the primary malfunction of electoral politics? That you are perpetually being asked to support somebody else's agenda leaving the issues YOU care about unaddressed? (In perpetuity it seems.)
Where's your party and the people who care about what you care about?
[You aren't alone.]
The 'hey look over here crowd!' knows you're dissatisfied with a process that only occasionally brings minor relief from the fears that keep you awake at night.
The problem [as always] is you think the process does one thing but it actually does the exact OPPOSITE! [Politicians keep you 'charging at windmills' and away from the real issues affecting your the runaway expense picture!]
THE ONLY way to fix this is to wipe out the existing process [it's permanently stuck on 'this is how we do it' mode and we can't have that.]
Because 'how we do it' is why nothing EVER gets done. Trash that and the people 'responsible for insuring that the system doesn't work' is a crucial step towards restoring liberty. {I know it's a hassle but PLEASE look up the definition of Liberty so you'll understand what's really going on!}
It's like having a battery and you only have the Negative pole to work with...since energy flows from positive TO negative, everything positive gets sucked up by the pole and all that's left is the negative.
This is not a miracle, it is a simple fact of are working with the wrong pole/system. It's needs to be pointed the other way!
You TRIED going to the receiving side of things but you got a hand stuck in your were even told that you don't belong there.
Bewildered and frustrated you returned.
Ya know, it gets a bit tedious drawing the same picture over and over again, knowing you'll be shocked to read the same answer for the bazillionth ain't gonna change until YOU change it!
If I tell you 'just say no' for some bizarre reason you fail to comprehend WHAT you're supposed to be refusing when the answer is THE WHOLE THING!
Perhaps it would help if I spelled it out for you.
Let's start with refusing to PAY [your money is for YOU and YOU alone!] You don't owe any of these jokers anything and MOTHER NATURE doesn't have a fn' cash register! Next you refuse to work for wages you can't live on. [Economics 101, you can't maintain value if only wages are controlled!] Price controls, rejected by Nixon let the economy overheat disastrously! We had decades of inflation as prices drove wages to unrealistic levels as they will soon start doing again with numbnuts 'trade war'. It has eroded purchasing power to next to nil, most of you would be shocked to see how much 'value' the US dollar has lost since 1972 and the abandonment of the gold standard.]
Anyone care to hazard a guess as to what's going to happen to food prices when they don't have buyers for their over-production? [USA's number 1 Export, it 'subsidized' the cheaper there!] It's also why numbnuts thinks he's going to 'win' the trade war when only the OWNERS (of what belongs to us all) will win the artificially high profits the tariffs produce for THEM!
A trillion dollar tax cut and tariffs! Double Yahtzee!
THose with more than they can spend will really be rolling in it now and laughing their asses off over how STUPID we all are...and that's the other thing I want you to 'refuse', say no to being a CHUMP!
What do you mean you can't?
Afraid is NOT an excuse.
So it ends once fortunate for our rulers that their followers are incapable of thinking?
Thanks for nuthin.
Um, it's NEVER about YOU, it's ALWAYS about US and until we hand 'Lucky' their 'walking papers' we won't end the 'Us vs Them' divide that is tearing civilization apart.
Our ancestors tried to ignore the inequality issue by pretending it was 'divine provenance' when it was really unbridled greed. It's time to stop the lie and unite, all races and both genders. The 'confused' are a category of their own with no significance to the course of humanity. They are incapable of contributing to the future genepool.
If you gleaned that my original point was people who distance themselves from the democratic party are 'racist' you'd be correct but it's not the whole issue. The frustration with the repeated failure of electoral politics to produce positive outcomes is the real issue that has driven people away from the (faux) democratic party.
If you hate people that much go kill yourself! [Then you'll finally be rid of the person making you miserable.]
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