Saturday, July 7, 2018


Greetings good citizen, anger is difficult to control and [note to self] we must keep it in check if we are to succeed. My past few posts were angrier than they needed to be but frustration builds and the next thing you know you've lost sight of the goal.

I'm sure some of you have been wondering if these posts even have a point [besides venting on anyone willing to listen.]

So it is we 'rewind' once more to the driving force behind 'why does Gegner blog?'

I started this mission of changing hearts and minds because I saw the suffering the hijacked electoral process was causing society-wide.

Alex Jones carved out a following spouting baseless conspiracy theories. He calls them criminals but he sure doesn't seem interested in exposing them or bringing any of them to justice. He just wants to convince the convincible that the fiasco unfolding before our eyes isn't 'reckless republicans' but criminals that overtook the weakened republican party and installed their own people to run the country the way they think it should be run.

Mind you these forces of evil are 'liberals' (because they think for themselves), making them 'out of synch' with the rest of us.

Divide & Conquer is the oldest trick in the book yet so few recognize it in action.

The path I'm on is to reunite that which has been torn asunder by those who want you all at each other's throats for things most of you could care less about.

While the feckless would like you to believe there are 'criminals' in charge of the justice system we actually have an entirely different situation on our hands. Remember what happened when the adults went out for the evening and left the eldest in charge?

Well, the adults died when the went out that night and our clueless elder siblings were left to fend for themselves far longer than anyone expected.

{I'm using comparisons here good citizen, open your mind if you are able}

Well, didn't some of those left in charge form a cult that believed the adults were merely sidetracked, that they'd be coming back after all and they'd expect to find things just the way they left them!

They considered themselves 'the conservators' of the adult's legacy. [For it was long past the time when the adults would have died of natural causes.]

They do what they do because this is the way we've always done things...(except it's not.) Over the vast stretches of time they have made 'improvements' to the methods they were originally taught.

So what we're living now is nothing like how things were when the adults, er, abandoned us.

14 BILLION years is a long time, while we all imagine we are the beginning of sentient life in the universe we would be wiser to consider that we are more likely the 'remnant' of a once mighty pan-galactic society. [That has strip mined this part of the galaxy, which is why we were left behind.]

Considering our 'war-like' nature, is it really that difficult to wrap your mind around the idea that we probably ALMOST succeeded in wiping ourselves out (more than once) and have completely forgotten our origins from elsewhere in the cosmos just a few hundred thousand years ago.

The 'evidence' is all around us. The pyramids that marked the mines span the globe.

Not only were we considered 'expendable' but they left behind instructions with the law enforcement types to 'tidy up the worksite' as they were leaving.

So it is those who claw their way towards power are merely trying to carry out those final orders (so their parents can return to them...and they can resume being kids.)

I didn't say it made sense but it's not hard to conceive things following roughly along that path.

If we embrace the camp that acknowledges we are on our own we would be able to wrest control of the resources of this planet before it's too late. [Too late to escape, in case you're wondering.]

Already dangerously over populated, we need to 'manage' what's left instead of squandering it upon 'the glamorous life' for the feckless few that have already over played their feeble hand.

Once we STAND UP TO THE THEM there will be a general sense of shock over learning there were so few of them...

You've been led to believe they number more than fifty percent when the truth is they number less than five.

Problem is they are holding ALL of the microphones.

AND they have turned WAR into a business...

[More than a little disturbing when commercial USA is bending over backwards for the nation's 'men in uniform'.] Sure it's all propaganda and truth is most vets are homeless thanks to their inability to market their skill at murdering innocent civilians in the lands they were sent to invade.]

War is NOT a business model and MURDER is a crime!

Yet our politicians don't want to be viewed as 'weak' on the military.

I don't need to explain to the rational what's WRONG with this situation.

If you want it to stop, go to the polls this November and BURN THEM TO THE GROUND!

There isn't a candidate on either side of the artificial divide willing to admit the military industrial complex even exists. Because of this nobody is reining in a reckless military that has turned war into business model and the danger this presents to the concept of civilization around the planet.

Seems nobody wants to live in a country that can't protect them. Do YOU?

Nor does a single candidate run on ending the GWOT and the immediate repeal of the loathsome Patriot Act.


It is obvious that 'Spirit in the Sky' isn't going to 'deliver is from evil' so that leaves the job to you and me.

Survival is tough enough without the unthinking ripping the rest of us off.

United WE stand (and prosper, not just 'A FEW' but ALL of us!)

If not for your future, think of the children.

You were lied to, time to stop the lies.

Thanks for stopping by and opening your mind,


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