Sunday, July 22, 2018

Lunatics vs. Heretics

Greetings good citizen, the 'public square' [a wholly owned subsidiary of corporate U.S.A.] continues to announce the strong support Preznint Pussygrabber enjoys among 'the faithful' [while ignoring the fact that church attendance is dropping faster than can be his 80% approval rating could very well be among 10 evangelicals.

Ironically, once upon a time, back when there was a king on the throne and church attendance was mandatory (they even specified which one!) [Worse, this was the case for hundreds of years.] If you didn't show up in church you'd best be on your deathbed because you risked being tried as a heretic if somebody noticed you weren't among the 'faithful'.

And if somebody had a hard-on for you they just waited for the day you didn't turn up! Then the wrong word was sure to go into the right ear!

While church attendance is down for pretty much the same reason political participation is down, the poor destitute can't afford either.

If you go to church these days you make the trip on the weekday that the food bank is open.

That said, Today's top story is about the young and idealistic that have yet to come to terms with the fact the system is bulletproof, it doesn't work 'as advertised' and that's not a malfunction, that's the way it was DESIGNED!

You can't get ten people to agree on one kind of pizza, what makes you think you can get 500 [or even 251] to agree on the direction of an entire country?

Worse, with society literally falling apart at the seams, the only questions you be asked to deliberate is which restrooms the transgendered will use. Everything else is either handled by political appointees or kicked back down to the state legislature [where it is ignored completely due to lack of funding.]


Nope, the 'formula' remains unchanged. Revolt, PURGE and then Reform.

Wish there were a shortcut but there isn't. You'd like to believe the feckless would want things to work equitably, being human like us (or so we're told...)

It is here I will remind you that assholes aren't born, they're made.

Let this be the 'cautionary tale' of whose knee you let your children park at. [It also makes a strong case for removing child-rearing from the general populace because prejudices, like hatred, are learned things taught to us by our parents (or their parents!)

Like many 'myths' these too are perpetuated by the feeble minded.

The idea that your 'representative' will decide for you (and mind you most of the things you encounter in your everyday life are beyond the purview of our elected lawmakers, not by accident but BY DESIGN!)

Beginning to see the problem? We have nuclear armed lunatics manipulating the commercial markets to enrich themselves.

How do we stop the banksters from burying us?

We CAN'T. [How many of you have said a prayer of thanks recently that (all) money is funny?]

Do any of you have any clue what the interest payments are on $247 TRILLION? [Considering more than 50% of outstanding debt today consists of loans made to refinance old debt...]

Perhaps if I point at the percentage of that debt which was created by credit cards...

Is there no way to end the 'gross mismanagement?'

How do YOU spell 'r-e-l-i-e-f'? REVOLT!

NOTHING will change (for the better) until the system is destroyed.

This perpetual helplessness is not an accident, it is the 'desired effect'.

If you are unwilling to fight asking you not to 'collaborate' is the least you can do.

The supporters of tyranny will pay the price.

Thanks for opening your mind and heeding the warning for it is almost upon us.


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