Greeting good citizen, today's original title was to be Kings but I switched it to rulers to better focus your attention on the issue at hand.
What issue is that?
How many rulers (kings) are too many?
Considering we have almost 200 independent nations on the planet. [Your first, best indication of, er, 'trouble'.] You'll find humans in the most inhospitable parts of the planet as they fled civilization seeking 'Liberty'.
It's only due to the confines of a single planet that there are not seven BILLION nation-states so 'independance minded' is the typical human. Although that's not quite it, what drives people away from living in harmony with each other is our incessant judging of others.
In this it seems we can't help ourselves [of course our inability to acknowledge this trait in ourselves goes a long ways toward explaining why we would rather run than fight.]
Nobody wants to hear 'you do it too!' because we know this is true...
I was going to ask a rhetorical question but (Unsurprisingly) I wasn't able to think of a social structure that didn't have a pecking order.
Hell, even A Simple Plan embraces a pecking order driven by rewarding proven achievement but organizations all have a 'top' and a bottom so why are we picking on 'rulers'? Aren't they a 'natural' part of any social structure?
In this humans once again prove themselves 'unique'. While we are 'herd animals' (and tribal like nobody's business), nowhere in nature will you find a more 'industrious' creature [except insects, they will literally work themselves to death, zero irony that our bosses honestly believe this is the right thing to do...]
We are the ONLY creature [we know of] that displays the habits of both and the ONLY creature in existence that is fully aware of its existence.
So how many 'rulers' would you say are too many now?
The correct answer is one. [Meaning we should have ZERO Rulers who are by default, 'tyrants'.]
Humanity doesn't need 'rulers', it needs leaders...and there is a world of difference between the two. Ruler's believe they are born to it, that telling others what to do and how to do it is their 'divine right'...
Nobody is surprised that we have almost 200 autonomous nations considering the 'ruler' mindset.
Worse, rulers also make themselves leaders [even when they suck at it like Preznint Pussygrabber!]
One of the peculiar problems that come with fake democracies; the people doing the choosing are looking for 'stage presence' more so than the ability to think or solve problems...and Donny's personal life show us he's a terrible decision maker and even less of a problem solver.
That mouth of his has dug a lot of holes that his ass can't cover.
But I digress (unforgivably so.)
It is today's intent to point out that we should be united under a single leader with a vision for all humanity (yeah, that includes you Ladies!)
Actually under A Simple Plan leadership consists of the 'top three' competitors [forming a leadership triad] to provide more stable leadership and to insure against fatal myopia that is threatening the current 'debt driven' model.
No rulers, leaders and our leaders are prohibited from legislating!
Rulers make laws, hence the title. Humanity is sentient and must 'agree' to the terms of society. My way or the highway is how we got to this terrible place! [The brink of extinction in case you're slow on the uptake...]
When you reach the age where you are old enough to make your own decisions you will be given the opportunity to sign humanities laws, indicating you agree to abide by them and are therefore rewarded with 'the benefits of civil society'. [Teachers will encourage the young to rebel, living in peace IS A CHOICE THAT MUST BE MADE WILLINGLY! (This too will be explained, hopefully at *Mommy/Daddy's knee.)
Chances are 21 will remain the 'legal age of majority' [as humans will no longer be drafted to fight one another in useless, senseless wars.] As all adults know, getting from 18 to 21 without, er, 'unintentionally' taking on the obligations of adulthood is a major feat unto itself but thanks to centuries of RULE by the FECKLESS we now have to take serious measures to rein in population growth.
The abandonment of the 'for profit' educational model will allow for higher learning to be taught at a younger age. Colleges will still exist but most career training will be conducted on the shop floor where you will learn practical, hands on methodology.
Since overpopulation will result in 'work sharing', the workday/week will be reduced to half of the current 8/40 hour shift. College will be 'free' AND you will have ample time to enrich your mind!
The more keenly you appreciate the needs of society, the better you will do in the tests! (for leadership)]
Did I mention that A Simple Plan was holistic? Yup, snaps together like lego blocks!
Naturally life isn't that 'neat' but this is probably as close as were going to get if we are ever to be united and venture out into space to find our long dead ancestors.
[Oh yeah, considering what they left behind here they were goners long before they sailed off to strip mine the universe! Especially with that 'Our Father who art in Heaven' malarkey! (now there's a smokin hole in the ground if there ever was one!)]
Humanity need LEADERS, not RULERS, we are NOT 'animals' we are human beings!
Thanks once again for stopping by and opening your mind,
* Parenthood will be granted on an individual basis with preference being given to 'loving partners.' Marriage will no longer be a requirement and the State may take over the task of providing 'A loving home' in the absence of a natural, nurturing environment.
Single parenthood is not prohibited but would be considered 'limiting' on the child's understanding of human dynamics.
We are NOT alone.
While it is EVERYONE'S 'right' to procreate, it may not be in the 'best interests' of society (or you for that matter) to have/let YOU raise that offspring.
Assholes aren't born, they're 'raised'.
What issue is that?
How many rulers (kings) are too many?
Considering we have almost 200 independent nations on the planet. [Your first, best indication of, er, 'trouble'.] You'll find humans in the most inhospitable parts of the planet as they fled civilization seeking 'Liberty'.
It's only due to the confines of a single planet that there are not seven BILLION nation-states so 'independance minded' is the typical human. Although that's not quite it, what drives people away from living in harmony with each other is our incessant judging of others.
In this it seems we can't help ourselves [of course our inability to acknowledge this trait in ourselves goes a long ways toward explaining why we would rather run than fight.]
Nobody wants to hear 'you do it too!' because we know this is true...
I was going to ask a rhetorical question but (Unsurprisingly) I wasn't able to think of a social structure that didn't have a pecking order.
Hell, even A Simple Plan embraces a pecking order driven by rewarding proven achievement but organizations all have a 'top' and a bottom so why are we picking on 'rulers'? Aren't they a 'natural' part of any social structure?
In this humans once again prove themselves 'unique'. While we are 'herd animals' (and tribal like nobody's business), nowhere in nature will you find a more 'industrious' creature [except insects, they will literally work themselves to death, zero irony that our bosses honestly believe this is the right thing to do...]
We are the ONLY creature [we know of] that displays the habits of both and the ONLY creature in existence that is fully aware of its existence.
So how many 'rulers' would you say are too many now?
The correct answer is one. [Meaning we should have ZERO Rulers who are by default, 'tyrants'.]
Humanity doesn't need 'rulers', it needs leaders...and there is a world of difference between the two. Ruler's believe they are born to it, that telling others what to do and how to do it is their 'divine right'...
Nobody is surprised that we have almost 200 autonomous nations considering the 'ruler' mindset.
Worse, rulers also make themselves leaders [even when they suck at it like Preznint Pussygrabber!]
One of the peculiar problems that come with fake democracies; the people doing the choosing are looking for 'stage presence' more so than the ability to think or solve problems...and Donny's personal life show us he's a terrible decision maker and even less of a problem solver.
That mouth of his has dug a lot of holes that his ass can't cover.
But I digress (unforgivably so.)
It is today's intent to point out that we should be united under a single leader with a vision for all humanity (yeah, that includes you Ladies!)
Actually under A Simple Plan leadership consists of the 'top three' competitors [forming a leadership triad] to provide more stable leadership and to insure against fatal myopia that is threatening the current 'debt driven' model.
No rulers, leaders and our leaders are prohibited from legislating!
Rulers make laws, hence the title. Humanity is sentient and must 'agree' to the terms of society. My way or the highway is how we got to this terrible place! [The brink of extinction in case you're slow on the uptake...]
When you reach the age where you are old enough to make your own decisions you will be given the opportunity to sign humanities laws, indicating you agree to abide by them and are therefore rewarded with 'the benefits of civil society'. [Teachers will encourage the young to rebel, living in peace IS A CHOICE THAT MUST BE MADE WILLINGLY! (This too will be explained, hopefully at *Mommy/Daddy's knee.)
Chances are 21 will remain the 'legal age of majority' [as humans will no longer be drafted to fight one another in useless, senseless wars.] As all adults know, getting from 18 to 21 without, er, 'unintentionally' taking on the obligations of adulthood is a major feat unto itself but thanks to centuries of RULE by the FECKLESS we now have to take serious measures to rein in population growth.
The abandonment of the 'for profit' educational model will allow for higher learning to be taught at a younger age. Colleges will still exist but most career training will be conducted on the shop floor where you will learn practical, hands on methodology.
Since overpopulation will result in 'work sharing', the workday/week will be reduced to half of the current 8/40 hour shift. College will be 'free' AND you will have ample time to enrich your mind!
The more keenly you appreciate the needs of society, the better you will do in the tests! (for leadership)]
Did I mention that A Simple Plan was holistic? Yup, snaps together like lego blocks!
Naturally life isn't that 'neat' but this is probably as close as were going to get if we are ever to be united and venture out into space to find our long dead ancestors.
[Oh yeah, considering what they left behind here they were goners long before they sailed off to strip mine the universe! Especially with that 'Our Father who art in Heaven' malarkey! (now there's a smokin hole in the ground if there ever was one!)]
Humanity need LEADERS, not RULERS, we are NOT 'animals' we are human beings!
Thanks once again for stopping by and opening your mind,
* Parenthood will be granted on an individual basis with preference being given to 'loving partners.' Marriage will no longer be a requirement and the State may take over the task of providing 'A loving home' in the absence of a natural, nurturing environment.
Single parenthood is not prohibited but would be considered 'limiting' on the child's understanding of human dynamics.
We are NOT alone.
While it is EVERYONE'S 'right' to procreate, it may not be in the 'best interests' of society (or you for that matter) to have/let YOU raise that offspring.
Assholes aren't born, they're 'raised'.
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