Monday, October 31, 2016

Follow the bouncing ball...

Greetings good citizen, we're a week away from election day and never have we been in such a terrible situation.

Many of you are wondering [not for nothing] How did we get here?

The religious among you have secretly been praying because the, 'logical explanation' for our 'rudderless' civilization is this must be what 'God's Wrath' looks like.

Um, how tragic is it that the truth is even more frightening? That what we're 'witnessing' is the end result of following the self-interested down the garden path to our doom?

In the back of your mind you KNOW what we are experiencing is PRECISELY what would happen if we let CRIMINALS run our civilization.

Look at our 'For Profit' legal system. Most of us have never had to 'seek justice' but we know someone who has so we all know how EXPENSIVE 'pursuing justice' is.

But that's part & parcel with a 'For Profit' legal system. If you can't PAY, right wrong or indifferent, you don't get your 'day'.

In fact good citizen, in case you hadn't noticed [and A LOT OF YOU haven't] much of what is 'screwed up' in our society is caused by the 'if it can't be done 'profitably', it can't be done' capitalist morality.

Now, I've been preaching the truth about the 'prime driver' of capitalism, the FACT that ALL 'money' is FUNNY!

But this falls on deaf ears BECAUSE you all know how difficult life is WITHOUT MONEY!

If we were to return to our 'agrarian roots' [become farmers that grew our own food...but suffered without Doctors or medicine because growing food and tending livestock are truly 'full time jobs'...especially with homemade tools!] Money would be useless.

But we aren't there anymore.

Ironically, we are only a few steps removed from that place and the item that made this possible [money] has already been used by the CRIMINALS among us to enslave the rest.

While those 'overseeing' that this doesn't happen sit there with their hands out, clucking their tongues at the SHAME of it all.

Worse, most of you have taken 'the path of least resistance' and what I've shared here is already taxing your mental capacity.

"If I just shut up and do what I'm told they pay me on [fill-in-the-blank] and I get to come back and do it again tomorrow."

It's all you know and for some of you it's more than you WANT TO KNOW!

It's like a mirage, don't look at it too closely or it disppears...and you don't want it to disappear because you've seen how your parents struggled when their 'money tree' dried up and blew away.

Well, if you're up to it, follow me 'off the reservation' [to the place where your mind makes sense of things and stuff is explained instead of you're being told 'because I said so'.]

Top of the list causing civilization to 'collapse' is 'over population'. The Church [pretty much ALL of them] preaches the doctrine of 'go forth and multiply' [largely because not too frightfully long ago, life was a lot deadlier than it is today. [Not that we're not returning there quicker than your feeble mind can imagine...but I digress.]

BETWEEN 'over population and automation' we have too many workers [we're not all rocket scientists] and too few 'jobs' meaning ways to 'contribute' to society.

How do we 'fix' this problem? Well, it's only a problem if you don't OWN the automated machines and the markets where people 'buy' what they need.

A [relative] handful of RICH people make all of the money due to this 'ownership' phenomenon. They explain their 'good fortune' as being 'the will of God' when the truth is much less 'benign'.

One need not scratch the surface too deeply to reveal that all of these people are 'connected' to the law-making process and the whole edifice is part of a 'quid pro quo' arrangement between the conspirators.

These people are still in control of the 'law' and they also know if they ever lose control they will die most horribly.

SO, if we were to bring these fiends to justice and wipe the slate clean [exile every one of them.] We would be able to provide jobs that pay 'a living wage' for ALL of us.

Why is that? if the processes are 'automated' why 'work' at all?

Because mankind is a 'social' creature, we need to 'belong' to society and our 'work' is how we contribute to the 'greater good'. Not EVERYTHING is automated and there is most definitely no lack of 'things that need doing'. [And they aren't going to do themselves!]

Um one of the 'pillars of civilization' is equality...and people DEEPLY RESENT not being treated 'fairly'.

[A large part of today's simmering cauldron is resentment against the 'idle rich' who pretend their very existence is reason enough to warrant respect.]

Worse, both candidates for President are card carrying members of the 'Idle Rich' making the choice between Bad and Just as Bad.

Basically no choice at all.

But those running the 'injustice system' know if they ever lose control they will perish quickly for their multiple misdeeds.

So, if 'some of us' have to work, all of us have to work...and there is a certain comfort drawn from that.

Better, NOBODY starts at the either of our presidential candidates. EVERYBODY Starts at the bottom and works their way up. [Justice and Equity are both 'key' in establishing 'a stable civilization'...factors 'the self-interested' could care less about.]

Allow me to digress a moment and explain how we can turn the existing 'job market' into one that provides employment for everyone.

If we reduce the work week from forty to twenty we'd all starve to death...but if we make housing and transportation 'gimmes' we'd reduce expenses enough so people could live on the reduced pay!

I don't usually bring this up BUT people like me think this sort of thing is 'obvious' while the rest of you are thunderstruck!

I DON'T need to 'own' a home, all I need is the use of one! Same thing with personal vehicles...don't need to 'own' one, we could ALL get by using the 'zipcar' model.

People are pigs but with certain legislation we could correct that problem as well.

Which is to point out that we could be living in 'utopia' if we managed our affairs better...and boredom could be the greatest obstacle we'd need to defeat.

Even some criminals admit to doing what they do out of 'boredom'.

It may never be 'a perfect world' but we could come a lot closer than where we are now.

A few 'tweaks' and things could be quickly turned around, globally.

A 'better world' isn't radically removed from what we have now, all we need to do is kick the criminals to the curb and we're on our way!

Considerably 'happier' than most posts but I'm at my best offering solutions rather than pointing to problems.

It's only 'difficult' if you make it that way!

If the solutions seem 'simplistic' it's because they are! Why do you think I chose the title A Simple Plan...because it IS SIMPLE!

The only people who aren't going to like it is the ones that get a one way trip to a desolate, arid plain to live out the rest of their days.

Don't weep good citizen, they had more than their share while they screwed you out of yours!

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Sunday, October 30, 2016

The End of the World

Greetings good citizen, part of the feckless media's seemingly endless campaign to prevent you from focusing on the here and now [and thereby potentially interfering with the machinations of 'History's Actors'] are enumerating all of the many potential ways human domination of this planet might abruptly end.

What should concern you good citizen is the 'preservation' of this planet's ability to sustain life [instead of making a few so rich they have no clue what to do with it all!]

This 'fatal myopia' effects our entire species and is exemplified in our 'obsession' with the 'afterlife'.

You'll 'behave' here or spend 'ETERNITY' in the 'land of the damned'...left to your imagination being how that imaginary place would differ from here? Can it get worse than this? Truth be told, it's hard to imagine...or should we say, it's ONLY worse in your imagination. For reasons unexplained, we can always 'imagine' worse!

The reality of the situation is usually more tolerable.

Perhaps the single most frightening thing about eternity is the 'monotony'. The same old, same old without any 'end' in sight.

Burn, freeze, it doesn't matter because the 'unending nature' of it is the 'worst part'.

But I digress, our 'concern' here is not 'damnation' [whatever that's supposed to be?]

Our concern is how the privileged few may have drank too much of their own Kool Aid while their feckless parents trained them to 'live for today' and let technology take care of tomorrow...because yes, good citizen, the feckless few figure if they put mankind's gonads firmly enough in a vise, mankind will think of a way to liberate itself [so powerful is our 'urge' to procreate!]

Because this is precisely the thinking of every other 'extinct' [sentient] species. It's a variety of 'self-delusion' that ultimately leads to a 'much deserved' extinction level event. [Either through hubris or neglect]

So it is that our 'clueless media' actually enjoys 'torturing' the nervous nellies among us by slowly ticking off even the -more far fetched ideas of how humanity would 'expire' and the world wouldn't mourn our passing. [The bit on all-out thermo-nuclear war is chock full of 'disinformation']

But, considering the 'larger problems' facing our species [over population and a 'spank us like a red headed step child energy situation, in case you had 'momentarily' lost sight of 'what is important'...cuz of all that 'distraction' being flung in your face. You know, the 'end of the world in 10 scarily real scenarios' Fox news is pedaling as part of their Halloween programing]

Is it 'serendipity' to have Halloween fall around the same time as the 'elections'? The ever so 'prudent' Protestant founders wouldn't have wanted to 'sacrifice' any 'good weather' for such a frivolous undertaking as that exercise in self-delusion we all know as 'democracy'. They can all go hang themselves once the harvest was in for all they cared.

That's why you trudge to the polls in the freezing cold.

It's also why the intelligent among us seldom bother, it's not worth catching pneumonia for.

Um, before 'Morning in America' the, er, 'employer class' was largely all in as to providing a paid day off every year so their workers could 'participate' in their 'patriotic duty'. But since Morning in America, employers have stopped paying their employees to vote, arguably due to reasons of 'competitiveness'.

Which once again begs the question of 'what are they trying to tell us?

SHOULD WE be reading anything into this?

Of course we should, that the 'self-interested' are leading us down the 'garden path' to what will eventually be our doom if you don't wake up and act to put a stop to their feckless malfeasance.

We're talking 'real extinction' here, not the pie in the sky News Corp is selling on it's too numerous [for profit] 'content outlets.

The elections are only days away and there is much more at stake than most of you realize...but we'll cross that bridge when it presents itself.

While we can. If they 'block' the internet, you're 'on your own' information-wise.

Thanks for sharing what could be the last 'outside source' of information you may have!


Saturday, October 29, 2016

If I were running things...

Greetings good citizen, it's sort of a default 'intellectual game' that we 'all' play at least once, the game where we imagine what the world would be like if WE were 'in charge'.

99% of us pass out before getting beyond the first 'law of the land'...the one declaring the bars would remain open 24/7 and at least YOUR drinks would be 'on the house'! [With the occasional 'free round' thrown in every couple of hours to keep the 'peasants' happy!

Nobody is gonna say 'down with King you!'

Part A.) of everybody's 'fantasy world' is your people would be 'happy' and you'd make their problems 'go away' without ever hearing or acting to change a single one.

Outrageous? Of course not, it's YOUR fantasy!

Other people's fantasy kingdoms are a wee smidge darker than that but by and large the first order of business is declaring yourself 'Good King'.

[In fantasy land it's your way or the highway!]

In YOUR fantasy nobody [can or had better...the oh-oh squad is just a finger snap away] present a problem that doesn't simply melt out of existence upon announcement.

Truth be told, most fantasies don't get much further than the party you throw to celebrate your imaginary coronation.

The 'problem of the moment' (whatever spurs your infrequent visists to the fantasy world where YOU are King) is generally solved in twenty seconds; usually with a mental 'I'd bomb the shit out of 'em' and then it's back to reality.

Most of us don't spend a lot of time sporting a crown and making royal proclaimations.

The imaginary crown usually turns up when we visit 'our castle'...and if anything is out of place [that you weren't personally responsible for] you seriously consider having the offender drawn and quartered but, being the 'merciful king' that you are, you usually relent in the end.

Besides, you never want to make the Eleven O'clock news as the headlining story 'Man/Woman sought in connection with a brutal disembowelment...'

In the 'real world you know you aren't the king so waving your sceptre around is merely liable to poke someone's eye out!

The question most of us never face in our fantasies is the reality check of 'would ANYBODY [besides yourself] want to live in a world where YOU are the 'soveriegn'?'

If we asked that differently and put YOU in the position of being a...well, let's call the job 'serf' for lack of a better title...

Would YOU want to live in somebody else's fantasy kingdom?

Short answer, HELL NO!

Then I've got some bad news for you.

Good news, 'somebody else' doesn't know you exist...bad news, you MUST DO everything in your power to make sure it STAYS THAT WAY!

Um, part of the reason this 'civilization' is as screwed up as it is can be directly attributed to people not spending ENOUGH time considering the kind of world they 'should be' living in.

Call it a 'failure to imagine'.

Since no one is asked for input, we 'accept' the outcomes that are handed to us.

You will never find the question 'what would make your life better?' on the ballot and most assuredly, the royals NEVER asked [or asked the right people if they ever did inquire...]


The beginning of this, 'error' is the only people who get a 'better world' are the ones who already have everything they want...

If YOU need 'relief' [remember, The Terror is never far from their minds, what CAUSED The Terror? THEIR ADVISORS!

The clueless royals asked the people that handled their 'public affairs' why are thhe people rioting? and the shiftless minions, that had been skimming the funds for themselves shrugged and acted clueless themselves.

Which brings us full circle to 'if you want the job done right...'

Some things CAN'T BE 'DELEGATED'.

[But I preacheth to the chior.]

Things are NEVER going to get better for you because the people in charge of keeping YOU pacified are taking what they are given for you and putting it in their own pocket.

When the time comes, guess who is screaming 'Up the Revolution' the loudest?

Like you need to ask.

Honestly good citizen, would you live in a world run by somebody that didn't give a crap about you?

Of course why do you put up with this nonsense?

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Friday, October 28, 2016

Battle Stations?

Greetings good citizen, as the media juggernaut struggles to bring the most recent 'stolen election' in for a 'soft landing' they themselves are raising the prospects of 'valid revolution'.

The 'idea' of overthrowing the government is omni-present and been with us since the first 'head-man' decided HE was giving the orders around here and you'd listen to him 'or else' [if you didn't want your skull crushed.]

Well, the new 'Head-man' wears pantsuits but the song remains the same, you'll shut up and dance [if you don't want your skull crushed!]

Okay, back in the day the old headman would do the deed himself but our modern 'rulers' delegate the unpleasantries to their minions who specialize is such things...[and a crushed skull is still crushed regardless of who does the deed.]

Here we are tempted to tackle the callous henchmen who crush dissent simply because they were told to, people who are commonly referred to as 'part of the problem' unfortunate that it's a mighty BIG part?

But that is NOT today's 'theme'.

Revolts, more often than not, are as inexplicable as 'spontaneous combustion'...once the 'circumstances' are right, they just happen.

If you start adding up the 'pieces', I suspect we're there. [How many incidents add up to Ka-boom? = pieces]

Um, one of the unpredictable factors when it comes to violent political upheaval is they require 'more than oxygen' to maintain 'momentum'. Someone needs to feed the dissidents weapons & ammo or it all ends a bloodbath for the poorly armed/prepared side.

So when there are 'upsets' we have to be vigilant because those who would finish the job started under 'Morning in America' are not beyond 'staging' a hostile takeover. [Remember, the 'real revolt' took place back in 1980 without a single shot ever being fired!]

What our feckless media doesn't point out is the sheer number of people that got their 'walking papers' courtesy of the Nixon Administration's 'alliance' with the ruthless capitalists.

With their 'rag-tag' forces pulling off a lop-sided victory against clownishly inept and severely mismanaged 'government forces'.

Isn't that the 'lesson' Star Wars preaches? Isn't that the lesson the US revolution teaches?

At the time the British army was considered the 'best in the world' [but we also know what 'opinions' are like]...and in both cases we had too few troops covering too much territory, a sure recipe for defeat and the primary reason wars 'end' in peace treaty's...because without 'peace' it is impossible to 'hold captured ground.'

The non-military mind has a very, er, 'unrealistic' idea of war.

A few 'determined individuals' can wreak a lot of havoc, killing a large number of people before a countervailing force can be brought to bear [a force large enough to subdue them. This is witnessed repeatedly in modern 'terrorist' attacks.]

I am , er, 'aggitating' for a STRIKE right after election day but that will be moot if 'History's actors' decide to head off the strike with a 'staged revolt'.

A STRIKE is society wide an hits ALL TARGETS, a (staged) revolt will be political and be focused on symbolic targets like 'campaign headquarters' and claim (meaningless) victims like high ranking aides in the 'enemy' party.

What will the US look like once it ruled by a single [allegedly evangelical] Republican Party?

Perhaps the most puzzling part of this revolt will be how The Donald WON'T be installed as the revolutionarie's 'new leader'.

If the Donald has half a brain, he'll run just as fast and as far as his private jet will take him...but I suspect it is already too late for that.

Because the 'military defeat' of the now 'non-existant' Democrats leaves us where, good citizen?

Thought this past election was a 'one note song' wait until next time...when the [faux] 'patriotic fervor' makes you want to hurl but you won't DARE because people who express their disdain for the false allegiance will be dealt with severely by the 'senseless mob'...which could be much more accurately described as 'compliance squads' sent out to persecute [read torture to death] ANYONE not downright 'enthusiastic' about the 'takeover'.

Welcome to hell, good citizen.

Left to your imagination is what will we do now that there are no moves left to make?

No courts, no civil authority [they stand in the way of 'free enterprise' [that only the well-connected can own, which under no circumstances means YOU.]

What are you going to 'do' now?

Are you going to continue reporting to your meaningless job that will suddenly REALLY not pay you enough to live on or will you stop work in protest of the loss of your 'freedom of choice'.

What choice will you have?

History's actors haven't thought that far ahead, their 'play' is that a 'reasonable number' of 'sheeple' will submit to the "New Deal" and those who don't will be 'eliminated'. [And we all thought Stalin was dead!]

The man is but his 'legacy' lives on...within the IGNORANCE OF THE FREEDOM LOVING RETARDS!

Which is to point out, good citizen that it really should bother you much more than it does that you live in a world where the 'truly stupid' hold positions of authority over you.

Wake-up, wake up! There are FLAMES all around YOU!

Only YOU have the power to put them out and restore 'rationality' to a civilization that has been taken hostage by the criminally insane.

But we all know what opinions are like, don't we?

You have been warned!


Thursday, October 27, 2016

Ask NOT!

Greetings good citizen, often we lose sight of the big picture when we focus on the million little things that should 'never be'.

Well, what was the message President Kennedy was trying to convey all those many years ago?

'Ask not' has it precisely BACKWARDS!

You should, first and foremost, DEMAND that the nation YOU CALL HOME IS A PLACE WORTH LIVING IN!

For millions of us 'Home' is A.) some relatives house B.) an abandoned building or C.) a shelter they throw you out of every morning hoping against hope YOU DON'T COME BACK!

The speech SHOULD HAVE GONE Ask not what YOU can DO for your country, ASK WHAT YOUR COUNTRY CAN DO FOR YOU!

Well, good citizen, the only ones who routinely ask that question happen to be the One Percent.

The 'legal system' in this country upholds the right of the privileged to sell YOU what already belongs to you and it also enforces their 'right' to pay you less than you need to live [in the name of 'profitability'.]

Is a country only 'great' if it allows you to put other people's nuts in a vise? Because that's the bottom line of today's interpretation of the 'Ask Not' speech.

What CAN you 'do for your country?'

J.F.K. was asking our youth to die for their country [to stop the 'spread of communism'. Funny how that worked out, isn't it? Who is out there trying to put the brakes on unbridled, predatory Capitalism around the globe? Sure ain't OUR politicians!]

Isn't THAT what YOUR COUNTRY SHOULD BE 'DOING FOR YOU?' [Instead of holding you down while the capitalists take turns raping you?]

WHAT GOOD is a nation that can't provide you with a job that allows you to live with dignity and set aside some money to enjoy on personal luxuries?


It's no good to YOU [and definitely no good to those you love!]

So what good is a country with 'nothing to offer'?

Because the snappy response of the unthinking few is 'if you don't like it here, LEAVE!'

However they are dumbfounded if you ask them to explain their bizarre demand.

Let us enumerate the 'blessings' of being a 'blind, loving citizen' bestows upon us, shall we?

Is it our national 'pride & joy, our 'freedom to vote' [for who will make decisions in our name without EVER consulting us?]

Look at the 'choice' we're being, er, 'invited' to make in two short weeks good citizen and then ask yourself if it gets any better than this?

How about our 'freedom' to pay and pay [usually everything we've got] for a roof over our heads and food in our stomachs? [Let's not forget the wheels under our backside, without those you can't get to the job that doesn't pay you enough to live on!]

Did I miss anything?

Oh yeah, our 'freedom to worship as we choose'!

A real biggie because there are still places on the planet where if you don't observe the 'official religion' you are invited to a stoning...yours!

So there's that!

Oh, and one last one...HERE we get to COMPLAIN! That one is HUGE [despite all of the 'nervous nellies' calling you names so the ones we're complaning about don't think they're 'complainers' too. [Welcome to the land of the chickenshit!]

I saved the best of last, we have the absolute freedom to FEAR.

Yup, we live in a nation that lives in perpetual fear of pretty much everything.

[Example: I'm watching Fox's Science channel...(two terms that definitely don't go together but what are you going to do in an 'anything goes' society like ours?) and they were shitting their pants over the possibility of an 'alien invasion'! Like we don't have enough on our plate already!]

I'm not going to make a list of the DOWNSIDE of living under a predatory economic system because you know what that's like all too well.

So, returning to the 'theme at hand', don't you think its time we started asking the RIGHT QUESTIONS?


Should be a lot more than the two crappy choices we're getting on November 9th!

Ask NOT what your country can do for YOU?

Isn't it time we ask Why?

Isn't that what the occupy movement tried to do? [Trillions in student debt and for what? A nation that can't provide our children with a's not worth it!

Consider THAT while you're pondering how much longer you're even going to have the 'right to vote!'

Should scare the pants off you that the dirty rotten pricks are building robots and drones...

Not a pretty picture good citizen but somebody's gotta keep their eye on the ball!

Anyway, thanks for lending me your mind for a few, hopefully we'll both 'profit from the experience!'


Wednesday, October 26, 2016

That impending sense of doom...

Greetings good citizen, there is no 'optimism' to be had anywhere in this place we call 'home'. In fact, most of us wish we lived someplace else as the ship bearing our dreams sank shortly after 'Morning in America.'

You have to be DREAMING, good citizen to believe the nonsense they shovel out for general consumption during what has become the perpetual campaign season.

Hillary won't be through moving her furniture back into the White House before it will be time to hit the campaign trail again.

It's what 'modern politicians' do.

It's not about 'law enforcement', it isn't even about 'law-making' [although the fund-raising part does touch a little on what a legislator does in exchange for money.]

Hard to believe this is how 'the public' let's its affairs be handled...but wait! WE DON'T HAVE A CHOICE!

Um, time for some 'rhetorical questions', good citizen. You already know the answer to these questions but you don't think about them very often because you have come to terms with the fact there is NOTHING 'YOU' can DO about them.

Dwelling on stuff you're powerless to change only makes you 'depressed'.

So question number one is 'do you know what despair is? Sure you do, it's that feeling of 'hopelessness' that accompanies situations you have no power to the election!

Yes siree! Surely you know 'despair' and how the hopelessness that closely accompanies despair makes people 'desperate'!

Like links in a chain, desperate people [usually people that aren't given a choice/alternative] commit desperate acts.

Not that YOU'RE about to do anything, perish the thought!

How many of you are still trying to puzzle out what, precisely, The Donald means by 'again'?

The ONLY people who harbor the misguided belief that America was EVER 'great' are either filthy rich or they DON'T LIVE HERE!

As I pointed out yesterday, this may well be the 'last' stolen election you will be forced to vote in...funny thing about monarchs, you don't have to vote for them much less 'like' them.

All you need to is EXACTLY what they say...or what the Royal that is in your face at the moment says because royals can have you killed just for looking upon them.

Yeah, we all think politicians are bad but royals are, hands down, worse.

[No, this isn't an attemtp to 'cheer you up', it's a warning as to what's coming...again.]

Naturally what would a post from me be if I didn't digress from my original point and have to change/correct my course?

My intent with this post is to impress upon you, the 'voting public' what's at stake.

You can ACT [and I DON'T MEAN VOTE, I mean FIGHT!] and take the CHANCE you might die...or you can sit there with your hands in your lap AND DIE ANYWAY!

One of the puzzles of the Holocast is why didn't the Jews 'fight back?' [Well, hat tip to historical inaccuracies, SOME OF THEM DID!] But, by and large, many COULDN'T. Prevented from fleeing, they were simply rounded up and exterminated, the whole time PRAYING somebody, somewhere would come to their senses and put a stop to the genocide.

Took the 'rest of the world' ten years but eventually the genocide ended.

Left to your feeble imagination is the question of WHO would save US from a genocidal maniac?

Worse, do you think we'll be heading to the polls four years from now? We might be but it will be under very different circumstances and I [perhaps mistakenly] believe most of you don't appreciate what's at stake.

Either way you have enough on your plate to digest until next time and speaking of time, it's time to make the donuts!

[figuratively speaking...I'm a fair cook but I leave the baking to my better half.]

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Tuesday, October 25, 2016


Greetings good citizen, it's two weeks until Election Day and, as predicted, it seems we are on the cusp of inaugurating our first female president.

Let me be perfectly clear, I have zero issues with a female being president although I do have a HUGE problem with THAT female being HANDED the Oval Office.

Not because I believe she will be 'bad for the nation' (the POTUS is a figurehead that is pretty much powerless) but because She [her administration] will be used to set mankind back a thousand years!

Um, railing against the snowjob that is the electoral process in this nation/world is useless. The wealthy control the media and the media 'coronates' the wealthy's 'sock-puppets' [as well as advising the rest of us via Public Service Announcements what the 'overlords' intentions are.]

No amount of kvetching can/will change that.

The 'reality check' provided by the 2016 election cycle is 'the jig is up', the public will no longer accept being 'railroaded' [whether we 'strike' or not!]


1.) THE DEMOCRATS ONLY FIELDED ONE CANDIDATE ]AND SHE HAS BEHAVED AS IF HER PRESIDENCY WAS A 'FOREGONE CONCLUSION' FROM THE START. She didn't 'campaign', she didn't announce what issues she was running on, she merely showed us she wasn't her ONLY OPPONENT!


If that ain't a WTF moment, nothing is. [Nevermind the front running REPUBLICAN is running on a DEMOCRATIC campaign platform of promising to protect the workers...again WTF?!!!]

When the [count 'em TWO] political parties in this nation end up 'switching polarity' just put a fork in her baby because THAT BITCH IS DONE!

The 'parties' no longer represent what they were established to and the self-interested think we're 'too stupid' to see the difference!

Well, good citizen, is that true? ARE YOU TOO STUPID to remember what the differences are between the Democrats and the Republicans?

Personally I think the problem is 'frustration' and a society can only function rationally for just so long when it is (repeatedly) frustrated.

Now, are those who continue/repeatedly thwart our efforts to right our nation/society prepared to knock the legs out from under us?

You bet they are...[and they've been doing it for centuries using that all purpose silly putty substitute we call 'money'.]

What you need to learn how to do is translate 'weasel speak'...We can't afford it really means 'I don't wanna' [cuz I can't make money at it...and that's how STUPID THEY ARE! (in case you were laboring under the delusion that you were being duped by evil geniuses...nope, they're actually dumber than you!)]

Repeat after me, Mother Nature [the source of ALL resources] DOESN'T HAVE A CASH REGISTER!

So what is this 'we can't afford it' BS?

No, good citizen, the real chutzpah here is making billions live 'hand to mouth' so they will remain 'too intimidated' to fight for what rightfully belongs to THEM!

[Did I mention our civilization is seriously mis-managed?]

Seriously, too many idiots! [in charge no less!]

Now, we can never 'mis-under-estimate' STUPID [the guy that made that word famous is A.) still alive and B.) a former POTUS which speaks damnable volumes regarding what we will and will not 'put up with'...] So it's all fine and well to sit here and point to the facts on the ground today only to find ourselves right where we are again four years from now [albeit in a very much 'changed' can take THAT to the bank!]

Just remember good citizen, if you do not become the change you want to see, change will be inflicted upon you [as it has been upon all that have come before you.]

Sort of a twist on 'Eat or be eaten'.

Think about it, Winter is coming!

Thank you for letting me inside your head,


Monday, October 24, 2016

In the beginning...

Greetings good citizen, in as much as Monday is the 'start' of the week [for traditional workers, but they are in the 'minority' these days] we have to ask ourselves (oddly) where IS 'The Beginning?'

No, I don't mean Genesis, the first book of the bible with all of it's 'Let there be light' and there was light and [like he needed to] then God announced 'it was good'.

A LOT comes after that and the 'beginning' we are seeking [rhetorically at least] is right after that, when everything turned to shit.

Some say it all went south after he played in the dust and 'blew life' into his initial 'supreme creation' while others opine everything was cool until 'Adam' got lonely.

But you know the Bible is a work of fiction, initially created to 'justify' [to the 'superstitious peasants'] why Bobo got to be king and they didn't?

You can't claim the 'will of God' without first creating God.

Not everybody was fooled by this 'fabrication' and as a result many were 'put to death' for questioning...period.

All of Christianity/religion is based upon this very real 'believe or Die'...and they got it from the earlier 'deities' that were used to justify the elevation of a certain group of individuals over the rest of us.

How ironic that these days you are still expected to 'believe' the fiction that YOUR VOTE counts!

Fortunately, disbelief isn't accompanied by death anymore, a little 'ridicule' but at least they don't kill you. {For now that is, we are NEVER very far from the 'bad old days' when the loop was...and will be once again, 'self-justifying'.}

Shift mental gears with me as we climb further up the ladder of progress to examine some deeply engrained but still false beliefs regarding those who place themselves above the rest of us.

While the rest of us are taught that 'God is Love', those raised with the knowledge that God is a 'useful fiction' know Love Stinks and the ONLY love worth anything is SELF-LOVE!

All of that 'sacrifices made here will yeild paradise there! Mumbo jumbo are intended to make you yearn for death...which our betters are only too happy to deliver if you fail to do as they demand.

UNDERSTAND we (as a civilization) are vectoring towards a 'system of commerce' that exists not to serve 'mankind' but THE OWNERS OF COMMERCE!

As we rush towards yet another 'stolen (by the media) election' [Government oversight is the last thing our self- professed betters desire, so the whole election process is 'staged' from start to finish, even the 'parties' are fake!]

We are again frustrated by our apparent 'inability' to effect 'real change'.

Who among you believes this is just 'bad luck' or, as the media would have you believe, 'poor choices'?

No, it is because 'our betters' don't give a crap about you or how you will live, all they care about is themselves...and increasingly they are growing worried about a recurrence of 'The Terror'! [Which is what 'The Global War on Terror' is REALLY ABOUT!]

THEY understand they are creating the same circumstances the foolish rulers of France carelessly ignored and this time they aren't ignoring them.

The widespread poverty and neglect are no accident, it is 'by design'.

Their purpose? To wear you down.

As 'the (privileged) few' gain a larger share for themselves, [the benefits of globalization which is more accurately termed 'the global consolidation of market share'] while the rest of us have become accustomed to tightening our belts and taking it on the chin.

UNDERSTAND good citizen, there is no lack of things that need doing, therefore no 'need' for the widespread poverty and IGNORANCE that is being FORCED upon us!

Yes good citizen, this IS 'THEIR FAULT!'

Who is that I'm referring to?

Why it's the very same people who created THE FICTION OF GOD to 'justify' their right to rule!

Was that a 'BOING?'

Don't shake your head no, you know it was!

Damn it! We'll have to cut this one short too or the whole thing will meltdown...and it's already next to useless!

I'd tell you to try not to think but I don't have to, you do that naturally.

Just try to stay calm and we'll continue this tomorrow.


Sunday, October 23, 2016

God on the side...

Greetings good citizen, as previously alluded to the 'Supreme Being is never far removed from the plans others make for us.

Like carpenters trained to 'join' wood [as they did before nails came along] the 'god tool' is still used LIBERALLY by CONSERVATIVES to craft public policy with.

Of course these days you need a program to sort the god fearing conservatives from the war-mongering liberals whose only 'common ground' appears to be what we used to refer to as 'perversion'.

Isn't it amazing what a motivated media can do?

Yet another 'by-product of 'Morning in America!' homosexuality has gone 'mainstream'.

Which is somewhat misleading. Most of us never cared who was doing who so long as they kept it to themselves...and didn't practice their 'unnatural fixations' on the innocent [under the guise of helping them 'explore other possibilities', once taken innocence can NEVER be restored...and it does terrible things to the already confused.

Again, it's one hell of a choice to make FOR somebody else.

But I digress, where were we? God and how he (in this case the pronoun fits despite there being no evidence god even has a sexual orientation) is behind our modern "it's okay if you're a Republican" media orientation.

History's actors were 'ushered in' by the god fearing conservo-whackos...something the media refuses to acknowledge much less point to.

Abolished with the 'Dark Ages' is the idea we need to protect children from their 'unnatural urges', instead they are encouraged to explore and accept whatever 'urges' may come along.

Which is to point out that a society without limits is a very dangerous thing indeed.

Because it's fraught with 'it's okay EXCEPT when its when isn't it? Nobody knows.

It's a 'you'll know it when you see' it sort of thing.

Oh, PS, by the way, why do I mention the 'Republican revolution' and the, er, 'introduction' of 'History's Actors', ironically it also 'coincides' with Gay Rights taking center-stage.

So it has come to pass, good citizen, that what used to be considered 'preversion' is now a matter of 'personal preference...and what used to be ubiquitous [male public urination] can get your name placed on a 'sex offender list' for 'indecent exposure' even if nobody saw nuthin!

But we are talking about Conservo-Whackos here, aren't we?

Now if we 'back up two and turn left' we would find ourselves where God has [repeatedly, so we're told] 'pulled the plug' on mankind.

Um, I've already 'offended' some of you but it's not my 'purpose' to make you love me. I strive to defend 'normal thinking' and all that I describe above is about as 'far removed' from 'normal' as it gets and those leading the charge to 'normalize' perversion are getting precisely what they want; a public too confused to intelligently engage in intellectual debate or capable of making rational decisions.

We wouldn't be involved in half of whats going on these days IF THE AVERAGE CITIZEN HAD A FREAKIN' CLUE WHERE THE GOAL POSTS WERE!

But you don't! So you wouldn't say shit if you had a mouthful because YOU FEAR OFFENDING SOMEBODY!


I'm fond of pointing out [saying] that people have an 'inner sense' of 'right and wrong' but those who don't want you to consider what they're really up to have called this 'in-born' capacity into question, condemning you for being 'bigoted' and rejecting what you personally don't prefer OUT OF SELFISHNESS...without ever coming out and admitting that for TIME OUT OF MIND what they're defending is considered PERVERSION!

Admittedly, a pervert is a 'matter of perspective' and there is nothing specifically 'wrong' with two members of the same gender sharing what they can't find elsewhere. We have even come to consider this part of the 'beauty of love'. It's ability to reach beyond both ugliness and sexual incompatibility and 'nourish the souls of two living beings regardless of how 'different' they might be.

So put that in your pipe and smoke it those of you that have branded me a narrow minded bigot for not respecting the reality that 'love is where you find it'.

The question, good citizen, is whether or not YOU are capable of determining what is LOVE and what is perversion?

[and it always has been.]

Ironically this has much more to do with politics than I can explain, but if you don't know it's no use trying to explain it.

Thanks once again for sharing your mind with me on this fine New England Sunday!


Saturday, October 22, 2016


Greetings good citizen, As usual I surfed the net for a while before stopping to write this for the purpose of keeping these articles 'relevant'. Today I observed that advertising driven media is...psychotic (for lack of a better word.)

Most of us 'block' the more obvious attempts made by advertisers to get us to 'buy' but the assault on your senses remains.

Now, the pragmatic among us will say advertising is advertising and the makers of these ads have a 'right' [bordering on an 'obligation'] to promote their products.

But where does product promotion end and mayhem begin?

I just watched an ad for Hefty [brand] products using children behaving like drunken adults [including the 'by-line' Party Harder as if this sort of behavior was 'acceptable'.]

Now, as adults, we understand the 'allusion' here is the product is 'Tough' but instead of 'saying' that they instead show a bunch of 6 year-olds acting like drunk adults at a frat party!

Again, the question returns to the 'purpose' of the ad which is to be 'eye-catching' and the message, 'where are the f'n adults?' which begs the question of how old are the MORONS making this tripe?

Is Madison Avenue now hiring 10 year-olds? [More succinctly, using them in 'focus groups'?]

I understand, it's just an ad for pete's sake, get over myself!

What are YOU going to do when that same ad is presented to you as 'evidence' our society has 'gone off the deep end' so it's time for 'the adults' to step in and take over?

Because that's the 'real' message here, good citizen.

Repeat until it sinks in... where are the 'adults'?

Not for nothing I'm sure you all have been watching TV and asking yourself, who writes this crap, twelve-year-olds? [understand, I'm being 'kind' calling them 12 year-olds...half of this junk looks like it was written in crayon for an audience of their peers!]

Let's back up another 'half step' shall we? If they don't 'treat you like adults' how long will it be before 'our betters' decide we all need a time out and we're made to sit in the corner while they 'straighten things out'.

We can already see what THEY'VE done to this world, our collective failure to unite against them is a pretty damning indictment against us and our apparent inability to manage on our own.

Make NO MISTAKE ABOUT IT, when the time comes [sooner than you'd expect] that is PRECISELY what is going to happen.

We are going to 'rise up' and THEY are going to shout TOO LATE!

HOPEFULLY the ensuing 'blood-bath' will be incredible because if you do as you've been 'conditioned to do', we're ALL Dead.

You will hopefully consider my warning but I have to admit, I sound 'crazy' to me too.

Ironically, that is the whole point.

If you can't wrap your head around it well, its been nice knowing you!

There is no 'comfort' knowing the self-professed 'adults' are now back in control, they are the ones responsible for this mess!

Duped again! [It would be funny if it weren't so pathetically easy. Ever look up the phrase 'trusting to a fault'? Were you shocked to find a mirror next to the definition?

Did [do] you get it?

Que, sera, sera amigo!

Until next time, thank you for letting me inside your head...why do I want to apologize for not being able to save you?

It isn't my fault. The ONLY person that can save you IS YOU!



Friday, October 21, 2016

Confrontation [mis-management personified]

Greetings good citizen, the controversy surrounding the 'legitimacy' of (allegedly) 'democratic processes' is coming to a head.

Under A Simple Plan we would go from voting for legislators to voting on the law itself...but this leaves us with the same quandry surrounding the 'legitimacy' of the voting process, especially to those who feel the law is 'unjust'.

I have included a 'safeguard' to minimize what specifically can be put to the public for a vote but there still exists the potential for chicanery in ANY electoral process.

I believe this is an improvement over the existing process because our 'leaders' [who are now actually managers instead of legislators] will have their lawmaking ability removed from them.

So I point to exhibit A, the people only vote on legislation itself, [The laws they are actually expected to live under] thereby removing the 'corrupting influence' of empty campaign promises and legislation so watered down as to be ineffective.

The 'safeguard I allude to is the first law of the land, the human anti-exploitation law. All 'proposed legislation must first pass muster under the Human Anti-exploitation law...if it can't then it doesn't get put to a vote, it's that simple.

Considering 99% of what gets proposed by our current 'sock puppet' legislators CAN'T pass this simple 'sniff-test', we wouldn't find ourselves running to the polls every other day to vote on new and largely unnecessary legislation.

Which is to point out if you wanted to 'decriminalize' marijuana, it would be legal already! [With the 'prison population dropping proportionally!]

So what if we're 'attacked'? Don't our 'leaders' need to vote on those situations?

It is the 'argument' the champions of the unjust will fall back on but do we get to vote to go to war? Can't point to a SINGLE INCIDENT of the public of ANY NATION 'voting to go to war' so why would we start now?

Secondary to that is the 'necessity' of war. It accomplishes nothing and 'the public' would be better served by the assassination of the responsible parties, surgical strikes as opposed to full scale invasions that sap the strength of the nation by unnecessarily crippling a generation over nothing!

Why send an army when a single, well-placed bullet is all it takes?

Did I mention our civilization is SEVERELY MIS-MANAGED?

Really makes you wonder what are they actually thinking/acting upon?

But no, better the 'Devil you know' [nevermind the 'pomp and grandeur' of military might on the march...not that anybody 'marches' anymore.]

We need technicians, NOT Soldiers who kill because that's what they're told they must people who could care less.

Is THAT who you want 'managing' your affairs, is that who you want looking after the world YOU and YOURS must live in?

Because if it's what you WANT then you're certified batshit loco!

There's nothing 'sensible' about that position...there isn't anything 'desireable' about it either...the only thing our current system has going for it is 'familiarity'...and that's never a 'good thing'.

Just imagine the paradise we would live in if the effort our mis-guided leaders put into 'exterminating enemies we never knew existed' were instead put into infrastucture upgrades and energy efficiency?

The 'usurpers' have spent TRILLIONS on the Global War on Terror...and we still don't have A FREAKING CLUE what VICTORY Looks like never mind when it will 'END'?

It won't be over as long as a single 'terroroist' still draws breathe.

Don't look now good citizen but the One Percent has just declared WAR on THE REST OF US!

If you aren't one of THEM, YOU'RE A TERRORIST! [Because everyone that isn't richer than Crosius is a THREAT!]

Never mind that you don't CARE about their zillions! The fact that you can live without them only makes YOU that much more suspect, especially when it comes to crunch time...a time when you need what they have and they need it too.

You've already 'lost' the economic battle, you can't 'outbid' them.

Voila! Instant 'terrorist'!

You are laboring under the intentional 'mis-conception' that you need to wear a turban to be considered a 'terrorist' but one needn't be a 'camel jockey' to come into direct conflict with those who have placed themselves above the rest of us.

Doesn't anybody remember Mitt Romney's speech where we all learned how the One Percent DESPISES the rest of us?

Nope, can't remember back that far? It was the speech that cost him the election [not that he was doing that well in the first place, it cost him the nomination.]

Seriously, if you believe all of this 'pent up animosity' is just going to go away then you're in for a shock.

People DO remember ol' Mitt putting HALF the nation on notice...probably not such a brilliant idea since 1% is an exaggration at best, it's more like a tenth of that.

There's GOING TO BE, er, 'turmoil' on Nov 9th, REGARDLESS!

My proposal [go on strike] is the ONLY non-violent way to resolve the situation BUT make no mistake about it, those currently in power will NOT turn over the reins without first doing everything in their considerable power to 'poison the well'.


How unfortunate for those of us working for a better world the purges will be 'two-edged' because 'loyalty' means NOTHING to these people.

Ironically your ONLY 'tell-tale' of who is winning will be the Human Anti-Exploitation Law...if that isn't the leading peice of legislation, it's the same old exploiters trying to yank your, 'again?'

Especially if they don't start with letting YOU vote directly on the laws or too many votes go against the will of the majority...or if the laws brought up for a vote don't pass muster with the Human Anti-Exploitation Law.

Or if the retards declare 'war' on anyone or as has been their fashion of late, any 'thing'/idea!

If they declare 'war on stupidity', that's your cue to burn everything in place and shoot anything sporting a badge of any kind!

Um, understand good citizen, what has gone before WILL NOT GO ON MUCH LONGER.

The 'facade of self-rule' is broken and must be replaced. The choices [should you choose to act/choose] are 'direct democracy' where control of the law is placed beyond the reach of the 'self-interested' of totalitarianism, where our self-professed 'betters' will continue to butter their bread liberally with YOUR SWEAT and let you duke it out for what few crumbs fall to the floor.

In yet another 'IMPORTANT POINT' that always conspire to land at the bottom of the post, you need to understand that the NUMBER of uber wealthy, just like the population itself continues to grow 'exponentially' with each generation and now we have arrived at a nexus where too many are getting hit with the 'distaff freeze out' and open war among the 'dispossessed' is eminent.

THE ONLY SOLUTION for this is totalitarianism...where you'll labor for free under the boot-heel of the uber-privileged.

So the 'stakes' are higher than they appear 'on the surface'.

I don't know about the rest of you but I feel bad enough being forced to raise 'wage slaves' in a world that increasingly doesn't need them. The realization that their continued survival may hinge on their willingness to become actual slaves makes my blood boil!

We DO NOT have to sit still for this...but NONE OF US can do it alone. Worse, those who would trade their children's 'freedom' for YOUR CHILDREN'S misery don't deserve the benefits of civil society.

Again, too much to absorb on a sight you visit for your 'entertainment'. I'm not looking to tickle your funny bone, I'm looking for fighters who will help me save mankind from the self-interested among us.

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Make a choice while you still can! Not for my sake but YOURS!

Thursday, October 20, 2016

WTF! [part 121]

Greetings good citizen, now that the 'debates' are over the push is on [by Wall Street's Darlings] to 'regain control' of Congress.

Which is to add that I found an e-mail from Bernie in my spam folder this morning asking me to donate toward a fund that would be aimed at the democrats re-taking control of Congress.

After the 'stunt' he pulled at the Democratic convention he should know he's 'dead to me' [not that I made any effort to notify him of this but it's a 'logic thing'. Stab me 'between the cheeks' and LEAVE ME FOR DEAD' and [big surprise] I'm not YOUR friend anymore!

Which is to put Bernie 'on notice' that he'll be joining Hillary and the rest of the 'self-serving' that only claim to serve the rest of us on their 'long walk into the wilderness'...sort of an 'up close and personal' episode of Naked & Afraid.

[Did I mention that exile includes being stripped of ALL the 'benefits' of civil society? Well, most people don't give it much thought but clothes (along with ANYTHING ELSE 'manufactured') are included in those 'benefits'.

Anyone that is exiled will be, er, 'deprived' of all 'manufactured' goods.] We will NOT go through the trouble of retreiving anything 'surgically implanted' unless the X-ray shows it has 'weapons potential', then we'll cut it out and not use anesthesia! [So consider carefully before you decide 'the rules' don't apply to YOU.]

Now we return to the issue of 'mean' and how it relates to 'evil'. Well, if you don't 'appreciate' the benefits of civil society [display a casual disregard for the rules WE ALL agree to live by] then you don't deserve to benefit from the fruits of someone else's labor, surrendered by them in exchange for the other 'benefits' of civil society.

Who said Quid Pro Quo was a bad thing? Membership in a tribe is by definition a Quid Pro Quo contract.

Besides, 'releiving' the exiled of their communally made togs only 'temporarily' deprives them of clothing. Once they are 'on their own' they can make replacements...if they are so inclined. [IF 'time and opportunity' permit...]

But I digress.

Who are these people and why would I be interested in helping them CONTINUE TO SILENCE the will of the majority of the people on this planet?

Did you see last night's 'debate'?

I haven't watched any of them but I did watch a 'boiled down' version on MSN after the fact and what I saw wasn't particularly, er, 'encouraging'.

ABSENT from the beginning of the whole f'n campaign is the plight of the millions of 'working poor'...they didn't make a special 'guest appearance' in this 'last debate' either.

So problem number one facing the US [never mind the entire 'working class'!] is COMPLETELY MISSING from the nation's 'political dialog'.

How am I doing so far?

Number TWO issue facing the nation: What do we do about 'predatory capitalism'? You won't find a One Percenter who will admit [much less say] those two words in the same sentence, let alone admit it is a widespread and growing 'problem'.

Will either party EVER admit to 'global warming', much less commit to a plan of action that will minimize its effects?

Not at the rate they're going!

Um, I could be here all day but I believe I've made my point, there are HUNDREDS [if not thousands] of 'pressing issues' facing our species, [not the least of which being senseless, unending war!] and NOT ONE OF THEM merited a mention in last night's 'presidential debate'.

But it seems we have accepted the idea that we get 'the government we deserve'.

Left unanswered is 'What do we do to change this?'

The answer definitely isn't 'nothing' or it can't be changed. The idiots that got us here are MORTAL, which by definition means the outcome is changable!

But STUPID is as STUPID stupid, what's it going to be?

Yeah I'm talking to YOU! Do you see anybody else in here?

No, I'm not 'taking this out on you...but you have to first admit it is all happening because YOU LET IT HAPPEN!

It won't stop until YOU STOP IT!

Thanks for lending me your mind,


And no, you can't have it back until you prove to me you know how to use it!

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Know it when you see it?

Greetings good citizen, while I lament the decay of the political environment here in the US [while pointing to the fact it's been coming unglued for a long time [although that is related to the 'palace coup' that installed Reagan as president and began THE WORLD'S 'death spiral'] I'm sure I tax no one's imagination when I opine the Nazi's only APPEAR to have lost WWII. One needn't look too hard to see them behind every rock and bush in our modern 'stalag' society.

Which is to point out the 'nation' was crushed but the idea [of a totalitarian uberstate bent on total domination] is very much alive and thriving among today's 'elite'!

No irony should be lost that the tactics the nazis used are still in use today.

Serious charges but if someone doesn't point them out a majority of you are more than willing to 'overlook them'.

Worse, the 'smart' among you will zip your lip and remain silent, hoping you will die peacefully before you are 'found out'.

No way to live and certainly a horrible way to die [ten thousand times] before you're planted in a box...and forever forgotten.

Because if YOU DO NOTHING, that is precisely what will happen.

Again displaying what has become ubiquitous is the 'lack of imagination' so prevalent in our modern times is how the [now defunct] Democratic party has been 'renamed' using THE SAME TITLE the Nazi's adopted during 'the age of Eugenics'...[another 'glossed over' portion of sick human history,] the portion that formed the basis of the Nazi quest for the 'Master Race'.

Did that quest die with the now 'officially dead' Nazi's or, like Ponce de Leon's quest for eternal youth, are there still those among us 'keeping the dream alive'?

Naturally we are (once again) facing the consequences of our failure to, er, 'eradicate' the monsters among us. Those who look at you with contempt and consider/treat you as 'less than human' are in fact monsters and they are the same monsters responsible for today's global political climate.

Can't process that, can you? You can easily believe the elite are 'mean' but Evil? Well, what IS 'evil' exactly?
and how do you separate it from 'mean'? because mean is okay, even you act mean sometimes but you know You're NOT EVIL, right?

Well, if you have to ask I wouldn't be so sure. EVIL is a matter of 'degrees' and in case you're wondering, yes Virginia, Evil DOES 'start with' mean-ness and it progresses from there.

EVIL covers its meanness with 'righteousness', they even justify it as being 'necessary'.

Ever wonder why A Simple Plan replaces imprisonment [the embodiment of 'mean'] with Exile? Because exile is compassionate. It allows the perpetrator to live out their lives away from society without causing further harm. They are, in effect, living with the consequences of their actions.

I am not claiming exile is an 'act of kindness' because the exiled don't understand/appreciate kindness. The elite among us believe kindness is weakness and weakness is to be exploited.

So casting out those who fail to appreciate the benefits of civil society 'strengthens society' while eliminating those who would carelessly weaken us.

Understand, I know it sounds 'utopian' but there can be no 'utopia' without compassion and having compassion for the wrong [exploitative] behavior [and today's elite exploit recklessly] because THEY WERE RAISED TO BELIEVE IT IS THEIR BIRTHRIGHT!

Perhaps the best example I can provide is one from nature, we 'weed' our gardens because weeds can choke out/sap the vitality of beneficial plants.

When we 'weed' society, are we not endeavoring to 'strengthen it'?

So in that respect EVERY attempt to 'increase the greater good' can viewed through the baleful eye of contempt, of tampering with the 'natural order of things' the EVIL ELITE are so fond of...

Rather than tell you WHAT TO THINK, I lay it out for YOU TO DECIDE!

What kind of world do you want? The one where every encounter with 'authority' is preceded with 'assume the position' or do you want to walk with you head held high among your 'equals'?

Have a hard time imagining the latter? Not difficult to understand considering you've spent most of your adult life ready to 'assume the position' on command.

Comply or die! [Our modern words to live by!]

Um, thanks for letting me inside your head, even if today's 'message' isn't exactly inspiring...


Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Fixed or Stolen

Greetings good citizen, does it occur to you to ask why the media is suddenly asking/ridiculing what everyone is thinking? How the HELL did it come to this? Why did the so-called Democrats only field ONE candidate and what did they promise Bernie to run as a stalking horse?

It is 'sort of' understandable there isn't an 'electable' Republican because that party has been jerking the public around for so long there isn't a single one that is either credible or trustworthy.

Leaving what good citizen? What's the elephant in this room?

Bueller? Anyone? Bueller?

Could it be that the system itself is irreparably broken? That the 'national dialog' has ceased to exist and all that is left is the media's insistence that the country is so divided that we have become 'ungovernable'?

IF we lay aside the 'convenient lies' [the media's narrative,] what ARE the facts? We are no longer in control of what is going on nor are we being even partially informed by the 'for profit' media, which EVERYBODY KNOWS can't be TRUSTED!

Is the notion of the election being fixed so outlandish considering the two candidates representing the One Percent are both THE MOST UNPOPULAR IN HISTORY...with that being a FACT is the idea of the election being 'rigged' really that far fetched?

I was watching Last Week Tonight last night and John Oliver [a very funny man] and he was ridiculing Jill Stein for wanting to 'forgive' more than a TRILLION DOLLARS worth of student spent pursuing jobs that don't exist and will probably end up being uncollectable regardless.

Naturally, toeing the corporate owned media's line, he was bashing the Green candidate for thinking the president had the power to do such a thing...when the president most certainly has the power to PROPOSE such legislation!

But that is neither here nor he is shredding a candidate for what is entirely possible when the current government has spent over a trillion dollars on a war that no one knows when or what victory looks like...but that's different, right?

Which is to once again point out that the people running things around here are pretty much insane but we must forgive them because the people on whose behalf they are acting are just as crazy!

Worse, do ANY of you think we will EVER have the money to pay for any of this? Once again I point to Mother Nature and her absent cash register.

Hello, 'economics 101' anyone?

The rich are rich for a reason and it has nothing to do with their 'business acumen!

The problem our betters are in no rush to solve is What to do with all of the money they literally CAN'T SPEND? Doesn't take much to keep a 'wage slave' alive...and the billionaires among us live in that world too. So after the 5 mansions, what's left? Ironically, the answer is Art! [Especially since the tax burden has been considerably reduced...thanks to Reagan's puppet-masters! (the people pulling his strings, got him credited with 'saving' the 'still didn't know what to do with all of that money' crowd from the high tax rates of the New Deal.

Which, for the economic MORONS out there, was responsible for creating what came to be know as the sprawling 'middle class'. The Robber Barons were 'incentivized' to pay the help rather than surrender income to Uncle Sam. Once the tax ceiling was lowered all that went bye-bye!

Middle managers ceased to exist and CEO's started raking in the, er, 'savings'.

PS, deduct twenty points from your IQ score if you believe the stock market has any connection to reality!

But I digress, ALL MONEY IS FUNNY! We COULD BE living in 'paradise' if the PROTESTANT WORK ETHIC ruled Republicans would let us do what needs doing. WORSE, the hypocrites think the rest of us NEED TO SUFFER [ostentatiously to show our humility and our deep and abiding LOVE for GOD, the sick f*cks but not them, they are already perfect and need not suffer...just ask our betters and they will tell you to your face this isn't THEIR choice, it's GOD's WILL!] They know this because GOD TOLD THEM!

Don't know about the rest of you but we have a name for people who listen to the voices in their heads...we call them INSANE!

Again, I apologize for wandering off the reservation but EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED!

So, back to the two 'most hated' presidential candidates in HISTORY.

The 'Full Court Press' is still aimed at candidate TRUMP but don't count him out. If we don't come around to the idea that Hillary is the 'lesser evil', we are liable to wake up on November 9th [on strike] against President Trump and what comes after THAT is ANYBODY'S GUESS because you already know he doesn't mean a SINGLE WORD HE SAYS!

Talk about being in A FIX!

Doomed if you do and Scroomed if you don't...and make no mistake about it good citizen, even people who frequently get 'lost in thought' (because they don't go there very often) aren't pleased with their choices this election season.

What were seeing is what happens when the WALL between church and state begins to collapse.

The Fundy's [fundamentalists] are voting for Trump...on faith alone...and the deeply held conviction that GOD wouldn't give Murika a female president!

Welcome to La-la land good citizen, take a seat the show's almost over!

Which is to point out, regardless of the outcome, there is ONE, er, 'party' that stands to win and that party belongs to the predators among us.

You're not ready for the reality that those who place themselves over us view the rest of us as sheep, just there to be 'eaten' [fortunately figuratively, we'd have an entirely different situation on our hands if they literally ate what they killed.]

So 'prey' what's it going to be?

Hard to determine what's more disturbing, that NONE of you SEE this or that I'm the ONLY ONE talking about it?

Anyhoo, thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


Monday, October 17, 2016

Wind-up Toy

Greetings good citizen, seems one of my favorite hobby horses is under attack [and like Pavlov's dogs, here comes the 'conditioned response'.]

Those of you that have familiarized yourselves with A Simple Plan know one of the key features is it's being 'cashless' [so much so that possession of a 'cash substitute' is grounds for exile.]

The premise is simple, crime is 'cash & carry', eliminate cash and you eliminate 99% of crime. But what if you want to sell Grandma's four poster? How would you accomplish that if nobody has cash/the ability to transfer funds to you?

Simple answer: you couldn't. You can GIVE the artifact to someone who needs the item [highly unlikely since most furnishings are included in your free housing!]

Again, and perhaps this isn't clear in the explanation...the ONLY WAY to acquire MONEY is to WORK for it...and that means just what is says. You have to put in your time and collect your 'salary'. It is ILLEGAL for ANYONE to buy somebody's labor and sell what they produce for personal gain.

If a paycheck is 'good enough' for workers, it's good enough for EVERYBODY!

The ability to 'set prices' is the beginning of corruption. FAIR MARKET VALUE goes right out the window when somebody is granted the ability to say, I need a bigger house...guess I'll have to raise my prices!

THINK ABOUT THIS: A cup of coffee shop coffee used to cost 10 cents and a fast food burger cost 25 cents...hell, a pack of cigarettes cost 25 cents!

A cup is still a cup and a burger is pretty much the same size it always was and cigarettes still come 20 to a pack but you can't get them for 25 cents anymore!

Which tells you what good citizen?

Aren't YOU being cheated [by the very system many of you are willing to lay down your lives for!]

Did I mention we are 'neck deep in STUPID' around here?

Now shift mental gears back to the beginning of today's post... the article 'attacking' cashless society. Guess what her justification is a 'perfect hedge' against being 'taxed' by negative interest rates!

WTF good citizen? You can't make this nonsense up!

Cash offers ZERO PROTECTION from rising prices...what does this moron have to say about that?

Is that the sound of crickets chirping?

I'd have done away with money completely except it does serve it's singular useful purpose. It serves as a 'regulator' so you don't have to have restaurant police (kicking people out after their third consecutive meal or shopping police, removing the twenty duplicate items the 'reasonable person' wouldn't use up in a month, never mind a week [and the record shows this is Boo-boo's third trip TODAY!]

Yes, good citizen, a society without money would quickly run afoul of shortages due to the extreme lack of 'common sense' [often used to disguise the human tendency towards 'opportunism'.] The words "I didn't know" hides many SINS...

We do have a 'get 'em while they're here' mindset with 'ticket scalpers' being the most obvious and obnoxious offenders.

Let's leave Monkey see, Monkey do out of the equation for now...I believe you see where this is headed.

MONEY does have a 'useful purpose' but right now that 'utility' is the exclusive domain of the THIEF! [Which is what an 'exploiter' actually is. Employers like to call themselves 'pillars of the community' instead of the LEECHES they actually are!

MONEY and it's abusers are the reason why YOU don't have a roof over your head or food in your stomach. The abusers [government is SUPPOSED TO protect you from] demand more money than you can earn/save/scavenge so instead you 'do without'.

I know that most of you could care less about the destitute or the multitudes the system has no use for, you have your hands full keeping your own affairs in order and keeping the idiot you work for happy takes more of your time than you care to think about, so much so that it's pretty much ALL you think [actually 'worry' is much closer to the mark, isn't it?] about.

Like many things, one must consider THE WHOLE PICTURE in order to understand the issue. Attacking 'cashless society' on the basis of negative interest rates is a straw-man a best and fallacious in its entirety!

Is it any wonder the author of this 'hatchet piece' is a banker? What was that, FU Pay ME!?

Which is to point out the ONLY people who want cash to remain are CRIMINALS.

Considering proximity to the elections I digress mightily but it's a necessary diversion given I'm asking you to go on strike in support of instituting A Simple Plan nationally AND Globally.

So you folks had best start chatting it up if we are to hit our 11/9 deadline!

Enough reading, start spreading the word!

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Sunday, October 16, 2016


Greetings good citizen, it occurred to me that one of the problems related to blogging about political topics is there isn't a 'lexicon' that spans both ages and classes.

I know what I'm trying to convey but do you understand me?

Yesterday I pointed out the ridiculousness of political parties, 'alluding' to the fact there is no longer a political party that 'represents' the 'regular people'. Both 'traditional' parties now belong to the One Percent and whatever 'factions' reside within them [either real or imagined.]

A vast majority of the public wants major infrastructure overhaul with an emphasis on DOMESTICALLY PRODUCED alternative energy. [Can I get a Hell Yeah!?]

But no, the One Percent's 'captive' political party candidates only want to talk about war and the nebulous cause of making Murika 'Great' again, (whatever the hell THAT'S supposed to mean?)

If you've gotten the impression that the 'larger conversation' has been, er, 'squelched' by the interests of the One Percent, you'd be RIGHT [in more ways than ONE!]

Like many nations before it...probably at least part of the reason NATIONS EXIST is because the self-interested few shut the rest out of the 'public conversation' and it becomes a monologue instead of a vehicle for discussion.

Nixon instituted wage/price controls but the 'owner class' didn't like the restrictions this placed on earnings [and remember the largest gains in CEO compensation have come not in increased sales but in decreased payroll expense.

What the boss didn't pay YOU in turn got paid to HIM!

But I digress. Once again the difficulty lies in connecting issues in a way you will understand the relationships! [And trust me, there is a whole 'cadre of the guilty' out there that's hoping you remain ignorant of their crimes forever!]

Parties were originally formed to 'represent' artifical differences that had their roots in religion. The ability to choose 'YOUR way of thinking' provided a rallying point which soon overtook reason...and Party Affiliation became 'hereditary'.

Naturally, workers/democrats outnumbered plutocratic 'Calvinists' so politics [briefly] were dominated by Democrats.

But money makes the world go round so the 'Conservatives' [preservers of the status quo] 'defunded' the Democrats and started recruiting 'opportunists' to run as pseudo 'opposition' candidates and today's "One Note Song" is the result.

Hand in hand, the 'illusion of representation' is coupled to the 'illusion of participation'.

Sick of being DUPED?

Don't VOTE in their 'fixed' elections, Vote with your feet and STRIKE!

A better world awaits!

Thank you for letting me insie your head,


Saturday, October 15, 2016


Greetings good citizen, as we tick closer to Election Day and 'History's Actors' prepare to congratulate themselves for another 'mission accomplished' we are left to ponder what we can do about a situation that is completely out of our hands.

As today's title suggests, it would be 'inappropriate' for the media to advocate for change to the existing order of things so it is that our pundits are mute when they should be screaming for 'change' and what is 'change' to the supporters of the status quo?

If you support change against the existing order, you are a 'revolutionary'.

Should probably swear off television because I was watching Real Time last night and the host was hammering the 'S- button' just as hard as I do...but naturally HE was marveling over the stupidity of Trump supporters.

Newsflash genius, if Hillary is unacceptable, what's left?

I alone provide an 'alternative' but that route requires a level of 'intestinal fortitude' that currently doesn't exist in this world.

Right now the 'will' to extricate ourselves (and by extension, our children) from the quagmire (of debt and joblessness) the 'ELITE' have created for the rest of us doesn't exist, which is to say, we WANT TO but we're afraid of what will happen if we antagonize the Devil We Know...

History is full of examples of 'out of the frying pan and into the fire' moments.

What will happen if we 'blink' [stop working to bring about badly needed regime change?] Will we 'starve to death?'

Bad news, good citizen, we're headed in that direction EVEN IF WE DO NOTHING!

Left to your imagination is what it will look like when there is food on the supermarket shelves but its sitting there because the majority of you have been 'priced out of the market'.

This is ALREADY A REALITY for the 'Working Poor'...a creature created by Republican/Conservative policies and doctrines! These people routinely face 'heat or eat, treat or eat' life or death decisions...because their 'gig' doesn't pay them a living wage!

Because automation and outsourcing/privatization have deprived them of the means to basic human necessities.

Before voting Libertarian, engage one of those A-holes in a conversation about 'want' vs. 'need'.

[According to the Libbies, you WANT to keep breathing but you don't NEED to! I'd Love those useless pieces of offal to start practicing what they preach! They'd be doing the rest of us a huge favor! It's one thing to suspect you're not the brightest bulb in the circuit and another thing to prove it by embracing Libertarian ideology!

So much for the 'third way' because no existing political party represents YOUR INTERESTS!

Which returns us to the existential question, good citizen, what is this 'party baloney' all about if we're all in this together?

Because we're not, are we?

Nope, a certain group has set themselves above the rest of us and if you don't like how things are being handled, tough!

Just like the current 'sham election' where your ONLY choices are between a treacherous female and a self-indulgent child that has been handed EVERYTHING he has and whose favorite words are 'You're Fired!'.

Care to speculate how many times he'd have heard those words if he repeated the multiple FAILURES he is responsible for were he in someone else's employ?

Seriously good citizen, this couldn't have been what the founders envisioned! I'd take that a step further and opine they'd be AMAZED we were still using the 'starter system' they established for us.

The founders are DEAD and it matters little what their 'original intent' was because THIS WORLD is NOT the world they left us!

SOME OF THEM were stupid enough to think the basics would remain the same but even that isn't true.

In order to advance we must remove the restrictions the system incorporated to protect the fledgling government.

The Electoral College exists to protect the privileged from the mindless masses voting for bread and circuses made possible by 'governmental largess...a-la-Rome. Now here we are and there is nothing we can do about it!

[Which is to point out there are a lot of federal appointees that have an appointment with a length of rope and a utility pole, the sooner, the better!] {The 'elite's responsible for appointing them are ovedue to be drawn & quartered but exile will have to do.}

Keep 'em 'fed and entertained' and you can pretty much pull anything you want [including extrajudicial murder.] and a 'subsidized' public will contently just sit there and watch, going along with whatever narrative is handed to them...because 'thinking' isn't most people's strong suit.

[Forgive me good citizen but I can't help it; we are truly 'neck-deep in stupid' around here and you know what I say is true...]

If reading me doesn't make your blood boil then at least you're not 'hopeless'.

Um, as I was commenting earlier [before I left my keyboard to make breakfast] many revolutions 'ended' in disaster because of the 'neck deep in stupid' phenomenon... There was a famine after The Terror followed by Napoleon's rise to power. Ironically, Hitler's rise to power was due to financial ruin brought on by the clueless government installed after the fall of the Hapsburgs.

Isn't [predatory] capitalism wonderful?

Well good citizen, you AREN'T going to get a better deal until you stop accepting the deal they keep shifting the items in the basket.

How do we shift from a government that permits and aides your exploitation to one that exists to enforce equity and justice? {and not equality and justice as seen from the prespective of the priviliged few?}

Well, it's not gonna come up in committee and it most certainly won't come up on a referendum [pretty much the whole country has voted to legalize marijuana and if you don't have a perscription, you're still 'going to jail' WTF?]



Oops, forget to take 'caps lock' off...

While it wouldn't be 'appropriate' for the corporate owned media to be preaching revolution, they are pointing to the 'stolen election', making you wonder if they think you're stupid...and the answer to that rhetorical question is they don't think that, they're BETTING ON IT!

In the now infamous words of Forrest Gump, 'Stupid is as Stupid does...

So what are you gonna do, good citizen? Do you want to join a 'party' or do you want to join the human race?

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Friday, October 14, 2016

Let it ride!

Greetings good citizen, due to time factors I will not be able to compose a new piece for today so I invite you to enjoy previous posts!

Thanks for visiting!


Thursday, October 13, 2016

Watching and waiting

Greetings good citizen, Like a colony of prairie dogs, we spend much of our lives 'watching and waiting'. How idiotic is it that the thing we are watching is the stupid among us and what they might do next?

Naturally not just any 'moron' but 'the morons in chief', the ones running things that can't resolve anything without first declaring WAR on somebody or, bizarre as it may seem, an 'idea' or even an inanimate object! [Never forget there is a whole list of 'things' we are at war with!]

So we return to the question without answer...why do we put up with this? Perhaps, more importantly, is why do we keep following them? [They may be 'dumb' but look at who's following them...and this makes us...ya, you can work this out!]

So much could be resolved bloodlessly. How many of you agree with the statement 'WAR is NEVER the answer?'

How about that, unanimous...and yet we're in wars spanning the globe...why is that?

Bueller? Anyone? Bueller?

The now ancient TV show 'Laugh-in' used to drive home the old joke, 'War is good business, invest your son!'

Ironically, it wasn't funny then and it isn't funny why is our largest 'jobs program' going to exotic lands, meeting new, interesting people AND KILLING THEM! STILL our single largest 'employer'?

Could this be due to morons running things?

What do we expect from people who can't figure out if 'life is cheap or people are expensive' [all depending on context, of course, because the dolts believe BOTH!]

Like a trainwreck in slow motion we are watching yet another 'stolen election' [probably the most obvious one to date although Reagan was the tip off for most of us that something wasn't kosher at the top of our social pyramid...]

I point to the U.S. but the problem is, er, ubiquitous, it's EVERYWHERE!

Where there isn't a 'real foe' the morons just make one up!

Wouldn't you like to see just ONE politician stand up and admit 'Do you know what the unemployment rate would look like if we stopped engaging in armed conflict around the globe?

[Do you have any idea what that would do to my investment portfolio!]

We'd string him up before he was done protesting our ignorance!

Seriously, WTF, good citizen?

What are we REALLY watching for, good citizen?

We are all collectively getting more anxious as the whole system starts to unravel due to the 'pauperization of the customer base' that pretty much signals 'the end' of our 'consumer driven' social model.

What will they do when the 'change' comes and we're left to our own devices as far as making ourselves 'useful' once again?

Will we have to learn how to put both of our feet into the same shoe [to 'satisfy' our new masters? or will the only thing that pleases them be 'death, personal...' [and that means YOURS, not THEIRS...cuz if you blink, the moment will pass when you can justifiably and righteously exteminate THEM!]

What you need to wrap your head around is the time to remove the clueless from power is NOW not after they've dumped our badly broken civilization into it's own cesspit!

But first you need to wake up to what's all around you! [Like the song says, 'Wake up! Wake up! there are flames all around you! If you fail to see it is YOU who will perish, not those responsible for setting our world ablaze!]

As intended, I have most certainly given you more than enough to 'think about'. The trick will be getting you to commit to action when crunch time comes...and it's coming, soon.

Anyhoo, thank you once again for letting me inside your head,


Woo boy! Everything's blinkin'! I can't tell if you're pissed off or ready to climax!

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Short Attention Span Theater

Greetings good citizen, as the 'full court press' continues on the improbable Trump candidacy, NOW the media has dug up the charge of 'sympathizing with the enemy' and added it to the list of misdeeds that continue to be compiled against Trump.

Naturally there is flipflopping among the pundits as to how this is effecting the race...when the answer remains as obvious as Hillary's 'self-assurance' throughout the whole campaign.

If she ACTS like she has the presidency 'in the bag' it's BECAUSE SHE DOES!

IF YOU ARE COMFORTABLE 'abandoning the pretext' that the collective 'we' has ANY CONTROL over the political process whatsoever and their 'appointing' a meat puppet to 'act' as your 'representative' shouldn't bother you.

You're also willing to accept that your situation will continue to deteriorate, as surely and as steadily as it has for the past forty years.

What, you're not forty? So you don't know when things were 'different'. Well let me tell you what, you aren't going to learn about the past from watching those fiction pieces aired on the Fox owned Discovery Network.

The 'highlights' they show are like the propaganda we saw as kids that totally glossed over the genocide committed by the invading Europeans against the native people of this land.

Which is little different than the genocide being committed today against the residents of the oil rich Middle East.

I'm sure few of you have ever taken a moment to reflect on our bloody history. Look at the games we give our kids to play?

You're willingness to murder your neighbor is being measured on X-Box and stored against the day when you will be called upon to actually do the job.

Will you be able to sort out whether you're Blue or Red?

Probably not.

The important part is you remain 'confused' as to who is your 'friend' and who is your 'foe'.

Um, the 'average' American doesn't have a thousand dollars in the bank saved up for an 'emergency' [Which is why your credit cards are all maxed out, you aren't being paid enough to sock any away, it's always 'raining' much so that you've stopped turning around [because every time you did, it 'rained'] but still the rain keeps coming!

Good thing for 'easy credit' and 'payday loans' or you'd be dead by now!


THAT'S what a stolen election really amounts to, it is telling the elite 'rape me 'til I'm dead because there is nothing to stop you!'

Same as it ever was, making the sham election process that much more pointless.

If the law is meaningless then you are truly on your own.

Come Nov 9th the 'choice' [Strike or keep taking it up the poop chute] is YOURS!

So what's it going to be?

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Tuesday, October 11, 2016


Greetings good citizen, constant reader has seen this post heading before, on a few occasions as it occurs to me that the situation continues to head further and further South, unimpeded by my entreats to put a stop to it.

Truth be told, we haven't even tried to get their attention...but they sure got ours! Not only do we remain riveted by their 'outrageous behavior' [that those we elect to uphold the law pretend not to notice] but they ignore the serious social and environmental issues and again, we are truly 'powerless' to stop them from their destructive path.

As I posted elsewhere today, If you plan on acting like a doormat, try not to act surprised when they use you as one!

There are many factors facing our planet and even more challengine our species and the ones we rely on for our survival on this chunk of rock, orbiting an insignificant star here on the outer edge of the galaxy.

It may not be much we we call it HOME and 'home' stands for something even if we don't!

Nobody will mourn our loss or even miss us of we fail to subdue the self-important children that induge themselves at the expense of the rest of us!

"What pathetic little creatures, a few of them decided life was 'all about them' and the rest just went along with it? Good thing they're gone eh?"

Will that be our epitaph?

Don't look now good citizen but that's EXACTLY where all of this is headed.

We can't even regain control of our political system [which should surprise no one since it was designed like a monarchy to be run from the 'top down'!]

But no! You foolishly 'believe' you are free...and isn't what you believe 99% of the truth?

Nope, not by a long shot!

But you're free to delude yourself any way you want to as long as you don't interfere with the 'business'...the business of raping the public for everything they've got.

That damn 'good life' has to come from somewhere! They make it and we take it! Sweet arrangement [for them.]

Like a said, a shorty today...try not to be too disturbed as you wonder who will save you when you refuse to save yourself...or perhaps more unforgivably, YOUR CHILDREN?

Your head, your circus AND your Monkees!
