Greetings morons, as you are frog-marched down 'the primrose path' the totally fictitious stock markets are simultaneously tanking AND recovering...go figure?
You KNOW it's all lies but you just live here and 'technically' none of it has anything to do with 'you'.
Again, the 'stock market' is why our self professed 'betters' are rich (but only on paper) and you're not.
Understand, the entire stock market wasn't worth 2,000 points when it 'crashed' causing the decades long Great Depression.
With the 'Dow' falling 2,000 point in a single session but being over 30,000 the earth shattering movement that translates to trillions in losses is now viewed as a hiccup.
Because it is all bullshit. There's 'nothing' there, just like spirit in the sky, it's all a LIE.
Like a scab over a minor wound, humanity can't seem to leave the fact that we are all alone, alone. It is indeed a psychological defect that compels us to believe we are part of something 'greater' than ourselves.
Why do we believe that? Because they had to tell us SOMETHING to stem the tendency towards suicide that lurks just beneath the surface of the human psyche.
God is the answer to if none of this leads anywhere, why bother? It is the original conundrum posed by sentience/self awareness. Dog spelled backwards provides a fig leaf behind which the weak minded can justify an otherwise pointless existence.
Now Humanity has hit the 'far wall' of the 'be fruitful and multiply' command that they threw in there to provide the mentally rudderless with a 'star' to steer by. In order to 'save' ourselves we need to STOP breeding for the sake of breeding, the whole while PRETENDING it is our PURPOSE in life.
Humanity is being 'jerked' (mercilessly by the feckless who think this is the greatest prank ever! First tell pinhead that resources are infinite then watch as the morons 'go for it'...they consider it more fun than watching the dog hit the end of its leash at full gallop!)
Remember the lesson of our imaginary bottle of fruit flies?
Yeah, it's those 'savages' I'm pointing at. They don't care and neither will you UNTIL YOU SUDDENLY REALIZE THAT YOU ARE A FRUIT FLY!
Shocked? [Your brain is the same size for all the 'good' it does you.]
Sorry. Were that true this whole exercise would be pointless. The true problem here is YOU are gullible beyond belief and far too trusting solely because the perps 'look like you'.
Lotteries were banned because they provide 'false hope' but it is a damning fact of life that most people live from drawing to drawing hoping their otherwise meaningless life will change...while never considering why their life is meaningless in the first place.
The ONLY way we get over OURSELVES is by accepting the fact life is pointless. If you can make peace with the idea that life is futile but the cosmos is our 'playground' and the undisputed fact that LOVE makes it all 'worth it' then maybe we can put an end to the manipulators who rob us blind for their own comfort.
That's criminal in anyone's book, even theirs.
Exile is the answer. If you can't live in cooperation with your fellow humans then you forfeit your membership in society.
As it stands today you have no way to escape your victimhood, the exploiters have you 'boxed in' [by your need for paper with numbers that only they can print...nothing 'secret' about the secret service except they are all criminals, protecting other criminals and YOU can't do a thing about it.
So as the corona virus sends the media into drawing allusions to 'The Stand' by Stephen King be comforted by the fact that even The Black Death had a 50% survival rate. [The 'plot hole' you can drive a truck through in that tale is Captain Tripps should have been 100% effective due to its ability to mutate faster than the bodies defenses...good to be the 'God of the Book', even got the idea from Dog itself!]
Um, stop buying the BS, starting with yet another election where your choices are between 'past his sell date' and 'what's this still doing here?'
You're gonna end up with four more years of Dr. Demento, the whole time marveling that NO ONE has the nads to shoot the mo'fo in the face.
Never what to think but always something to think about. Time to wake up and smell the napalm!
You KNOW it's all lies but you just live here and 'technically' none of it has anything to do with 'you'.
Again, the 'stock market' is why our self professed 'betters' are rich (but only on paper) and you're not.
Understand, the entire stock market wasn't worth 2,000 points when it 'crashed' causing the decades long Great Depression.
With the 'Dow' falling 2,000 point in a single session but being over 30,000 the earth shattering movement that translates to trillions in losses is now viewed as a hiccup.
Because it is all bullshit. There's 'nothing' there, just like spirit in the sky, it's all a LIE.
Like a scab over a minor wound, humanity can't seem to leave the fact that we are all alone, alone. It is indeed a psychological defect that compels us to believe we are part of something 'greater' than ourselves.
Why do we believe that? Because they had to tell us SOMETHING to stem the tendency towards suicide that lurks just beneath the surface of the human psyche.
God is the answer to if none of this leads anywhere, why bother? It is the original conundrum posed by sentience/self awareness. Dog spelled backwards provides a fig leaf behind which the weak minded can justify an otherwise pointless existence.
Now Humanity has hit the 'far wall' of the 'be fruitful and multiply' command that they threw in there to provide the mentally rudderless with a 'star' to steer by. In order to 'save' ourselves we need to STOP breeding for the sake of breeding, the whole while PRETENDING it is our PURPOSE in life.
Humanity is being 'jerked' (mercilessly by the feckless who think this is the greatest prank ever! First tell pinhead that resources are infinite then watch as the morons 'go for it'...they consider it more fun than watching the dog hit the end of its leash at full gallop!)
Remember the lesson of our imaginary bottle of fruit flies?
Yeah, it's those 'savages' I'm pointing at. They don't care and neither will you UNTIL YOU SUDDENLY REALIZE THAT YOU ARE A FRUIT FLY!
Shocked? [Your brain is the same size for all the 'good' it does you.]
Sorry. Were that true this whole exercise would be pointless. The true problem here is YOU are gullible beyond belief and far too trusting solely because the perps 'look like you'.
Lotteries were banned because they provide 'false hope' but it is a damning fact of life that most people live from drawing to drawing hoping their otherwise meaningless life will change...while never considering why their life is meaningless in the first place.
The ONLY way we get over OURSELVES is by accepting the fact life is pointless. If you can make peace with the idea that life is futile but the cosmos is our 'playground' and the undisputed fact that LOVE makes it all 'worth it' then maybe we can put an end to the manipulators who rob us blind for their own comfort.
That's criminal in anyone's book, even theirs.
Exile is the answer. If you can't live in cooperation with your fellow humans then you forfeit your membership in society.
As it stands today you have no way to escape your victimhood, the exploiters have you 'boxed in' [by your need for paper with numbers that only they can print...nothing 'secret' about the secret service except they are all criminals, protecting other criminals and YOU can't do a thing about it.
So as the corona virus sends the media into drawing allusions to 'The Stand' by Stephen King be comforted by the fact that even The Black Death had a 50% survival rate. [The 'plot hole' you can drive a truck through in that tale is Captain Tripps should have been 100% effective due to its ability to mutate faster than the bodies defenses...good to be the 'God of the Book', even got the idea from Dog itself!]
Um, stop buying the BS, starting with yet another election where your choices are between 'past his sell date' and 'what's this still doing here?'
You're gonna end up with four more years of Dr. Demento, the whole time marveling that NO ONE has the nads to shoot the mo'fo in the face.
Never what to think but always something to think about. Time to wake up and smell the napalm!
Understand, the entire stock market wasn't worth 2,000 points when it 'crashed' causing the decades long Great Depression.
ReplyDeleteNow Humanity has hit the 'far wall' of the 'be fruitful and multiply' command that they threw in there to provide the mentally rudderless with a 'star' to steer by. In order to 'save' ourselves we need to STOP breeding for the sake of breeding, the whole while PRETENDING it is our PURPOSE in life.
ReplyDeleteLotteries were banned because they provide 'false hope' but it is a damning fact of life that most people live from drawing to drawing hoping their otherwise meaningless life will change...while never considering why their life is meaningless in the first place.
ReplyDeleteThe ONLY way we get over OURSELVES is by accepting the fact life is pointless. If you can make peace with the idea that life is futile but the cosmos is our 'playground' and the undisputed fact that LOVE makes it all 'worth it' then maybe we can put an end to the manipulators who rob us blind for their own comfort.
ReplyDeleteThat's criminal in anyone's book, even theirs.
Again, the 'stock market' is why our self professed 'betters' are rich (but only on paper) and you're not.
ReplyDeleteGod is the answer to if none of this leads anywhere, why bother? It is the original conundrum posed by sentience/self awareness. Dog spelled backwards provides a fig leaf behind which the weak minded can justify an otherwise pointless existence.