Thursday, March 5, 2020


Greetings C.L., Since the bloodless coup more commonly known as Morning in America this nation had a new term added to our political lexicon and that word serves as today's title.

Once St. Ronnie crushed the labor movement via the Patco debacle and defunded the Democrats, 'conservative leaning' Democrats took control of the entity that used to support the labor side of the equation, Republicans ALWAYS put 'commerce' (and the OWNERS thereof) First so what we literally had was a coup by people that were too ashamed to admit they were 'closet Republicans'.

After the first 'Centrist' Left office, a political unknown from Arkansas, there was a 'counter-revolt' to take back the party of the working class mysteriously disappeared with the end of St. Ronnie's presidency.

Today's headline says Joltin' Joe, the man Trump can beat with his eyes closed (but only if he closes his mouth and wears a straight jacket until after November 3rd.) is finally seeing something he's been operating without until now and that something is MONEY.


How did 'the man without a clue' even get into the political arena? His support is wholly second hand. Word is Beth Warren has also announced she is parking her kippy car and abandoning the race for glory making us wonder just how presidential ANY of these jellyfish were?

If you can't spot a 'set-up' when it's this obvious you deserve what's coming next.

How many political parties are there in the USA?

ONE...and it is the owner controlled media.

Can't lose if the opposition doesn't even have a seat at the table and guess who the opposition is?

The worker vs. the owners.

Capitalism gulls you into believing that you work for yourself, keep your customer/employer happy and you have nothing to 'worry' about.

That was BEFORE Morning in America which kicked off the Global race to the Bottom. Suddenly competitiveness mattered more than loyalty DESPITE ALL MONEY BEING 'FUNNY'.

Suddenly your wife had to get a job and your kids were tasked with raising themselves because if you were going to remain competitive you HAD TO 'do more with less'.

If you worked in certain (exportable) sectors it didn't matter how 'loyal' you were, you had to pick something that couldn't be done over a wire or face repeated plant closures.

Your life is a lie.

The commerce system is unviable.

They are going to blame the famine on the 'plague'...and you will be left to twist in the wind.

When this comes to pass you won't be (still) drawing circles around your ears and muttering 'what a whacko!' to yourself. You'll be 'wishing' you listened and disproved by label that brands you a coward.

Like I keep pointing out, Bucky cluck-cluck, it's YOUR head!



  1. After the first 'Centrist' Left office, a political unknown from Arkansas, there was a 'counter-revolt' to take back the party of the working class that mysteriously disappeared with the end of St. Ronnie's presidency.

  2. Today's headline says Joltin' Joe, the man Trump can beat with his eyes closed (but only if he closes his mouth and wears a straight jacket until after November 3rd.) is finally seeing something he's been operating without until now and that something is MONEY.

  3. How many political parties are there in the USA?

    ONE...and it is the owner controlled media.

  4. What do you suppose 'the overlord's credo' {"If you can't dazzle 'em with brilliance, baffle 'em with bullshit"} means 'in context?

  5. Can't lose if the opposition doesn't even have a seat at the table and guess who the opposition is?

  6. After the first 'Centrist' Left office, a political unknown from Arkansas, there was a 'counter-revolt' to take back the party of the working class mysteriously disappeared with the end of St. Ronnie's presidency.


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...