Greetings good citizen, I once again stand behind my opinion that the political process itself is whacked. If we didn't have the narcissistic boy child we'd be saddled with the do-nothing, don't rock the boat socialist or the scandal ridden administration of Wall Street's lapdog, which would likely result in more of the same.
Would Billary have 'tackled' Obama/Romneycare and spent 4 years 'perfecting' it?
It is not an idle question. Civilization is falling apart and NOT ONE of our leadership hopefuls has a SINGLE practical suggestion to deal with the unrelenting obsolescence faced by the average worker.
PROFIT is NOT dollars in an owner's pocket, PROFIT is the benefit MANKIND reaps from a given activity.
We don't grow food to make some asshole rockstar rich, we grow it so all have enough to eat. We build machines to relieve humans from drudgery, not to reduce overhead for some fucktard pretending to be a 'job creator' when they are actually job destroyers.
Um, flipping through the catalog of human activities it is frightening just how many of them are either superfluous or just downright hateful, done because they can rather than out of necessity.
Green Lantern got nothing on the capitalist, especially if we do the shorthand and write it like it is: Will = Ego.
Why do the feckless crave 'notoriety' when most are unable to discern between fame and infamy?
Do you suppose the current moron-in-chief idolizes J.C.? [Most of them do despite his being murdered by the Senate...not Jesus Christ but Julius Caesar! What's wrong with you?]
The glaring deficit in the humanist agenda is cognitive. The typical human is so adverse to thinking that they are unable to visualize the future beyond tomorrow's breakfast and how it is going to get there.
A problem exacerbated by youth who either skip breakfast or morning altogether...
We tend to deceive ourselves with the mistaken notion that things would be dramatically different if we had taken the path we didn't when we all know that is a lie.
We have no way to hold the feckless accountable and that is the 'crux' of the problem you refuse to waste time on.
Well, soon you won't be allowed to ignore the problem because the people you let seize the reins have driven the whole edifice off a cliff, laughing maniacally at their 'cupidity'!
"I'll be Fuckin' Famous now!"
I know you can't keep a lot in your head but if you have to make space for just one thing it should be the fact you are surrounded by psychopaths who you can't afford to turn your back on even for a heartbeat.
Is that why most of us find ourselves humming that old Doris Day tune, "Que sera, sera" without us being conscious we're doing it most of the time.
If we don't hold the feckless accountable, nothing will change and one of a zillion assholes is going to grab the brass ring of infamy and push us all to our deaths, totally heedless if the fact that if nobody survives there won't be anyone to 'write history'.
Until next time, Head.
Would Billary have 'tackled' Obama/Romneycare and spent 4 years 'perfecting' it?
It is not an idle question. Civilization is falling apart and NOT ONE of our leadership hopefuls has a SINGLE practical suggestion to deal with the unrelenting obsolescence faced by the average worker.
PROFIT is NOT dollars in an owner's pocket, PROFIT is the benefit MANKIND reaps from a given activity.
We don't grow food to make some asshole rockstar rich, we grow it so all have enough to eat. We build machines to relieve humans from drudgery, not to reduce overhead for some fucktard pretending to be a 'job creator' when they are actually job destroyers.
Um, flipping through the catalog of human activities it is frightening just how many of them are either superfluous or just downright hateful, done because they can rather than out of necessity.
Green Lantern got nothing on the capitalist, especially if we do the shorthand and write it like it is: Will = Ego.
Why do the feckless crave 'notoriety' when most are unable to discern between fame and infamy?
Do you suppose the current moron-in-chief idolizes J.C.? [Most of them do despite his being murdered by the Senate...not Jesus Christ but Julius Caesar! What's wrong with you?]
The glaring deficit in the humanist agenda is cognitive. The typical human is so adverse to thinking that they are unable to visualize the future beyond tomorrow's breakfast and how it is going to get there.
A problem exacerbated by youth who either skip breakfast or morning altogether...
We tend to deceive ourselves with the mistaken notion that things would be dramatically different if we had taken the path we didn't when we all know that is a lie.
We have no way to hold the feckless accountable and that is the 'crux' of the problem you refuse to waste time on.
Well, soon you won't be allowed to ignore the problem because the people you let seize the reins have driven the whole edifice off a cliff, laughing maniacally at their 'cupidity'!
"I'll be Fuckin' Famous now!"
I know you can't keep a lot in your head but if you have to make space for just one thing it should be the fact you are surrounded by psychopaths who you can't afford to turn your back on even for a heartbeat.
Is that why most of us find ourselves humming that old Doris Day tune, "Que sera, sera" without us being conscious we're doing it most of the time.
If we don't hold the feckless accountable, nothing will change and one of a zillion assholes is going to grab the brass ring of infamy and push us all to our deaths, totally heedless if the fact that if nobody survives there won't be anyone to 'write history'.
Until next time, Head.
Would Billary have 'tackled' Obama/Romneycare and spent 4 years 'perfecting' it?