Monday, October 30, 2017

The good life

Greetings good citizen, first thing to comment on is I have zero personal experience with 'the good life'...not that my life hasn't been 'good' but I have lived it without the 'trappings' commonly associated with even mild success. I (barely) have a house a car and a couple of kids which is fairly 'typical', so much so that more of us 'identify' with The Hecks from the sitcom 'The Middle' than we do with most other TV families. [probably the reason the show is in it's final season...if Mike and Frankie get any more desperate they'll turn into the latest parody of 'fun with Dick & Jane'

So, disclaimer aside, the 'eye that never blinks' has provided us all with an idea of what 'the good life' would consist of. First is a 'fun job' that pays beyond real the CEO of an internet start up but without the off-putting techie jabber the reality would be immersed in.

How much money never comes up, the actors are always well dressed and eat [actually 'pretend to eat'] diets no real person would be able to afford.

Naturally, our 'good life model' vacations modestly...not at all like people who actually have the juice to not work if they don't feel like it.

We go on trips and enjoy ourselves but it's not like the people who can afford the very best...transportation, accommodations and the menu are nothing like any of us has ever experienced. Private jets, club memberships to exclusive resorts and private chefs that tailor gourmet meals, cooked to order are all taboo subjects that TV avoids because the feckless invest heavily in convincing you they are 'just plain folks'.

Follow the logic here: 'the money' puts what you watch on TV and they want to be, however inaccurately, portrayed as just 'plain folks' who live 'just like you and me' [sans the bill collectors.]

No mystery good citizen, we all know the best of the best doesn't even end up in our general vicinity, hell, most of us wouldn't recognize it if fell into a barrel of it!

Same as it ever was.

The best just isn't for you.

Even YOUR best isn't for's for the full of themselves A-hole that cuts your paycheck! Not your boss, you have likely never met this prima donna

[pri·ma don·na
ˌprēmə ˈdänə/Submit
noun: primadonna
the chief female singer in an opera or opera company.
synonyms: leading soprano, leading lady, diva, star, opera star, principal singer
"this scene was added to give the prima donna another aria"
a very temperamental person with an inflated view of their own talent or importance.
synonyms: ego, self-important person, his nibs, temperamental person, princess, diva, pooh-bah; informaldrama queen
"a city council filled with prima donnas"]
From Google

Like the life they live, you aren't important enough to be bothered with because they are so much more important than you!

Beginning to see 'the true disconnect' here?

No, no you don't.

Life is best enjoyed with others of 'your kind'.

What is 'your kind'? Naturally that depends on what you do because it governs the 'level of success' you operate on.

Even if you 'do' nothing you still have something in common with other, er, 'lay-abouts'.

These are 'your people' because they live as you live and experience what you experience!

The, er, 'stupidly wealthy' abhor the company of the destitute because they have next to nothing in common [despite neither one having any direct experience with 'an honest day's work'. How's that for a paradox?

Again, matter of perspective here but the 'fortunate few' who have regular jobs that provide paychecks they can almost live on [a phenomenon experienced spectrum wide, regardless of where you are on the totem pole...if you work for a paycheck, you can barely live on it.]

NO ONE born after 1929 knows what 'prosperity' is.

You THINK you do but you're actually clueless...or you're one of the obscenely rich. [Even then there is a major difference between prosperity and gluttony!]

Why way back there?

It marks the point where population and technology merged to create the 'balance' I was referring to in yesterday's piece. Common diseases were in full retreat and modern handling/packaging finally made food insecurity a thing of the past...

So what happened?

Same thing that happened to television, the 'money' saw the defeat of humanity's natural enemies as a 'bad thing' so they took steps to withhold these benefits from their 'lessers'...

And here we are today.

How much more proof do you need that we can't continue to live under the rule of the 'simple minded'?

Many of these morons are waiting for 'divine intervention' to relieve them of the burden of deciding mankind's fate.

So the criminals among us have moved to the fore. A 'disease' we have yet to conquer, the feckless are grateful for them.

Just a tiny sidebar before I leave you to ponder [try and ponder for more than thirty seconds this time, eh?] and that would be the kerfuffle over 'inappropriate behavior'.


It's baked into the feckless lifestyle we had forced on us by the criminals after the morons with money stepped aside.

You want a more civil society you have to replace capitalism with a more socially aware template.

How unfortunate we are STILL using *the creators 'slaver template'?

Thanks for visiting, help yourself to as much free stuff as you like!


* in this context I am referring to the aliens that cloned themselves to mine for them...then abandoned us here.

Sounds nasty but have you really looked at mankind's attitude? The 'apple' doesn't fall far from the tree...

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