Greetings good citizen, the headlines are screaming over the latest act of domestic terror and, again, the 'starting point' returns us to Morning in America and the sudden halt to the institutionalization of the mentally ill.
That was 'square one' of the 'privatization' of the healthcare industry. If you were 'criminally insane' then you remained under lock & key but if you were merely a 'menace to society' you were cut loose. If your family had the resources, you got treatment...but if your family couldn't pay you were 'on you're own'.
Yes, good citizen. Society once saw the benefit of caring for the, er, 'unwell' [kept them off the streets and away from guns and sharp, pointy things.] But St. Ronnie Reagan shut down mental health facilities wholesale, nationwide when he kicked off his HMO offensive with it's $2 co-pays...
How many of you remember when co-pays were just $2?
They aren't $2 now, are they?
Whack jobs wandering the streets? They don't have ANYWHERE to go. But that's not who presents 'the danger'. Most of these people aren't capable of caring for themselves much less harming others. It's the ones who aren't completely helpless but are otherwise 'rudderless' [right is one of their hands and wrong is wetting themselves...the end.]
These people take jobs nobody 'in their right mind' would do, often becoming the 'wind-up toys' of anyone with an agenda because these otherwise helpless individuals only know what they're told...and there are a lot of them!
These institutions attracted their own variety of monsters and turned many of the institutions that employed them into living hells...but gross mismanagement isn't a new phenomenon.
[And some of the cruelest outcomes are born out of 'kind intentions'. The people that used their 'influence' to land their progeny a job inside said institution KNEW they should have been signing commitment papers but if he worked there, isn't it the 'same thing without the stigma'?]
Yeah, that 'poison' we call money has more 'uses' than intended...and it has caused endless grief from the very beginning.
Which is just one more reason why we need 'responsible people' in charge because our 'inner opportunist' can't resist a 'win-win' and out inner moron can't foresee the inevitable until after the fact.
Look at the people Mr. "Make America Great Again" surrounded himself with? Is he that poor a judge of character or does the error roll all the way back to the Reagan Revolution when the 'wrong people' seized the reins of the political system and started 'stacking the deck'?
Shift mental gears with me as we circle back to last night and the 5th consecutive 'childless halloween' shall we?
Zero coincidence that Halloween has become a 'phantom holiday'. Kids no longer go forth and meet their neighbors because they are taught to fear them!
Our damnable 'lack of a village' is nurturing fearful children who will soon have to be homeschooled so they don't have to 'socialize' at all.
Because a divided population is a conquered population.
When EVERYONE is the 'other' you have NO FRIENDS.
Think about how isolated you are and the position that leaves you in?
The ONLY 'team' you're a part of is at work and when the feckless decide they don't need you anymore, you're toast and none of your 'teammates' will stand up for you because it's always 'team first'...(and you did mock the boss's tie that one time two years ago so you sort of asked for it.)
Because the other thing plaguing society is this 'better them than me' disease.
Zero empathy is its own reward.
So when your kids have nobody to help them and no future who will they blame?
Don't look at, got a mirror nearby?
In case you haven't (mentally) taken the time to peek over the edge of the cliff society is headed off, that's just one of the hideous things you'll see staring back.)
Until we can restore 'community' [And A Simple Plan does that with the 'enclaves' places where birds of every conceivable feather can band together to live the life they LOVE!]
Better, in the end there is only ONE TEAM AND that is Team Humanity, caring for the planet and ALL of it's inhabitants!
[Tragically mosquito larve are basically 'fish food' so if you want healthy fish gotta suffer a little.]
We have to stop this remote control 'division' [fear-mongering] being done by the feckless 'owners of the planet' [a grievous wrong in itself.]
To live in harmony we cannot be 'divided'.
Not by God, not by Money and certainly not by 'I was here first' [to which we reply, good, then we'll EAT YOU FIRST!]
Thanks for letting me inside you're head,
That was 'square one' of the 'privatization' of the healthcare industry. If you were 'criminally insane' then you remained under lock & key but if you were merely a 'menace to society' you were cut loose. If your family had the resources, you got treatment...but if your family couldn't pay you were 'on you're own'.
Yes, good citizen. Society once saw the benefit of caring for the, er, 'unwell' [kept them off the streets and away from guns and sharp, pointy things.] But St. Ronnie Reagan shut down mental health facilities wholesale, nationwide when he kicked off his HMO offensive with it's $2 co-pays...
How many of you remember when co-pays were just $2?
They aren't $2 now, are they?
Whack jobs wandering the streets? They don't have ANYWHERE to go. But that's not who presents 'the danger'. Most of these people aren't capable of caring for themselves much less harming others. It's the ones who aren't completely helpless but are otherwise 'rudderless' [right is one of their hands and wrong is wetting themselves...the end.]
These people take jobs nobody 'in their right mind' would do, often becoming the 'wind-up toys' of anyone with an agenda because these otherwise helpless individuals only know what they're told...and there are a lot of them!
These institutions attracted their own variety of monsters and turned many of the institutions that employed them into living hells...but gross mismanagement isn't a new phenomenon.
[And some of the cruelest outcomes are born out of 'kind intentions'. The people that used their 'influence' to land their progeny a job inside said institution KNEW they should have been signing commitment papers but if he worked there, isn't it the 'same thing without the stigma'?]
Yeah, that 'poison' we call money has more 'uses' than intended...and it has caused endless grief from the very beginning.
Which is just one more reason why we need 'responsible people' in charge because our 'inner opportunist' can't resist a 'win-win' and out inner moron can't foresee the inevitable until after the fact.
Look at the people Mr. "Make America Great Again" surrounded himself with? Is he that poor a judge of character or does the error roll all the way back to the Reagan Revolution when the 'wrong people' seized the reins of the political system and started 'stacking the deck'?
Shift mental gears with me as we circle back to last night and the 5th consecutive 'childless halloween' shall we?
Zero coincidence that Halloween has become a 'phantom holiday'. Kids no longer go forth and meet their neighbors because they are taught to fear them!
Our damnable 'lack of a village' is nurturing fearful children who will soon have to be homeschooled so they don't have to 'socialize' at all.
Because a divided population is a conquered population.
When EVERYONE is the 'other' you have NO FRIENDS.
Think about how isolated you are and the position that leaves you in?
The ONLY 'team' you're a part of is at work and when the feckless decide they don't need you anymore, you're toast and none of your 'teammates' will stand up for you because it's always 'team first'...(and you did mock the boss's tie that one time two years ago so you sort of asked for it.)
Because the other thing plaguing society is this 'better them than me' disease.
Zero empathy is its own reward.
So when your kids have nobody to help them and no future who will they blame?
Don't look at, got a mirror nearby?
In case you haven't (mentally) taken the time to peek over the edge of the cliff society is headed off, that's just one of the hideous things you'll see staring back.)
Until we can restore 'community' [And A Simple Plan does that with the 'enclaves' places where birds of every conceivable feather can band together to live the life they LOVE!]
Better, in the end there is only ONE TEAM AND that is Team Humanity, caring for the planet and ALL of it's inhabitants!
[Tragically mosquito larve are basically 'fish food' so if you want healthy fish gotta suffer a little.]
We have to stop this remote control 'division' [fear-mongering] being done by the feckless 'owners of the planet' [a grievous wrong in itself.]
To live in harmony we cannot be 'divided'.
Not by God, not by Money and certainly not by 'I was here first' [to which we reply, good, then we'll EAT YOU FIRST!]
Thanks for letting me inside you're head,
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