Thursday, November 23, 2017


Greetings good citizen, hope you all took my earlier advice to heart and told the 'troublemakers' in your life to go to...[anywhere but your house!] [Bizarrely, there are a LOT of restaurants open on this day we traditionally gather with loved ones to 'give thanks'...makes you think the capitalists believe the holiday has nothing to do with family or food but making a buck...[now that 'Black Friday' is a month and a half long!]

Some of us lament the 'commercialization' of the holidays [mostly because it reminds us of how poorly we're doing on our long, miserable journey to the 'dirt nap'.] How many of you appreciate that it is this commercialization that shifts the holiday's focus from one of being thankful for your blessings to that of being found wanting because you haven't been as 'successful' as the media tells us we should be.

Yes good citizen, once again we need look no further than the eye that never blinks as the source of our misdirected angst.

[Maybe I should jockey for a post with the 'kill your TV' blog...but the 'idiot box' is merely a symptom , not the cause!]

Again, it's all bout 'focus'...and it seems nobody 'remembers' what is important because the boogeymen of yesteryear have been (temporarily) vanquished.

[Not that the horror stories ended, they just shifted, from deadly diseases to artificial economic penury, all so a few could lord it over the rest of us.]

Naturally, it will be neglect [born of greed] that brings the ancient horrors back to fore.

Diseases we thought were conquered have already made a comeback in drug resistant form. It's only a matter of time until the 'for profit' healthcare industry is overwhelmed by the lack of paying customers.

Yes, good citizen, this F.U. Pay me system has to go or we will return to the losing battle with mortality because the eye that never blinks has told us we all 'must have' new turnip twaddlers!

The 'custom' of gathering at harvest time is an ancient ritual where families took stock of the year just ended and, more often than not, mourned those no longer at the table.

This year, regardless of your position at the table, take stock of who is there and cherish them because you may not see them again next year. Do not mourn your failures, everybody knows it takes a two steps backward for a single step forward.

Breaking bread together is a 'celebration' of survivorship. A census if you will but one of appreciation for having made it to the table for another year. That's what you should be 'thankful' for. Food on the table is secondary [and f'n Christmas is somewhere at the bottom of the septic tank!]

Again, at Christmas you should be focused on the happiness the company of others brings than what they brought you as tokens of appreciation. The most important thing anyone can give you is their affection. There is no second place.

If those closest to you don't like you then the tale told by 'A Christmas Carol' was lost on you.

It's not about the money, it's not about the gifts, it's about the LOVE!


Take a good look around much love do you see? What you see is a lot of blind fools tripping over their own dicks as they push and shove their way to the front of the line for their steaming shovelful of shit.

Life is to be 'shared', not hoarded...(or worse lorded.)

I'm just a humble writer, I can't tell you how to live your life but I can tell you about what makes life worthwhile, it what we writers do! In fact the shithow your currently striving for came from the pen of a copywriter!

Keep that in mind before the predators rob you of everything worth living for.

The 'game' is 99% DECEPTION, the first step in avoiding being played for a fool is not to fall for it in the first place! [I know, easier said than done]

How sad is it that 'wisdom' can't be taught, only learned?

Just sharing some thoughts with those I care about on this day set aside for giving thanks.

I didn't want this day to pass without my readers being told how much I APPRECIATE their taking the time to consider what I have to, er, 'rant' about. [Yeah, a lot of it is negative, but it's the toolbox we all know.]

My most humble thanks and my sincerest appreciation for your letting me inside YOUR head,


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