Greetings good citizen, when it comes to 'state of mind' your outlook is completely in charge. Are things really as 'dark' as the media wants us to believe...and again they don't give a fig what you believe because PERCEPTION IS EVERYTHING!
The 'infamous they' remain in power because you 'perceive' that you can't do anything about it. You keep getting 'short-sheeted' and again [here perception and reality match] there isn't a thing you can (legally) do about it.
In this respect 'perception' is king. Life truly is 'what you make it' because the feckless are quite thorough when it comes to dotting their 'i's and crossing their 't' well as being experts at 'dancing between the cracks' (doing the underhanded that isn't 'right' but it ain't illegal either.)
If you think you can, you can and if you think you can't you're right!
Now the lines between audacity and legality are perilously close and committing crimes to take down criminals is a long honored practice [tased to death in the back of a cruiser while handcuffed anyone?]
If you have a badge the prosecutor may 'choose' not to prosecute but if you don't then you'd best have a damn good lawyer...or at least that's the 'perception'.
The very definition of 'chaos' [anarchy is something else entirely!] is taking the law into your own hands. Anarchy is the practice of letting society decide (via the ballot box) what is and isn't legal.
The criminals among us have gotten away with more than civilization can tolerate, all so 'a few' can be rich.
But you're supposed to 'perceive' that everything is on the up and up!
Your being cited for speeding is evidence that Justice prevails even when the number on the ticket has zero basis in simply thought the officer was being 'kind' to you...he wasn't. It's his/her JOB to make you believe justice is ever vigilant! [especially when 99% of the time they don't turn up until long after the fact, lights and sirens blaring to take the 'fight' out of perps.]
Much of what happens to you is done for 'appearances'.
Some may be satisfied that justice is being served when your car gets towed for being parked in a handicapped space [even if you're in a wheelchair, no placard, no parky!]
But there are no cops on Wall Street (or Capitol Hill for that matter!) These guys rip the public off every day, all day and because the perception is there is nothing that can be done about it, they get away with it!
How many of you are STUPID ENOUGH to believe the economy would fall apart if Wall Street shut down?
Would you stop going to the store or would you stop using your bank account?
Would you stop needing 'things' if the banks closed their doors?
Because that's the 'impression' you've been handed. If Wall Street (OR the Insurance companies) closed, the banks would fold up like paper napkins and the economy would come to a screeching halt [emphasis on the screeching!]
Totally ignoring premise Number One...YOUR MONEY IS FOR YOU! Can't get a house without a bank loan? Where (precisely) the F do you suppose THAT came from?
Predators, they prey on YOU everyday of your life and the 'justice system' does nothing about it!
World would be a MUCH different place if the laws were what the public wanted [tempered by the H.A.E. Law] Which outlaws 'because I don't like it' legislation, along with a wide variety of other petty, ill-considered ideas.
What do you suppose would be the first 'landmark' change? The abolition of 'ownership', the mother of all misery? There is only one planet and nobody owns ANY of it! We ALL need to share what there is as equitably as possible. Will it be totally fair, probably not but it will still be light years apart from what we suffer now.
The biggest obstacle to general prosperity is the 'I got mine' mentality that keeps production low and unemployment high...because the fools don't want to contradict the 'holy rulebook' [about going forth and multiplying, something they enjoy a little too much so that they do it to the exclusion of all else! Somebody should cut the damn thing off! [And that still wouldn't stop them! So used to 'sticking it' to people that they have come to enjoy it more than when they were still capable of physical relations!]
Yeah, the overpopulation crisis is a 'self-inflicted' wound...and we can only wonder why our politicians remain so out of touch...are they selling 'the surplus population' to aliens for food?
Ya think we'd know if something like that were happening but look at all the other nonsense you regularly buy into...
Why isn't birth control a priority?
What's WRONG with the people running things? Do they have an agenda we aren't aware of because they behave mighty peculiarly. We brush it off to greed but could it be something else?
Just in case you were wondering where I was going with this and 'belaboring the obvious' by pointing out what you all know: you are the victim of your own 'perception', what you believe governs your reality so you must consider carefully what you choose to accept...
And that concludes today's missive, thanks for opening your mind; now start preparing that list of *things you're thankful for...
[* Drawing a blank? So are most of us...]
The 'infamous they' remain in power because you 'perceive' that you can't do anything about it. You keep getting 'short-sheeted' and again [here perception and reality match] there isn't a thing you can (legally) do about it.
In this respect 'perception' is king. Life truly is 'what you make it' because the feckless are quite thorough when it comes to dotting their 'i's and crossing their 't' well as being experts at 'dancing between the cracks' (doing the underhanded that isn't 'right' but it ain't illegal either.)
If you think you can, you can and if you think you can't you're right!
Now the lines between audacity and legality are perilously close and committing crimes to take down criminals is a long honored practice [tased to death in the back of a cruiser while handcuffed anyone?]
If you have a badge the prosecutor may 'choose' not to prosecute but if you don't then you'd best have a damn good lawyer...or at least that's the 'perception'.
The very definition of 'chaos' [anarchy is something else entirely!] is taking the law into your own hands. Anarchy is the practice of letting society decide (via the ballot box) what is and isn't legal.
The criminals among us have gotten away with more than civilization can tolerate, all so 'a few' can be rich.
But you're supposed to 'perceive' that everything is on the up and up!
Your being cited for speeding is evidence that Justice prevails even when the number on the ticket has zero basis in simply thought the officer was being 'kind' to you...he wasn't. It's his/her JOB to make you believe justice is ever vigilant! [especially when 99% of the time they don't turn up until long after the fact, lights and sirens blaring to take the 'fight' out of perps.]
Much of what happens to you is done for 'appearances'.
Some may be satisfied that justice is being served when your car gets towed for being parked in a handicapped space [even if you're in a wheelchair, no placard, no parky!]
But there are no cops on Wall Street (or Capitol Hill for that matter!) These guys rip the public off every day, all day and because the perception is there is nothing that can be done about it, they get away with it!
How many of you are STUPID ENOUGH to believe the economy would fall apart if Wall Street shut down?
Would you stop going to the store or would you stop using your bank account?
Would you stop needing 'things' if the banks closed their doors?
Because that's the 'impression' you've been handed. If Wall Street (OR the Insurance companies) closed, the banks would fold up like paper napkins and the economy would come to a screeching halt [emphasis on the screeching!]
Totally ignoring premise Number One...YOUR MONEY IS FOR YOU! Can't get a house without a bank loan? Where (precisely) the F do you suppose THAT came from?
Predators, they prey on YOU everyday of your life and the 'justice system' does nothing about it!
World would be a MUCH different place if the laws were what the public wanted [tempered by the H.A.E. Law] Which outlaws 'because I don't like it' legislation, along with a wide variety of other petty, ill-considered ideas.
What do you suppose would be the first 'landmark' change? The abolition of 'ownership', the mother of all misery? There is only one planet and nobody owns ANY of it! We ALL need to share what there is as equitably as possible. Will it be totally fair, probably not but it will still be light years apart from what we suffer now.
The biggest obstacle to general prosperity is the 'I got mine' mentality that keeps production low and unemployment high...because the fools don't want to contradict the 'holy rulebook' [about going forth and multiplying, something they enjoy a little too much so that they do it to the exclusion of all else! Somebody should cut the damn thing off! [And that still wouldn't stop them! So used to 'sticking it' to people that they have come to enjoy it more than when they were still capable of physical relations!]
Yeah, the overpopulation crisis is a 'self-inflicted' wound...and we can only wonder why our politicians remain so out of touch...are they selling 'the surplus population' to aliens for food?
Ya think we'd know if something like that were happening but look at all the other nonsense you regularly buy into...
Why isn't birth control a priority?
What's WRONG with the people running things? Do they have an agenda we aren't aware of because they behave mighty peculiarly. We brush it off to greed but could it be something else?
Just in case you were wondering where I was going with this and 'belaboring the obvious' by pointing out what you all know: you are the victim of your own 'perception', what you believe governs your reality so you must consider carefully what you choose to accept...
And that concludes today's missive, thanks for opening your mind; now start preparing that list of *things you're thankful for...
[* Drawing a blank? So are most of us...]
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