Saturday, November 18, 2017


Greetings good citizen, we writers often lament the imprecision of speech made even more frustrating because the average schmuck suffers from an extremely weak vocabulary.

The Progressive Rush Limbaugh went on hiatus until February last night so maybe the waters will settle somewhat before you're logic is assailed by the fruitless pursuits those claiming to 'oppose' the oligarchs want you to focus on.

To the plus side, the more they flap their gums the more irrelevant they make themselves. The problems facing society/civilization are much deeper than who touched who when and where did they pee afterwards...

Seriously good citizen, what passes for 'our' government more closely resembles the antics seen in the center ring of a low brow three ring circus!

Our inability to dismiss this pack of incompetents only makes the situation that much more frustrating. Worse, nobody can see a way to restore order [short of revolt]...

More 'problematic' is what comes afterwards? Revolt now and the oligarchs will sweep away what few legal protections you enjoy as they rally around their favorite banner, 'The Golden Halo'.

Death to the SINNERS will be their battle cry and anyone who opposes them will be branded a 'sinner' [for opposing the 'will of god' is blasphemy!]

All they need is a lead and we'll never catch up!

Do you believe your peers are 'too smart' to fall for the God bit? That's what they thought last time until the feckless media started branding people, once the 'bandwagon' got rolling the 'smart money' hopped aboard, mostly to save their own worthless necks!

Never underestimate the viciousness of the superstitious peasant. Who is a 'peasant' you ask? You're surrounded by them. The only reason they are doing what the jerks with the bull horns order them to do is because they don't want to be next.

And THAT good citizen is how you control a mindless mob. The mob can be turned but it's a difficult (and dangerous) trick.

The 'original' gangs won't be 'turn able' because they are para-military and following orders. Their orders are to kill the 'agitators' as brutally as possible to show the others they mean business.

Given the cruelty our betters have shown us over the years since morning in America that's not going to work on most of the hardened, older types who remember when there was no such thing as 'Homeland Security'.

Does ANYONE still believe the Nazis LOST? Only the STUPID few who fail to make the connection that the fundamentals of Nazism are IDENTICAL to those of the CAPITALISM!

Any questions?

If you're just now wondering if this is true you obviously haven't been paying attention. This is the 'dissonance' referred to in today's title.

Ironically, the bought and paid for media tells you less than nothing but you fail to question why and they just keep doing it.

The real 'trick' to the news cycle is to ignore the important and focus on the trivial so you won't pay attention when the rug is being pulled out from underneath you.

Like taxes. Taxes are totally unnecessary yet the feckless make a big deal out of overpaying themselves so taxes don't affect their lifestyle like they effect yours!

They think you are stupid and they can think that all they want because the important thing is YOU'RE POWERLESS!

And that's just the way they want you.

And if you don't fall into line we'll just reboot the crusades and the accompanying 'witch hunts'. Nothing keeps 'em obedient like fear!


So if you think things are bad now, you ain't seen nothing yet!

Again my hope is forewarned is forearmed! You can stop the mindless with a shout but you have to be shrill and then you have to hammer them, hard with THE TRUTH!


Because it's pretty moronic to be shouting about the 'vengeance of god' when NOBODY has seen god do so much as blow a leaf across the yard without wind. Snapping people back to their senses is pretty easy once they realize 'what comes around goes around'

and the 'better them than me' only applies to 'this time'...another useful thing to remind the mindless of when they are ready to tear you apart on the say so of the employees of the people you SHOULD BE RUNNING UP A LIGHT POLE!

What's the bottom line here?

You're being played and you're powerless to stop them. We need to 'bitchslap' some sense into the mindless who believe whatever they've been told in the last thirty seconds. If we don't we're all scroomed.

Um, thanks for stopping by and opening your mind, hope what I've shared helps.

Help yourself to as much free stuff as you can carry but stay away from those last two barrels, one of em is rancid and the other has nuts in it.


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