Friday, November 3, 2017

GREED is highly destructive

Greetings good citizen, we are taught from a early age that pursuing our own best interests serves the interests of us all.

Um, statements like that only provide cover for the self-interested who ruthlessly hold hostage what we all need to survive. Doesn't look so 'benevolent' when it's put to you that way does it?

The right to own denies others their right to prosper because whoever got there first has claimed for themselves what there is. Sure they will let you BUY some but if you can't afford the price, 'keep shopping'.

This 'me,me,me-mine,mine,mine' mindset is re-enforced by adults from the beginning of life and at no time during your youth was this cycle broken...except, occassionally, at church where you were taught the 'sanctity of sharing'.

They provided lip service to the idea life is to be shared but stopped short of actually enforcing a concept so contrary to capitalism and it's central premise of 'Greed is Good'.

Just to give you an idea, Adam Smith, the man credited with immortalizing the concept in print From Wikipedia:
Adam Smith was an economist and philosopher who wrote what is considered the "bible of capitalism," The Wealth of Nations, in which he details the first system of political economy.Aug 17, 2016

Your greedhead progenitors don't know why they hold personal greed dear to their hearts although many mistakenly credit Gordon Gekko, the fictional 'anti-hero' of the film Wall Street.

So it is the Republicans [the party YOU vote for but deny being a member of] has just declared a 'permanent' tax cut for the ONE PERCENT [in the what by now must be 100th consecutive attempt to 'jumpstart' the economy by giving those who already have more than they can spend even more that they have no idea what to do with...although I have explained it in detail to you many times. [Who arms the warlords? Who is smuggling the drugs? Who is trafficking in humans? and who is lobbying for a smaller, 'privatized' government?]

Because in case you don't realize it, that's the REAL GOAL of 'tax cuts' defund the government so they can't meddle [more commonly recognized as protect] the consumer from the feckless who HAVE (in the past) AND WILL (in the future) commit any attrocity 'for a buck'...and since GREED IS GREAT is our unofficial national coda, they defend their actions, regardless of how heineous, as "hey, I wuz just tryin' to make a buck!" Some of 'em even have the chutzpah to add 'honest' in there.

But 'sensitivity' has never been the stupid's strong point.

So as we enter the 17th year of the War without End [did you notice NEITHER candidate campaigned on the promise to end the war? Most of you forget we are still bleeding money from the eyesockets for a senseless, unwinnable 'military adventure'.

Yup less taxes for those that already have more than they can spend! The rest of us can 'tread water' as best we can while the feckless raise 'fees' to cover the latest 'giveaway' to the already wealthy.

The global bumper crop of billionaires is the only evidence of (again) global tax cuts FOR THE RICH. While much massaged 'metrics' indicate humanity as a whole is only minesculely better off than they were forty years ago and it is only when you look at the barely preceptible improvements in abject poverty measures that there is ANY noticable difference. That and the billionaires.


I don't even need to direct you to a mirror...besides the face you're making would scare anybody...except a politician, they are used to people making faces like that.

Worse, this 'more for me' nonsense has already decimated the global economy. The service industry has already converted to a 'by the gig' payroll model just to keep their doors work = no pay and the 'too rich' just don't consume that much [relative to the size of the 'gig' workforce.]

IF we don't put the brakes on the 'more for me' mindset the coming 'social implosion' [what EVERYBODY is 'prepping' for] will return us to the stone age.

Guess what, even if you have a years worth of food put aside it won't be enough. [there can be NO prosperity without PEACE born of order and rule of law.]

How good are you at keeping a secret? Because that's how long your stash will last [provided you did an outstanding job of hiding it in the first place...most of you should plant 'free food' signs pointing the marauders to your stores because they are hiding in plain sight.

Didn't your pappy teach you that locks only keep honest people honest?

Don't look now but we are neck deep in greedy, selfish, untrustworthy, STUPID your 'locks' are useless.

After they KILL you they'll have plenty of time to bust the place up looking for your stash.

I know...I'm doing it again, those three things people hate, cameras, mirrors and the truth.

Well, ignore this at your own peril as well!

I'm going to close with my new admonition to take as much as you like...when it come to knowledge or wisdom, greed truly is 'good'.


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