Wednesday, November 29, 2017


Greetings good citizen, against all rationality and with the global economy in freefall due to the decimation of the customer base [thanks to the recklessness of the feckless.] The 'nobody voted for 'em' Senate has passed the 1.5 trillion [that's one and a half THOUSAND BILLION] dollar tax cut that eliminates many of the tax deductions the working class relies the already wealthy don't have to pay as much in.

Where's the Tea Party now that social security is going to be suspended because the morons are spending all of their revenue on the war in the Middle East?

Isn't it a damn good thing ALL MONEY IS FUNNY? Problem is none of the rest of us are laughing. The rest of us have to make ends meet on what we're not getting and now we're going to be told they can't afford to give us raises because the ECONOMY IS LOUSY! [and the stupid CEO'S have to put ALL of the profits [along with whatever they can borrow] towards the stock repurchase program their paycheck is based on...WTF!

Can YOU say f'n Nuts because there is no other explanation.

Yesterday I 'predicted' that if the public wasn't satisfied with the candidates and their positions in the next election [does anyone else find it peculiar that neither side has fielded a candidate yet?] Because there are NO GOOD candidates. Bernie was too old during the last election cycle and will 'beg off' if asked to run in 2020. That leaves Elizabeth Warren, a relative neophyte who is hard charging and determined but lacks the political muscle to even get Citizen's United repealed!

Like you and me, nobody 'has her back.' It would be akin to bringing a flower to a gunfight. [Virgil, you gonna die!]

So, without a return to choice (or even a modicum of sanity) the 2020 race will dissolve into riots the likes of which have not been seen in almost 300 years. It will make the riots of the Sixties look like 'pep rallies'.

Unlike the 60's this time the protesters will be armed and prepared to flank the opposition/palace guard.

The military will be called up but not before hundreds are dead and once that happens the stage will be set for the lynchings that are long overdue. Nobody has faith in the corrupt 'injustice system' that let things get this bad.

Oh yeah, good citizen. Let's not forget that this whole shitshow was PREVENTABLE but the people who appoint the upholders of justice put their pets in charge then started running roughshod over the public [and their toadies pretended it wasn't happening.] Now the toads are twisting in the wind and the mob is thirsting for more blood and vengeance!

Will Blackwater & Triple Canopy [remember them?] be able to save all of the clients who bought security plans with them? Probably not and there won't be anyone to sue them over it either. (The new courts don't hear civil cases, just criminal.) [Although admitting you were an employee of any mercenary outfit is a one way ticket to Lord of the Flies Island (where your combat skills give you an edge toward becoming head maggot!)

You makes your choices and then you live with 'em, that part doesn't change.

Ironically, after the fire, death & taxes gets thrown out the window too because the government doesn't need your money to function and neither does commerce [and neither ever did, which should piss you off...considerably! Talk about played.]

Yup, zero irony that the correct answer to the question 'where does money come from?' has always been 'the printing press' but that too will go the way of the Dodo. Cash in all of its forms will be illegal and attempting to use cash will become an exile offense!

Demand cash from somebody and face summary execution! [Yeah, the new legal system doesn't mess around.] You'll guard your reputation and play well with others if you want to get along in the world where life is FINALLY worth living.

We have big plans for hospitality [and LUXE will be the only way to go!] Funny how taxes will take peasants with them. [No more of either!]

Imagine how much nicer the workers at the resorts will be if they can live on what they earn!

But I digress, there are a ton of reasons to revolt and you are being goaded into doing precisely that but by the Royal wannabes who will plunge the survivors of the 'purge' into the Dark Ages we only recently escaped [relatively speaking.]

For those of you who missed the post where I described this tactic let's just say this will be 'comply or die' writ large. You won't LOOK at a royal lest they interpret it as an act of 'disrespect' for which YOU can be summarily executed! [Yup, just for looking at them.] and you will not (even to your mother) whisper a word against the crown because 'heresy' is also punishable by instant death.

Is THAT the kind of world you want to leave to your kids?

Well, the next (sham) election has a lot riding on it, doesn't it and NOT LOSING has a greater dimension than you can comprehend.

There is a reason we find ourselves living in a world where nobody asks questions, the muzzle is already upon us. If you don't want it bolted in place you'll fight to save your children from the MONSTERS the mis-handling of money has unleashed upon us.

All money is funny yet people will kill to get their hands on it because of what happens when you don't have enough.

Something is very wrong with that statement, good citizen and if you can't figure that out you haven't comprehended a single thing I said!

To which I say 'Good Luck with that!'

The rest of you understand perfectly which is why you keep coming back. It is here you can find HOPE!

Thanks for opening your mind!


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