Tuesday, November 14, 2017


Greetings good citizen, as the tax cutting Republicans Starting with Reagan and continuing right up to the Trump administration have repeatedly slashed taxes on those WHO NEEDED IT LEAST meanwhile the real global economy is collapsing due to a lack of customers! [The population continues to grow but the cost of living is growing faster and the tax cuts for the already rich just raise taxes/expenses on/for everyone else. [Sadly, this is tied directly to the stupidity factor; an indirect 'tax' on the rest of us caused by loosened educational standards...due to budget cuts caused by TAX CUTS FOR THE FECKLESS!]

How many of you know what 'crimes against humanity' are?

Should be a rhetorical question but we have been saying for years our 'elected leaders' don't listen to us, making them criminals from a dereliction of duty point of view.

The 'defense' for our politicians is they 'disagree' [in what passes for their hearts] with what the public wants and can't in good conscience take paychecks from the hardworking insurance industry [never-mind their generous campaign contributions] by supporting single payer healthcare...

The REASON we don't fight this is behavior is the vindictive way the feckless operate. If we MAKE THEM give us single payer it will be so overburdened with fees and forms it will turn out to be worse than doing nothing. [from the delivery of safe, effective and timely healthcare point of view.]

People who have a 'problem' with the smooth functioning of society WILL have their 'membership' revoked...which is to say they won't have to 'volunteer' for exile. [Those currently in office will have their necks stretched, free of charge!]

While my, er, 'viewpoint' is somewhat sterner, here's what Mr. Krugman has to say on the subject:

Focusing on how many would face tax increases gets at only a small part of what’s going on here.

Top-down class warfare, coupled with false claims to be cutting taxes on the middle class, has been standard G.O.P. operating procedure for a long time. In fact, for policy wonks of a certain age, the current tax debate inspires an overwhelming sense of déjà vu, because many of the tricks Republicans are using come right out of the Bush administration’s playbook in 2001 and 2003.

Tax breaks that phase in or out to make the 10-year budget impact look smaller? Check. Misleading examples and calculations to give the false impression of a tax cut for the middle class? Check. Pretending that tax cuts come free, that they won’t eventually have to be offset by cuts to popular programs? Check, again.

But there are also some new aspects to this latest money grab. This time around, much more clearly than before, the goal seems to be to favor wealth, especially inherited wealth, over work. And buried in the legislation are multiple measures that would make it much harder for the children of the middle and working classes to work their way up.

There is zero irony that none of this behavior is considered criminal since those proposing it are LAWMAKERS!

Those who must live under the law are the ones who should be making them...and then only after EVERYONE gets to vote on them!

We DON'T need those who WILL and HAVE sold the rest of us out to the highest bidder making laws for us that they specifically exempt themselves from!

In case you didn't know and most of you don't or heard but refused to believe it.

We live in a land ruled by criminals and if you don't like it, MOVE!

As an extension of yesterday's post let me point to who is behind the divisive media practices that are driving wedges between families and society alike? Wonder where all the crazed shooters are coming from? We need look no further than the hate spewing conservative media and their ceaseless yearning for some 'yesteryear' than NEVER EXISTED!

Did somebody take a steaming dump in the milk of human kindness?

That's for YOU to decide, good citizen.

Thanks for visiting and don't forget to help yourself to the free samples!


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