Greetings good citizen, the worldwide conservative movement, under the banner of globalization, has completed what it set out to do. Not only did it shift its power base to the Far East it gutted Western ideology.
The starving Chinese are more than happy with the crumbs from the capitalist's table. Most don't consider the people from former [mismanaged] communist nations as 'starving' but it's the truth. Just like here, the few grabbed everything for themselves and left the workers nothing.
Now if they could just automate EVERYTHING they'd have it pretty sweet...then they could 'make good' on their 'threat/promise' to hire one half of us to exterminate the other, until none of us pesky peasants were left.
Because if you boil away the BS what you have left is 'selfishness'. The greedy few want it ALL for themselves. YOU are a pain in their backside and if wishes came true they'd wake up tomorrow and YOU would be gone...they care not where!
[Although they'd prefer to see YOUR corpse...there's nothing like the comfort of certainty...knowing YOU'RE NOT coming back!]
But either way is good to them because all they care about is them and theirs. If you're neither, you're not worth the bother!
Why am I capitalizing the pronoun YOU?
Because many of you don't think this is is and in the worst possible way!
The greedy truly DESPISE us but because of their tiny numbers they pretend to care.
Did we just screw you again? That wasn't us! [It's always denial, it's NEVER them although like Lenny Cohen says...EVERYBODY KNOWS it's them, grinning with maniacal satisfaction as they twist the knife!.]
Anyway, what does the freakishly selfish's warped mental state have to do with the state of global disarray?
Pretty much EVERYTHING! Guess who OWNS THE MEDIA? [You're good at this! Right in one!]
The media provides the 'labels' while the FILTHY RICH paint the targets...then (our kids in uniform) have to fight them off.
Does anyone remember when there wasn't a 'Homeland'? Well in the future you'll be asking if your kids remember when there was NO SUCH THING as ALT RIGHT or it's equally mythical counterpart, the ALT LEFT?
There is no LEFT AND RIGHT, it's a ploy BY THE FREAKISHLY SELFISH to divert attention from the real 'social chasm', that of RICH AND POOR!
Who made the ALT RIGHT? The RICH! Who made the ALT LEFT? The POOR! [who is standing on the sidelines? THE PALACE GUARD!] Momma, don't let your babies be cannon fodder for the feckless, teach 'em that the blue suit is NOBODY'S friend! [Same goes for fatigues, they don't fight for YOU, they are sworn to THEM!]
Yet the feckless media calls these puppets of privilege 'heroes' when the truth is it is they who keep the for profit prison industry churning out dollars for the freakishly selfish.
If we stood still for it they would march us all into one, fire the guards and throw away the key! [Actually in 'capitalist utopia' there is no need for the palace guard, they'd be abandoned with the mud people that they loathe so deeply!
Why do I put it that way? If they didn't loathe us they wouldn't treat us like vermin!
Just the sight of us makes their (guilty) flesh crawl...and 'righteously' so!)
Don't think humanity has a problem? Then you've drank too much Kool-aid!
What I want to convey here, before we gather to 'give thanks' is to remind everyone (who will listen) that WE are ALL in this TOGETHER, This 'gimme, gimme, me first!' nonsense HAS TO GO!
There are humans and there are FREAKS. If you can't identify THE ENEMY then we are doomed! Make no mistake about it, the RICH already have us in their sights and they are wiping us out WHOLESALE around the globe.
Which is remind you that we should all be thankful that we have escaped extermination...but only for now.
If we do nothing it will be 'our turn' before you know it.
What to do? Simple, we OUTLAW CASH and zero out the banking industry! [Banking, such as it is, will become an internal function of the DIVISION that employs YOU [no more corporations] YOU will be issued a debit card that YOU can use to buy what YOU need. [Before new cards are issued your employer will give you a voucher that has your 'vitals' on it.]
Single people can't shop for 90 and if they try to it will mark them for exile! Greed will NOT BE TOLERATED. If you in fact have a nine member household, it will be on the voucher as well as your debit card. Load up, because you indeed have a lot of mouths to feed.
Get caught committing fraud and you know the much do you like being naked outdoors? [Because that's how you'll be spending the rest of your miserable days.]
Those are the first steps, it all flows forward from disabling the culture of fraud and corruption fostered by mismanagement and neglect.
There is much to be done and plenty of hands with which to do it. [How SICK is it that the feckless ignore infrastructure as a method of limiting population growth?]
Tired of excuses? If a paycheck is good enough for 99% of us, it's good enough for ALL of us!
Thanks for opening your mind,
The starving Chinese are more than happy with the crumbs from the capitalist's table. Most don't consider the people from former [mismanaged] communist nations as 'starving' but it's the truth. Just like here, the few grabbed everything for themselves and left the workers nothing.
Now if they could just automate EVERYTHING they'd have it pretty sweet...then they could 'make good' on their 'threat/promise' to hire one half of us to exterminate the other, until none of us pesky peasants were left.
Because if you boil away the BS what you have left is 'selfishness'. The greedy few want it ALL for themselves. YOU are a pain in their backside and if wishes came true they'd wake up tomorrow and YOU would be gone...they care not where!
[Although they'd prefer to see YOUR corpse...there's nothing like the comfort of certainty...knowing YOU'RE NOT coming back!]
But either way is good to them because all they care about is them and theirs. If you're neither, you're not worth the bother!
Why am I capitalizing the pronoun YOU?
Because many of you don't think this is is and in the worst possible way!
The greedy truly DESPISE us but because of their tiny numbers they pretend to care.
Did we just screw you again? That wasn't us! [It's always denial, it's NEVER them although like Lenny Cohen says...EVERYBODY KNOWS it's them, grinning with maniacal satisfaction as they twist the knife!.]
Anyway, what does the freakishly selfish's warped mental state have to do with the state of global disarray?
Pretty much EVERYTHING! Guess who OWNS THE MEDIA? [You're good at this! Right in one!]
The media provides the 'labels' while the FILTHY RICH paint the targets...then (our kids in uniform) have to fight them off.
Does anyone remember when there wasn't a 'Homeland'? Well in the future you'll be asking if your kids remember when there was NO SUCH THING as ALT RIGHT or it's equally mythical counterpart, the ALT LEFT?
There is no LEFT AND RIGHT, it's a ploy BY THE FREAKISHLY SELFISH to divert attention from the real 'social chasm', that of RICH AND POOR!
Who made the ALT RIGHT? The RICH! Who made the ALT LEFT? The POOR! [who is standing on the sidelines? THE PALACE GUARD!] Momma, don't let your babies be cannon fodder for the feckless, teach 'em that the blue suit is NOBODY'S friend! [Same goes for fatigues, they don't fight for YOU, they are sworn to THEM!]
Yet the feckless media calls these puppets of privilege 'heroes' when the truth is it is they who keep the for profit prison industry churning out dollars for the freakishly selfish.
If we stood still for it they would march us all into one, fire the guards and throw away the key! [Actually in 'capitalist utopia' there is no need for the palace guard, they'd be abandoned with the mud people that they loathe so deeply!
Why do I put it that way? If they didn't loathe us they wouldn't treat us like vermin!
Just the sight of us makes their (guilty) flesh crawl...and 'righteously' so!)
Don't think humanity has a problem? Then you've drank too much Kool-aid!
What I want to convey here, before we gather to 'give thanks' is to remind everyone (who will listen) that WE are ALL in this TOGETHER, This 'gimme, gimme, me first!' nonsense HAS TO GO!
There are humans and there are FREAKS. If you can't identify THE ENEMY then we are doomed! Make no mistake about it, the RICH already have us in their sights and they are wiping us out WHOLESALE around the globe.
Which is remind you that we should all be thankful that we have escaped extermination...but only for now.
If we do nothing it will be 'our turn' before you know it.
What to do? Simple, we OUTLAW CASH and zero out the banking industry! [Banking, such as it is, will become an internal function of the DIVISION that employs YOU [no more corporations] YOU will be issued a debit card that YOU can use to buy what YOU need. [Before new cards are issued your employer will give you a voucher that has your 'vitals' on it.]
Single people can't shop for 90 and if they try to it will mark them for exile! Greed will NOT BE TOLERATED. If you in fact have a nine member household, it will be on the voucher as well as your debit card. Load up, because you indeed have a lot of mouths to feed.
Get caught committing fraud and you know the much do you like being naked outdoors? [Because that's how you'll be spending the rest of your miserable days.]
Those are the first steps, it all flows forward from disabling the culture of fraud and corruption fostered by mismanagement and neglect.
There is much to be done and plenty of hands with which to do it. [How SICK is it that the feckless ignore infrastructure as a method of limiting population growth?]
Tired of excuses? If a paycheck is good enough for 99% of us, it's good enough for ALL of us!
Thanks for opening your mind,
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