Sunday, November 26, 2017

Pod save US?

Greetings good citizen, in our already divided society [the gulf between rich and poor is staggering and getting worse by the moment, it's hardly comforting to note that the predation is mostly confined to the upper levels with the already ginormous devouring the merely gluttonous as they pop into view.

As many readers have learned by now, I detest anything that adds fuel to this false fire that is burning our civilization to the ground.

Which is to ask if 'the answer' to right wing liars is more lies?

[Because the truth didn't even make a dent nevermind break their stride!]

What tactics like this [claiming to be 'the voice of the opposition' when they are actually (advertiser supported) spokesmen for the STATUS QUO!)] miss is the need to re-direct the conversation to where the fat cats don't want it to go.

Who will shine the spotlight on the operating system (capitalism) that only works for a handful? Surely not these oafs!

Will these self-described 'political junkies' steer the conversation in a helpful direction or is it more likely that they will only further muddy the water?

Let's start with the important things shall we, like we're all in this TOGETHER!

Feeding 'the political divide' only makes the situation worse! yet their slogan is 'Pod Save America!'

How much relief does the reassurance of telling the public,"you're right, they're wrong!" give you?

[That's all the 'meat' I got out of this article, the rest was all fluff about the pundits and their alleged 'credentials'.]

Dunno if anyone else finds it worrisome that these youngsters consider themselves 'serious journalists' at a time when 'serious journalists' are considered to be the crux of the problem?

How many of you think 'focus groups' pointed to podcasting as an effective way to reach the young and the gullible?

If you're adding fuel to an already raging fire you're working for the status quo and that makes you a part of the problem, not the solution!

Even blogs like this are considered 'opinion' at best but these guys (and their 'ilk') bill themselves as 'alternatives' when they are actually the same clowns dressed up in different costumes.

[Can't have a fight without an opponent. If one doesn't exist, make it up!] Thus do I present to you "Pod Save America!" (bet a focus group made that up too!) Wrap it in the flag, that's how the conservatives did it!

I do my best not to belabor the obvious but this all got started because NOBODY stood up when El Rushbo was starting out and screamed LIAR!

Since the, er, 'Single factor' believes whatever you tell them I am hoping you will forgive this 'insult to your intelligence.'

Worse, your 'single factor' friends are probably already telling you to check out the podcast.

Why is it you never learn we live in a 'buyer beware' society until after it's too late? [That's The Law, good citizen!] So this post has been a P.S.A. from you're old friend Gegner.

Friends don't let friends eat BS!

Am I being harsh? You tell me...pretending this situation is even fixable brands you as a poser in my eyes.

Sort of on the level of "Make 'Murika Great AGAIN!" [WTF were they thinking?]

There are 'made up' problems and there are real crises just waiting to pop. [Although for all we know the sun could be just days away from going nova (just an example, if that were actually a thing we'd see signs more serious than global warming) and the feckless few decided for us that we don't need to know.

Which is to once again point out that you live under a rock and THEY decide what YOU get to care about...if that doesn't frighten you then you don't need SOMA. (archaic literary reference, you either know what it is or look it up.)

I went to post this and lost my wi-fi connection then lost half the post so this is a re-do.

Thanks for stopping by and opening your mind!


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