Saturday, November 25, 2017


Greetings good citizen, one of the most disturbing disconnects perpetuated by the feckless media [think somebody has a new favorite word?...I'm gonna wear it out!] is how those of us who lived through an troubling era only to learn that kids are being taught to worship the bumbling meat puppet as an 'over-achiever'! What am I babbling about?

Remember this?
On Nov. 25, 1986, the Iran-Contra affair erupted as President Reagan and Attorney General Edwin Meese revealed that profits from secret arms sales to Iran had been diverted to Nicaraguan rebels.

The date reminds us that over forty years have passed since the nation sank into the abyss of conservatism.

A majority of Americans DIDN'T vote in the last election...because what we are seeing, both historically and in real time, are the shameful results.

That has become our 'new reality' good citizen, if there is nothing to 'vote for', don't vote! The past half dozen elections there has been no one to vote for and increasingly the discouraged electorate has 'checked out' of the entire process.

Want people to vote? First make it fool proof and second make it matter!

Understand, what passes for 'leadership' [pretty much since the beginning] leaves much to be desired. Voting for someone to make decisions in your name without ever consulting you is foolish in the first place but we WEREN'T given an 'alternative'. Your 'participation' has always been limited to choosing from a pool of hand picked toadies, something that hasn't changed since the beginning.

Of course let's not forget the false 'party system' that exists SOLELY to create a division that doesn't exist! Hate Libtards? Well Liberals hate YOU too!

The 'real' division is same as it ever was, between the robbers and the workers. The workers want change and the robbers want to 'conserve' the sweet deal they have.

Ever wonder why the robbers refer to their victims as 'libtards'? Because they think they are retarded for even imagining a better deal! The tax cuts the media tells us the conservo-whacko base wants so badly do Jack for the morons that vote against the surrender monkeys and act mostly to cut social spending the base relies on.

Once again proving the axiom, stupid is permanent, ignorance can be fixed.

But I digress, this blog isn't for the 'single factor'. People who consistently vote against their own best interests are 'too stupid to know better'. They call it voting with their hearts but another part of their anatomy comes to mind when they proudly proclaim their 'faith based' decision-making process.

We have a name for people like that and it begins with a M [although in Latin it begins with an I]

Let the single factor chew on that as we move on with our insoluble quagmire the Founders left us in.

Have to suspect any system that doesn't have an escape clause and the founders left 'the governed' zero tools with which to fix our political system. It can only be altered from the inside...which is the root of the problem!

Under A Simple Plan the 'governed' [meaning you] can call for a recall competition if 90% of the population agrees. Since you will be able to vote from the comfort of your home, instantly, this will not be a problem. [if the system gets hacked it will be but they had best cover their tracks well or it will be a 'life-ending' prank.]

The thing to keep in mind about A Simple Plan is Legislators no longer exist, the people vote directly on the laws. If the new leadership (triad) starts proposing new laws like popcorn that would be cause for concern as the main premise of ASP is that the laws be 'simple and few'. Messing with the law is usually done to provide advantage for a specific ideology or cult [money-worshipers springs to mind.] Thus would it raise a 'red flag' to a vigilant public...but a society is only as good as it's institutions.

The 'safeguard' is the *H.A.E. law that specifically prohibits allowing legislation that provides advantage to any group or individual over another, the act of permitting such legislation to being put to the public is an exile offense! [Vetting legislation is, bizarrely, 'the primary function' of leadership! If they can't get that right then the test results themselves are suspect!]

[And ours is about as twisted as it gets!]

But I belabor the obvious, everybody knows! [Save the young who are still trying to find a way that works! The current system wherever you are exists to ensure the success of the already successful, a situation that can NOT stand!

A civilization that puts YOU on the outside looking in is just begging for war...and we are nothing if not 'war-like'.

Yet it remains that there can be no prosperity without PEACE!

So it becomes the 'excuse' as to why so few are prosperous, 17 years and counting folks, Three times longer than either World War with no end in sight and the current conservo-whacko administration not even making plans to end US involvement! [How telling is it that NEITHER SIDE of the so-called 'political divide' campaigned on ending the most expensive military adventure to date?

We can't trust them and we can't stop them so that leaves us where?

Smart Revolt! We have to play our only card HARD!

Our 'betters' have a huge fault, they're lazy. They don't have the stomach to fight and they certainly aren't about to 'take one for the team'. Grab one by the throat and they instantly start grovelling and begging for their worthless life.

Oddly your pleas for leniency fell on deaf ears so what do you think they deserve? The Naked Nature Walk! It's 'best' for all parties concerned.

Thanks for opening your mind,


* I have written much about the abbreviation H.A.E. and by now most constant readers think there must be a book dedicated to it the manifesto but the Human Anti Exploitation law is SIMPLE. It LITERALLY means what it says and prohibits any HUMAN (or group) from taking advantage (in any way, shape or form) of any other (human or group) for personal gain!

Inventing 'subcategories' to circumvent the H.A.E. is an exile offense as well because it shows 'intent'...and we aren't about to exempt Aliens from exploiting humans! [The feckless have NO Shame!]

** There will be 12 'contenders' for leadership, the top three will form the leadership Triad [using the premise that two heads are better than one and it takes three to break a tie, so they will manage 'together'!

In case any of you were wondering about making a single individual 'king' the triad acts to ensure against 'tyranny'. [Leaders under ASP have zero legislative power. True Leaders don't make laws, they follow them!]

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