Tuesday, November 28, 2017

What could go wrong?

Greetings good citizen, life is difficult and we are often faced with hard choices between what is right and what is necessary. Some of you have read my short story titled 'The Eye' which tells the tale of capitalism following mankind to the stars. 50 years ago the denizens of earth were faced with the choice of allowing the capitalists to 'claim' our moon or declaring it 'neutral territory' (so nobody could 'militarize' it.)

Well, the treaty got passed and the moon was declared 'off limits' to the fractured nations of the warring planet it circled [and the real 'ants in our pants' reason behind the 'space race' was the fear of the havoc a single 'lunar base' could wreak upon the earth.

History has taught us what capitalists think of 'treaties'...[just ask the Native Americans!] But that's not an exclusive set, in fact if we trace the history INCLUDING the ones made with GOD, mankind hasn't lived up to ONE of them!

The 'appearance of propriety' seems to be the only thing that matters to the self-interested.

It MIGHT be possible to 'colonize' the moon but our fractured politics would follow us there. Does this preclude commercializing our natural satellite? Made on the Moon is going to carry one hefty price tag...that will (naturally) be passed on to the consumer!

If people fail to recognize Mother Nature doesn't have a cash register why would they balk at being charged extra for materials that originated a quarter of a million miles away?

Which is to ask, how bad do you want it because the fictional cost is going to be passed on to you regardless as part of the profit profile, which is also fiction.

The only 'known' commercial material the moon allegedly has in abundance is a rare helium isotope that is difficult to make on Earth for a variety of factors.

The moon, peppered with the impacts of asteroids over the eons, should also possess dollops of platinum and other precious metals. Helium-3, embedded in the lunar crust by the solar wind, could be fuel for future fusion power plants.

So let's say the 'anything for a buck' crowd decides to grant a commercial exception to the lunar treaty...need I remind anyone the people behind Pearl Harbor and the invasion of Europe were, first and foremost, CAPITALISTS?

They decide the commercial benefits [to them] outweigh the danger of the operation becoming militarized and approve a private company to establish mining operations. How long would it take them to put nukes on the moon?

EVERY war ever fought has been over resources/commercial rights. WHY would we let our pretend, commercially controlled government put a base on the Moon?

Bad enough we have to fight them here, put them where they can't be reached and we'll know what misery really is!

The veneer has always been thin but time has worn it to near transparency now that our self-professed betters no longer care what the rest of us think of them.

Don't let them fool you, when they were a hair away from being strung up for their crimes, they cared, big-time!

If FDR didn't institute the New Deal there would have been lynchings on a massive scale.

Naturally, I think the New Deal was a mistake, justice first...but it seems our forefathers lacked the foresight to do what was necessary to fix our badly broken system.

But I digress. These are the same people that make your life an exercise in 'pick & choose' and the only thing YOU stand to receive from this venture in the 'collateral damage' (and the tab!)

Every one of these decidedly risky ventures will be 'protected' by a LLC clause limiting their 'liability' to the amount invested...and if that burns up on re-entry, oh well!

Mankind must be prohibited from venturing into space until he get's his primary 'house in order' [notice how I'm avoiding using the possessive pronoun!] and stops victimizing his fellow inhabitants!

The hooray for me and screw the rest of you crowd has to be stopped...until then the commercialization of space must be prohibited!

Not that there is anything we can do about it...but the next 'war' should be a lulu!

Do you think they DARE hold another election considering the climate they have created?

The next one won't go smoothly, I guarantee you that! If the public doesn't like the choices there WILL be RIOTS the likes of which haven't been seen since the purges of the Terror!

Mankind's (LEADERSHIP) isn't very good at 'honoring'...anything, especially those who consider themselves our 'betters'. [Honor is for peasants!]

They honestly believe we are lucky they don't make good on their threat to hire half of us to kill off the other half!

[Are there that many dimwits among us?]

Sort of a chilling thought, isn't it?

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


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