Sunday, November 5, 2017

Nuts & Bolts

Greetings good citizen, as it sometimes happens this morning's edition of the paper failed to appear...if it weren't both virtual and free I'd suspect somebody lifted it from my virtual front yard, as tiny that is.

Don't worry, by now most of you know I have an endless supply of topics to rant about and today's choice is the one that drives this blog, the oft referred to but seemingly undiscoverable [even by me and I've posted it dozens of times in hundreds of locations!] is the phantom of all phantoms, A Simple Plan.

Cover to cover that beauty is over 90 pages long so you WON'T be seeing here in a post, best I can do here is the high points, which I try and work into the occasional post just to remind you I'm not doing this just to hear myself scream [in print, such as THAT is!]

My rants have both purpose and meaning. Capitalists are fond of repeating "If you have a better idea we'd all love to hear it! [so they can cash in on it. They don't want the game changed, they want game changers!]

Well, my sights are set somewhat higher than the base goal of creating the better 'bezel'.

Perhaps laying it out the way I created it will help you understand the 'logic' behind my thinking.

It all starts with YOU! I wish this were the unique part but no, if the systems have a common point, they all share the individual as their starting point. Under capitalism it turns YOU into a draft animal intent on chasing carrots until you outlive your usefulness, then they you are put out to pasture to manage as best you can...until a wolf or a bear comes along and eats you.

PURE communism is premised on the simple principle of Share and Share alike...with some comrades [usually the ones in charge] helping themselves to the stuff they keep under lock and key although the Chinese have learned from the West and started paying their comrades a share of the spoils...just keeping the machine greased...we all know how it goes.

But A Simple Plan starts with you and the question facing every life form on the planet, every minute of every day.

You know what that question. (no you don't that's why you're still reading!) It is assumed the animal kingdom is only tangentially aware of this universal truth [sorry, you'll have to endure my style of writing. I know this is longer than necessary but I'm trying to make it interesting!]

The question we all face pretty much constantly without being aware of it most of the time is the one of 'How will I live'?

What YOU fail to understand is SOME people have settled on the idea of having others solve this quandary for them. You do 'the work and they collect the 'profits'. A symbiosis on the surface but a less than benign one if you scrape away the BS.

Worse, like royalty, this relationship is often hereditary.

We all know where the bear shits so I'll spare you the melodrama.

Under A Simple Plan it all starts with YOU and returns control to YOU. You do work that needs doing [without necessity work is meaningless] and you are rewarded for your efforts with all of the things you don't have time/skill to make for yourself.

Where does the 'division of labor' concept go sideways? CASH!

Instead of being given your 'fair share' you are given script and told to purchase what you want from the 'open market'...what is the first thing that becomes apparent to you? You don't have enough script to get what you need to stay alive much less pretty much any of the 'finer things in life'!

Se Habla 'failure to launch'?

This is a serious problem and the politicians aren't even addressing it, although the latest incarnation of Santa Claus, El Trumpo won the election by promising to bring back all the jobs lost to fake 'trade deals'!

This is where the rubber meets the road good citizen. In order for money to be VALID it's VALUE has to be UNIVERSAL! Which means a dollar here is EXACTLY THE SAME as a dollar anywhere else on the planet, regardless of what it's called!

When you start cooking the books on the scale the feckless have done it's no longer difficult to understand why poverty is so prevalent. Especially since automation has removed so many participants from the production cycle!

The problem with the feckless (those who 'inherited' critical links in the supply chain from their parents) is they DON'T THINK! (Whether or not they are CAPABLE of thinking is another question entirely.)

There are now too many links and not enough 'slack' in the system to provide for those born with silver whatevers protruding from EVERY orifice! [as evidenced by the growing number of frightening is it that we can't breed fast enough to keep the feckless's children in the lap of luxury?]

What's driving this shitshow? I just told you.

So, first thing we do is 'fix' the money situation by ERASING EVERYBODY'S BANK ACCOUNTS, closing the stock markets and firing EVERYONE in the front office! [pending PROSECUTION!]

None of this will happen until the bought and paid for government is brought to heel. K street will be bulldozed...but these are picayune details.

Fix 'money' and the justice system [A can't happen without B] then we have to 'regroup' because some industries will be wiped out and others will undergo radical makeovers.

Who will land in the unemployment line? Lawyers, bankers, judges, anyone who wore a badge will all be looking for work...but A Simple Plan both giveth as well as taketh away!

Not only will homes be a 'gimme' but so will the maintenance of those homes! Millions of jobs will be created rehabbing worn out housing units across the planet! Which will, in turn, create jobs in each of the industries supplying the housing sector.

So all of those stockbrokers and bankers made useless by the elimination of the fakery we called banking can certainly push lawn mowers or leaf blowers...and shovel snow...which is to say, do something USEFUL FOR ONCE.

How many of these 'nuthin go up top' types will opt for voluntary exile is uncertain but one thing is guaranteed, a few blisters and a little back ache is far better than what is sure to be a return to the stone age [and actually playing 'lord of the flies' for real!]

While the military as we have come to know it will cease to exist, there will still be teams assigned to hunt down the feckless from the corners of the planet and bring them to justice...where possible.

Navies will be maintained to patrol the oceans [the most likely 'refuge' for the feckless that already fancy themselves somewhat akin to 'pirates']

Ground pounders will become obsolete as we return the job of keeping the 'homeland' safe to the civilian soldier.

Yup, that means YOU Sparky!

This is why the full document is 90 pages long...all the details!

I've already run down the highlights in recent posts. Guaranteed jobs, free services across the board, free utilities [Mother Nature doesn't have a cash register, capitalism is a way for the feckless to BLEED YOU!(in case you haven't caught on yet!)]

We ALL work for each other and we ALL reap the benefits [instead of everything being hoarded by the greedy few at the top.]

Why not make EVERYTHING FREE? Because the 'opportunists' among us would never sleep at home if hotels were free and you'd starve to death waiting for a table at a restaurant if food were 'free'.

Money exists to regulate. The major flaw in the capitalist model is it cost the same to feed a rich man as it does a poor one, which, ironically is also the principal argument AGAINST 'the cheaper there'(that the feckless keep insisting is possible.) How unfortunate repeating a lie doesn't make it true!

By eliminating the injustice system and its 'support system' we can finally outlaw debt, taxes and live FREE!

In as much as the opportunists among us can be kept in check. That's why voting directly on the law and making all proposed laws pass muster with the Human Anti-Exploitation law AND the so-called Golden Rule [Do unto others] BEFORE being put to a vote keeps the feckless from returning to power.

If I don't survive someone is going to have to sift through these posts and piece together all the elements that make a simple plan work...because the intact versions keep being deleted by the feckless.

But that's a problem that's baked into the cake...(soon to be a novel!)

Thanks once again for opening your mind! Don't forget to help yourself to today's special Free Freedom!


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