Saturday, November 11, 2017


Greetings good citizen, between the 'anything for a buck crowd' and the 'I AM the LAW' types we also have the willfully ignorant media and the I refuse to believe it (and if I did I still wouldn't do anything about it) citizen that makes YOUR Life a living hell.

United we stand but making common cause with cowards is an exercise in futility.

Worse, it's what those who have helped themselves to YOUR money [it was free to them] do with their ill-gotten gains.

These feckless greed heads pay the mindless to commit crimes against those who oppose them. [but the savvy know cash is what keeps the criminals going.]

So on this Armistice Day we can only ponder just how many more wars we will have to endure before the utterly self-absorbed end us all solely to escape prosecution for their crimes?

Not for the last time will I welcome you to hell.

It's not the individual's unwillingness to change, it's the feckless who resist change. [It took the nobles 4 tries to get the Magna Carta signed into law.]

Which is to point out that so long as the 'I don't give a F' crowd is permitted to live among us we will not enjoy either peace or prosperity.

What these animals fail to appreciate is society is a MEMBERS ONLY club they have to EARN admission to!

We can outlaw cash and wipe out bank accounts but the I.D.G.A.F. crowd will continue to murder with the idea they will be rewarded by those who wish to continue the 'old ways'.

It's a disease we can't cure so we MUST exile those who fail to appreciate the consequences of their actions.

Fear not, there is NO BABY hiding in the bathwater of fecklessness. Zero 'great minds' will be banished unless your idea of 'greatness' starts with single minded brutality and unmitigated selfishness.

Again I doubt any of you appreciate the combining [by the same feckless] of Armistice Day with Veterans was to commemorate the most horrendous war ever fought [to date] and the others a day set aside to 'honor' those who served in those mindless wars.

Who among you is fool enough to believe they are 'free'?


The search for LIBERTY [freedom from tyranny] has driven mankind to the furthest, most inhospitable corners of the globe and still the majority of mankind struggles to survive under the 'comply or die' dictates of the feckless.

How many of you think it's time we take our 'clubhouse' back? [It's not theirs, it's OURS and WE get to decide who can be a member!]

Problem is the feckless have greedy friends who will sell them the 'untrustworthy' have to go as well.

We must rebuild civilization upon a foundation of membership that teaches the value of inclusiveness and forbearance.

If we fail to 'police' ourselves then we get the society we, er, 'deserve'.

Since the 11th hour and the 11th minute of the 11th day literally commemorates the end of 'The War to End all Wars' let us live up to that lofty goal by casting the feckless from our 'clubhouse' and starting fresh with a new, more prosperous agenda!

As a driver I am constantly reminded that it only takes one. Now that our world is awash in self-centered mindless greed we are faced with a choice. Either a civil war that ends in extinction [survival of the fittest] or culling the herd to save what's salvageable.

Happy Armistice Day for those of you who appreciate what this day was intended to commemorate.


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