Thursday, October 12, 2017

The Commune

Greetings good citizen, today's add-on post is driven by my just completed mission to find that now rarest of all beasts, 'free air'.

Naturally when anything goes wrong with the car, it's my problem...for two reasons. 1.) It's going to cost money and 2.) you will likely get dirty if you don't know what you're doing...[that's why it's 'Honey Do'!]

The mind is a funny thing and mine is funnier than most...but I digress.

Naturally, after being alerted she had a problem I was tasked with IMMEDIATELY going out and remedying the problem. The ONLY known free air anywhere near my house is a service station she drives right past twice a day...

So I take her car there and lo and behold, no hose.

Undaunted, I inquire inside if this is due to neglect or design...and I'm informed, the hose is 'broken'.

Apparently the dollar a vend air dispensers aren't free [which is why Bobo isn't making money off of those driven by their dashboard sensors to buy air AND can you believe the ingrates using their 'free air' was abusing this resource by using the air hose then not buying their gas there! [Horrors!]

How many of you think this is 'reasonable'?

Quick guess is ALL of you but like I mention above, my mind is 'funnier' than most. [Are you getting curious about the title of this post is yet?]

How much SHIT do you think is in your head? None?

Try again.

How many of you see yourself as an individual, trying the best you can to get by in this world?

Again, the answer is like the one I got about the missing air hose...[and the guy got downright onery about it too, like I had nerve for even asking where it was! many of you think of yourselves as members of a 'community' [the very origins of the word 'commune']

Again, most of you [somewhat insanely] see yourself as BOTH.

Now, [show of hands] How many of you have a problem with Communism?

Are you beginning to see my point or are you just too confused to even deal with these 'head games'? Most of you CAN'T see where this is going and like the dude who withheld the air hose, are angered that I'm even questioning how YOU think of's personal and nobody's business [that you choose to be STUPID!]

A full half of you stopped reading. You don't care where this is going...and you don't think you need to know.

But some of you are enraged enough to keep going and a few even have a glimmer of what I'm attempting to communicate!

The 'non-empathetic' have a tough time of thinking about themselves 'comparatively'...guys are guys and gals are gals and dogs are dogs and pigs are pigs yet money is whatever they tell me it is...

The slick just LOVE the stupid...and the stupid are oh so embarrassed to admit they are indeed 'ignorant'.

So, we are members of a community...and if we weren't MOST OF US would be DEAD!

Yet we have a 'problem' with 'communists'[a subset of 'commune']...and we also have this, er, 'confusion' surrounding MONEY.

EVERY decision in business revolves around MONEY, yet money ONLY EXISTS so people can specialize!

This, naturally, is in direct opposition to the 'purpose of money'.

Without 'specialists' you have to do EVERYTHING yourself...

Just an observation but we can readily see how successfully most of you have 'educated yourself'. [NOT]

Imagine having to do your own dental work [or worse...taking turns doing it for each other!]

Without surgeons many of us would be dead and without teachers...well, sort of a coin toss there because it's not like they didn't TRY to teach you (the failure [to comprehend] is yours, own it!)

Conversely, we have a two edged sword here, they aren't allowed to 'educate' you, they must follow the mandated cirriculumn. They are taught what to teach and teaching beyond their mandate is grounds for termination!

Private schools are different but only the rich can send their kids to private schools.

Oh, and guess who mandates what YOU and your children get 'taught'? The same criminals that our politicians have to beg money from.

So don't be surprised that you were never taught what money is or that it has a purpose BESIDES being WORSHIPPED!

Stupid only takes you so far, use your head for more than a hat rack/fist magnet!

Your lack of innate curiosity does you a serious disservice. How tragic most of your wounds are 'self-inflicted'?

Like a virus, we 'depend' on each other to survive. The feckless keep repeating the lie of the 'rugged individual when they, themselves know full well left to their own devices [and only each other for company] they'd all be dead in a week.

So desperate is this fixation of money for money's sake that it threatens our species with extinction...because the MORONS [running society] don't know how to live if they actually had to make stuff for themselves!

If the only thing you can do is buy, the 'lack of knowledge' can be fatal.

Know and embrace your 'commune'!

Without them you are doomed.

How pathetic is it that most of you don't want to face that fact. You'd rather break you neck tripping over your dick than admit you NEED the things others do to make life worth living.

A pox on ye Scrooge!

Take due notice and conduct yourselves accordingly!


Everything has a price and the price of stinginess is death! All of the money in the world isn't worth the help of a single friend.

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