Wednesday, October 25, 2017


Greetings good citizen, SOME of you have served [in the traditional sense, done a hitch in the military] while others literally serve as part of their occupation while still others are serving sentences handed down by the, er, 'Justice System'.

Gen. Kelly [El Trumpo's chief of staff] believes more people should have "the honor of serving".

[From today's NY Times]

John Kelly Suggests More Americans Should Have the Honor of Serving. He's Right.

Requiring everyone to serve in some fashion would be a profoundly democratizing action.

Have I lamented the 'imprecision of speech' lately?

Not that any of you should be confused by the general's context. It's quite clear he means more of us should 'volunteer' to protect capitalist interests wherever they are. [but that's not how he'd put it. Generals (like politicians) use honor and glory to mask their true agenda.

What has me puzzled is reference to 'Democracy'?

There is nothing 'democratic' about the military [although they are rather fond of the phrase 'we can't MAKE you do it, we can only make you wish the F*** you had!"]

Which is to reiterate that there is nothing 'democratic' about being given a always have the choice to do or not do a thing.

But choosing to serve, how noble to be willing to sacrifice your future for the sake of king and country! Laying it all on the line to preserve a lifestyle you'll never know or even be the remotest part of.

Who thinks he's right? We may never know...that comment was already there in the headline when I copied it.

The military has long USED the tactic of defining military service as a privilege, the honor of having a chance to give back to a nation that has given you 'so much'.

[SLAM...the single factor just left the room...shrieking.]

It is here we encounter another legendary boundary between Conservatives, who have their beliefs handed to them and liberals, who understand that everything has an 'alternative' and that life itself is all about 'choices'.

[dumbdown] The multiple things conservatives count as 'gifts' have considerably worse 'alternatives'...[/dumbdown]

Most of you appreciate I'm 'simplifying' here. The issue is much more complex but the 'essence' remains the same. There are those who understand life and there are those who only do as they are told [bizarrely, the very definition of the general's job...his is NOT to reason why, his is but to do or die!

And that's what Johnny boy thinks would make us all better citizens...if we'd just shut up and follow orders everything would be all right...wouldn't it?

Arlington is full of soldiers who 'did as they were told'.

Isn't it around here that our politicians point to our 'freedom' [basically to breathe] and dare us to be 'ungrateful' to those who made the ultimate sacrifice so we could be 'free' [to breathe...and we're but a single court order away from losing that one thing too if our creditors thought for one second it would make us PAY!]


The military exists not to 'preserve YOUR freedom' but to ensure the resources of the world keep flowing to the privileged.

Just because we [temporarily] don't have to bow to them...or abase ourselves like the peasants were required to do in the old days doesn't, by any stretch of the imagination, mean the 'royals' are behind us. It takes but a single generation for royalty to reassert itself.

Only fools believe otherwise.

Worse, same as it ever was...

The politicians say 'no blood for oil' but that's precisely what the longest war in US history is all about.

And it's not like the people of the Middle East want to keep the oil for themselves. It's priced by the gallon/liter and sold the world over [just like dope only larger...a gram of gasoline won't even start your car!]

Um, part of my 'vision' for humanity is a world united, one where the military doesn't exist. There also isn't a 'palace guard' [commonly known as 'police'] because the people will be capable of defending themselves.

Commerce will exist to enable mankind to reach the stars [rather than affording a few the lifestyle of one, which most criminal enterprises exist to do today.]

In fact, the stars exist (solely) to distract you, something the non-single factor are acutely aware of.

Will our 'space navy' be devoid of warships? Hell No! Whoever marooned us here is just as militaristic and combative as we are. It would be foolish in the extreme to venture into the unknown (completely) 'unprepared'.

Potential is high that we were brought here to mine whatever makes starships go zip...and gold is just a useless 'by-product' of the refining process [or whoever marooned us would STILL BE HERE!]

How ironic that it won't be until the 'profit motive' is removed from our social system that localized renewable energy will become a reality and work can begin on maximizing it's potential?

One won't happen without the other but the terminally SINGLE FACTOR would have you believe otherwise!

Want a better world? It all starts with U!

Thanks for your 'service' of bringing the world as we have come to know it to the multitudes...even if few of us appreciate it [and even fewer realize it!]


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