Wednesday, May 27, 2020


Greetings citizen warrior, twenty years ago the (impoverished) United States launched an invasion of the Graveyard of Empires to, er, 'punish' those in control for providing 'aid & comfort' to Osama Bin Laden for Al-Quieda's open attack on US soil.

The Taliban, unremarkably enough, is still there and we are negotiating with them so we can exit, er, peacefully.

Why weren't the Talibs declared criminals and practicing Talibanism a crime? Too logical? (Chant the refrain.)

The invasion and its aftermath have ushered in miraculous innovations in battlefield medicine and cost the US and its allies an entire generation [because donning a uniform and picking up a gun became the 'only game in town'.]

It wasn't supposed to end like this. The original plan was to 'grow' the conflict into another global 'brushfire' war where attrition wiped out useless civilian populations that would be written off as 'collateral damage' in the global war on Terra!

Turns out that plan had to be aborted because it was poorly planned. It would eventually be revealed that the attackers [Global Evangelical Protestantism] were just making shit up to invade and murder people that resisted their tyrannical worldview.

Just because they refuse to acknowledge American Exceptionalism as tyranny doesn't mean the rest of the world is blind. That and the Chinese and the Hindus are both non-Christian AND nuclear-armed.

See what I mean by 'not well thought out?'

Who is the boogeyman here? All in how you 'judge', isn't it?

Under ASP religion becomes a 'personal' commitment. If ANY individual ATTEMPTS to convert others [via ANY method] it becomes grounds for exile. You (along with everyone else) are HUMAN FIRST. You are free to worship anything you like ON YOUR OWN (in ways that don't harm or influence others) and you will be left to seek spiritual completion in your own peaceful way.

Start dictating to others right from wrong and forfeit your membership in civil society.

Religion is how the criminals keep the law on a short leash.

Thou shalt not kill. [Even if the SOB richly deserves it?] Under ASP you can 'invite' whoever is callous enough to offend you to settle your differences upon the field of honor, a remedy currently denied to you because justice has been usurped by the criminals.

Yes, Virginia, there is a very clear line where YOU stop and WE begin.

None of us are here alone. This will never be, 'The world according to me.' Unity is the only way forward and anything or anyone that causes division shall be banished for their rejection of a united humanity.

Religion forms the foundation of 'groupthink' [You know, "I believe what I believe because I believe it, end of story."] Groupthink (or allowing others to think FOR YOU) is where war comes from because it is how the 'non-believer' gets demonized.

The criminals LOVE groupthink...until it turns on THEM.

Again, not what to think but certainly something to think about, eh?

Not that anyone has ever asked you (but I will.)

What do YOU think?



  1. Why weren't the Talibs declared criminals and practicing Talibanism become a crime? Too logical? (Chant the refrain.)

  2. Just because they refuse to acknowledge American Exceptionalism as tyranny doesn't mean the rest of the world is blind. That and the Chinese and the Hindus are both non-Christian AND nuclear-armed.

  3. It wasn't supposed to end like this. The original plan was to 'grow' the conflict into another global 'brushfire' war where attrition wiped out useless civilian populations that would be written off as 'collateral damage' in the global war on Terra!

    Turns out that plan had to be aborted because it was poorly planned. It would eventually be revealed that the attackers [Global Evangelical Protestantism] were just making shit up to invade and murder people that resisted their tyrannical worldview.

  4. The invasion and its aftermath have ushered in miraculous innovations in battlefield medicine and cost the US and its allies an entire generation [because donning a uniform and picking up a gun became to 'only game in town'.] Paraplegics across the planet are asking themselves what they got themselves into, was the 'line on your resume' really worth it? Crippled is forever, especially in a world that has little use for manual anything.

  5. Religion forms the foundation of 'groupthink' [You know, "I believe what I believe because I believe it, end of story."] Groupthink (or allowing others to think FOR YOU) is where war comes from because it is how the 'non-believer' gets demonized.

  6. Yes, Virginia, there is a very clear line where YOU stop and WE begin.

  7. twenty years ago the (impoverished) United States launched an invasion of the Graveyard of Empires to, er, 'punish' those in control for providing 'aid & comfort' to Osama Bin Laden for Al-Quieda's open attack on US soil.

    The Taliban, unremarkably enough, is still there and we are negotiating with them so we can exit, er, peacefully.

  8. Just because they refuse to acknowledge American Exceptionalism as tyranny doesn't mean the rest of the world is blind. That and the Chinese and the Hindus are both non-Christian AND nuclear-armed.

    See what I mean by 'not well thought out?'

    Who is the boogeyman here? All in how you 'judge', isn't it?

  9. Start dictating to others right from wrong and forfeit your membership in civil society.

    Religion is how the criminals keep the law on a short leash.


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...