Monday, May 25, 2020


Greetings cloistered hothouse plants, today is the day set aside for people who can barely spell patriotism to get their patriotic freak on and wrap themselves in the flag, swearing fealty to King & Country while shedding crocodile tears for 'the fallen', most of whom they never met or knew the slightest thing about.

Are we a nation of psychopaths so devoid of empathy that we descend into jingoism as a defense for our unwillingness to put a stop to the murderous criminals?

The ONLY thing DUMBER than war is Capitalism. Does nobody recognize the falseness of their patriotism or the larger issue that the ONLY things that truly matter are EQUALITY and JUSTICE? [Without EQUALITY there CAN BE NO JUSTICE and without JUSTICE there can be no PEACE or 'true prosperity'.]

Let's cap that with the fact that the 'mind' only works if you a.) have one and b.) open/use it.

Can't educate anyone that thinks they know all the answers. War is a failure to open the mind and use it, choosing pettiness and brute force instead.

Might never makes RIGHT. Thus dying in the service of tyranny CAN NEVER BE 'heroic'. Needless death is always 'tragic' but the two aren't related.

Like a majority of the things you regularly 'go along with' you obviously never THINK about ANY of them.

Worse, patriotism, in support of tyranny is an act of mindlessness.

Small wonder we spend much of our time nowadays pointing fingers at one another, screaming MORON at the tops of our lungs.

None are so blind as those who REFUSE to 'see'. [Not only have we had this conversation countless times before but the stubborn among us refuses to admit the truth.] One planet, one people, and those people must SHARE (in PEACE) if we hope to survive beyond our next meal!


The closed-minded among us are being manipulated. From a young age, they've been taught that nothing mattered more than their 'sub-identity' (race, creed, nationality and as of late, you can even add sexual identity into the mix when the only things that truly matters are their humanity and justice!]

So I put out the cry that on this Memorial Day remember that Justice and Peace are vital ingredients to our mutual survival. [Don't forget to add forbearance and a boatload of forgiveness to that list! What is peace without love?]

Now that I've 'reminded' you of what's important you don't suppose you could take a moment to target those who put the hunk of dirt you (in most cases) were born on first and let your enmity vent in their general direction.

The manipulators deserve our hatred.

Happy Memorial Day, Head.

Hope I gave you something to 'remember'...



  1. Now that I've 'reminded' you of what's important you don't suppose you could take a moment to target those who put the hunk of dirt you (in most cases) were born on first and let your enmity vent in their general direction.

    The manipulators deserve our hatred.

  2. None are so blind as those who REFUSE to 'see'. [Not only have we had this conversation countless times before but the stubborn among us refuses to admit the truth.] One planet, one people, and those people must SHARE (in PEACE) if we hope to survive beyond our next meal!

  3. today is the day set aside for people who can barely spell patriotism to get their patriotic freak on and wrap themselves in the flag, swearing fealty to King & Country while shedding crocodile tears for 'the fallen', most of whom they never met or knew the slightest thing about.


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...