Monday, August 10, 2020


 Greetings good citizen, the distractions are both endless and relentless. No sooner do they wave a red flag to your left than before your astonished eyes appears another one on your right, resulting in a perpetual state of outrage over the incompetence that permits such events to persist.

The infamous 'They' are doing their level best to keep you so pissed off that you don't know where to begin.

The problem with that strategy is you eventually begin to notice it is a distraction, like children pounding on a percussion instrument randomly, it's all reduced to 'noise'.

Equally as disturbing is the plethora of 'theories' seeking to answer the question 'what went wrong?'

The culprits remain in control of the narrative. Automation and globalization are both held up as 'organic', so much so that they were inevitable and happened all by themselves.

You are a lunatic if you believe (or even suspect) there was a conspiracy to put billions of workers out of jobs.

You are equally deranged if you believe we can ignore the consequences of the collapse of the bankrupt capitalist system.

Hear/understand this, at its heart, capitalism ignores equity as well as the need to share the means of survival.

The primary goal of ALL life is survival. A system based on fake competition creates a handful of fake winners and hoards of very real losers.

Ownership, the basis of capitalism, is tyranny. It is a falsehood to state that ownership is freedom when the exact opposite is true, ownership is death.

The individual has no need to own anything, they merely need the use of common items as they journey through this existence.

The infamous 'they' insist ownership is freedom but their argument is empty because the law permits the owner to share or hoard things that cannot belong to anyone.

Like Kings, owners claim their right is divine, not that any of them can produce the supreme being that granted them such absolute control.

Most of you accept that SOMEBODY needs to control/defend the resources necessary for survival and who better than the end-users?  the owners say the users are irresponsible and incapable of shepherding the resources crucial to survival but that claim is just as empty as their claim of divine provenance.

The needs of survival are unchanging. We have bowed too long to fake masters. Time to level the playing field because the primary purpose of life is survival and absent cooperation, we, as a species. shall NOT survive.

You are enraged by Trivia while ignoring the true outrage, the raping of the planet for the feckless enjoyment of the self-interested few.

Paychecks all around! True profit is a harmonious society working together to ensure the survival of our species and the species we rely on.

Life is holistic, capitalism is myopic, all it cares about is more for me.

We shall all perish so a few can prosper, briefly.

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


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