Greetings good citizen, I belabor the obvious when I opine that the main objective of ALL life is SURVIVAL. One need not be particularly bright to understand that your need to survive is used to get you to cooperate with the ruling class's objectives.
An epiphany is an eye-opening experience. Some of you believe many dumb things and one of them is that Democracy is devoid of 'rulers'. This is a lie.
We seem to understand that the ones with the money have the guns and the ones with the guns make the rules. Everybody gets that.
What separates the kids from the adults is the fact that money is a legal construct with no basis in reality. You are being held hostage to a 'legal fiction' and the law won't 'help' you.
So we erase money from the equation, leaving the guns.
Ready to have your eyes opened wider? Of course not, your misunderstanding of how the WORLD works is entirely intentional. You have been spoonfed all of your prejudices and hatred so you will cooperate with your own endless sacrifice.
One planet, finite resources so you'd think the need to share what there is would be the only rational way forward but no, that is branded as foolish, even utopian!
Fighting is synonymous with survival. If you are to survive you MUST fight. In this reality, the ones with the guns have a decided advantage. A man with a gun can make short work of many unarmed men, women, or children.
So much so that we (our non-existent 'rulers') allocate a certain percentage of our population to defend the section of land the rulers have claimed as 'theirs'. [Don't care what you've been taught or what paper you hold, this land ain't your land, it's THEIRS!]
While it is foolish to believe we (as a species) can survive an all-out war, the foundation of the commerce system is the military and the para-military police force that utilizes military tactics and equipment to fight 'dissidence'. [Read any resistance to the 'natural order of things']
The 'make work' military exists to support capitalism. Just as the make work police departments of the world are just an extension of this 'comply or die' squandering of resources.
Guess what else is a make-work program? Yup, education. It's not about making YOU smarter, it's all about compliance and teaching YOU NOT TO QUESTION!
The cesspool we call society is a self-serving lie crafted by those who pretend they don't exist [right under our noses no less!]
Whoever controls the media controls the majority's worldview.
Those who have inherited' the planet's resources see no need to share or allow change. They tell themselves if they question their 'gifts' that they don't deserve them and that anyone else, put in the identical position, would NOT surrender what they have been given to preserve for future, more worthy generations.
This is the 'natural order of things' that they have been trained to never question.
This is a dangerous fiction that can't be permitted to continue.
Knowledge is power. The more people that are aware of the fiction the quicker we can put a stop to the squandering of resources vital to the survival of 'our' species.
Those who put themselves first have already rejected their membership in the human race, self-dealing is the basest of crimes and the most common committed by the opportunistic mimics we (some of us) evolved from.
We have two tools that work to our advantage, without cooperation slavery is unworkable. The second is they have to sleep sometime. They're a paranoid bunch and live by the 'trust no-one' credo, worse they have no compunction about throwing those who resist them under a bus.
Know your friends and trust the one pointing the finger is a liar whose sole goal is to protect themselves.
Societies are built on trust. If you are proven untrustworthy you have rejected your membership in society and shall be banished/exiled and nobody wants that because alone we are all dead meat.
Epiphany A is the military is the 'crutch' of capitalism, it exists to prop up the most abusive 'jobs program' on the planet and B, the cops exist to protect capitalism by violently reminding anyone who doesn't toe the line the cost of questioning the predatory status quo.
They have to sleep sometime and people who chose self-preservation over the welfare of society deserve what's coming to them.
Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,
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