Friday, July 10, 2020

Common denominator

Greetings fellow humans, I belabor the obvious when I point out that the primary goal of all life is survival. Why you have been taught that this becomes secondary, [yes good citizen, the primary take away from the public educational system is not survival but OBEDIENCE.] Those ENTRUSTED with educating the public also ignore the primary axiom of communal living [TRUST]. Did your public education teach you that? Short answer, no. It is not a meaningless question to ask why you remain ignorant of this basic truth. TRUST is 'assumed' and we all know what happens when you 'ass u me'. We are trained to trust people in positions of authority but when those people prove untrustworthy, what happens? I'm not pointing at politicians or the criminally mis-educated brotherhood of the badge, I am pointing at educators who are constrained to follow a highly politicized syllabus, one that obliquely centers on the existence of an Almighty presence which no living being can prove exists. See a problem? If the basic focus of your program is a lie based on blind faith YOU are being DECEIVED. Somehow it is passed off that as long as everyone is being deceived equally that this is acceptable. This is acceptable (in the minds of the criminally insane) because the primary goal of the education system is OBEDIENCE. If the people 'running' society are 'untrustworty' it is in EVERYONE'S best interest to remove them from power/authority. Civilization CAN NOT 'survive' the self-interested. Is it possible to escape this circular trap? The ONLY way out is to break the circle and banish those who insist on maintaining it. Humanity has failed to watch its own back and now the exploiters dictate the terms of our existence. If we can't regain our common humanity and unite against the criminals among us, [those who pretend this world is THEIRS and theirs alone] we will exterminate ourselves. Thanks once again for letting me inside you head. Gegner

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