Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Bern Notice.

Greetings good citizen, we are eleven months away from crunchtime and the candidates are being 'rotated' through the the winner's post as the media attempts to gauge who enjoys the more support for their candidacy...when a more disturbing truth plagues the process.

Everybody knows and those who don't are picking up the vibe being put down by those who do, casting 'uncertainty' over the entire charade.

Bernie folded like a paper cup for Hillary and it sure looks like the whole 'succession' is being staged by the same people nobody elected.

We had Hillary step aside for Obama, who 'ignored' the war criminals AND the Banksters as he pretended to 'heal' the country of the deep wounds inflicted by the Global war on an IDEA.

Turning the military loose on a civilian population is NEVER productive nor has it ever made anyone 'safer'. Even the MORONS who are willing to lay their lives on the line in exchange for funds to pursue careers that don't exist or citizenship in a country where they will always be second class (if they are lucky.)

But hey, that isn't the major malfunction of a public being herded along the chute of predatory capitalism.

The system is predicated on 'winners and losers'...a few 'win' while the majority lose...and as the population booms, the ratio shrinks, making your prospects for success ever dimmer and sending poverty (and its related symptoms) into uncharted territory.

Um, uncharted isn't quite accurate, we all know what rigged games lead to, they lead to ruin and devastation.

Homelessness, hunger and the resurgence of disease are all symptoms of larger failings and gross INCOMPETENCE!

Can't vote ANY of that away because the 'cause' of the problem will never see the ballot...worse, most of you pretend the cause doesn't exist or that it is the 'bedrock' of economics.

Again, I don't write these for the stupid [people who believe dumb things.]

But I like kicking the mule, not that it solves anything...it just allows me to vent my sadistic side.

OWNERSHIP is the primary cause of social discord and malfeasance...although some would rightly claim that malfeasance is a problem all by itself...we are such idiots when it comes to money and its usefulness.

Hamilton and Adam Smith are DEAD...and will not be missed, nor will their STUPIDITY!

It's all tied together even though we stray from the 'central topic' of the underlying 'unease' that accompanies election 2020.

So, the failed Obama presidency led to a resumption of the 'succession' and Bernie 'stepping aside' for Hillary only to be robbed of a win by the electoral college [and the kingmakers in the media.]

Now Hillary is out of the picture and we have another 'clown posse' on parade because they all think they can easily beat the clueless clown the process placed in the 'figurehead' position.

This act has proven fatal to the process.

While we have no alternative, nobody is able to muster any degree of excitement for the 'plants' being paraded as 'choices'.

We lost the 'illusion of choice' when the owners of the media installed Ronald Reagan as their 'spokesman' in the Oval Office, what began with a shadow of doubt was confirmed when the shill was inexplicably re-elected four years later.

And THAT is what 2020 has come to represent. Our collective 'bound hands' as the media tries to install a socialist to replace the clueless capitalist as the face of the failed 'owner class'.

If Bernie is elected it will be done to give socialism a black eye. Like Obama, he will inherit a badly broken economy that will be used to stymie him at every turn.

The cognizant can see it coming but they don't have a clue what to do about it because there is no script that explains what to do when voting becomes ineffective.

Central to ASP is the ELIMINATION of 'parties' and the subsequent 'partisanship' party politics leads to.

We are ALL humans...there are no divisions, only mutual survival.

No 'left' and no 'right' just the road forward and how to best survive it.

Those who would divide you are only thinking about themselves and what they will get from a humanity that has been taught to loathe itself.

Your hatred and distrust are learned from people whose primary aim is to exploit you...and that is TREASON...and the penalty for treason is banishment.

Trusting the feckless [who 'captured' the electoral process, ruining it] has led us to an endless cycle of failed leadership as the (pretend) government fails to do anything it was established to do.

2020 COULD BE a reckoning for the thieves of 1980. The System is broken and beyond 'repair'.

It is impossible to use the ballot box to fix the ballot box because it CAN'T BE TRUSTED!

And THAT is the central issue plaguing the media dominated 'process'.

The dog has raced to the end of its leash at full gallop...and it KNOWS what is coming next.

Think it's time for 'God's Chosen' to step down so mankind can move forward?

In order to advance one must first admit ignorance and have the desire/willingness to learn and grow!

The few only want 'stasis', which is ALWAYS fatal.

If Bernie wins it won't be an accident. Just as the 'lesson' taught by the nation's first black president was that ANYONE can be a 'puppet' and perhaps no one is more keely aware that his failure to prosecute the war criminals made him one as well.

These guys became cogs in the 'murder machine' to protect themselves from prosecution.

Any questions?



  1. We lost the 'illusion of choice' when the owners of the media installed Ronald Reagan as their 'spokesman' in the Oval Office, what began with a shadow of doubt was confirmed when the shill was inexplicably re-elected four years later.

  2. So, the failed Obama presidency led to a resumption of the 'succession' and Bernie 'stepping aside' for Hillary only to be robbed of a win by the electoral college [and the kingmakers in the media.]

  3. If Bernie wins it won't be an accident. Just as the 'lesson' taught by the nation's first black president was that ANYONE can be a 'puppet' and perhaps no one is more keely aware that his failure to prosecute the war criminals made him one as well.

  4. ASP puts YOU in the driver's seat!

  5. And THAT is what 2020 has come to represent. Our collective 'bound hands' as the media tries to install a socialist to replace the clueless capitalist as the face of the failed 'owner class'.

    If Bernie is elected it will be done to give socialism a black eye. Like Obama, he will inherit a badly broken economy that will be used to stymie him at every turn.

  6. Turning the military loose on a civilian population is NEVER productive nor has it ever made anyone 'safer'. Even the MORONS who are willing to lay their lives on the line in exchange for funds to pursue careers that don't exist or citizenship in a country where they will always be second class (if they are lucky.)

  7. Now Hillary is out of the picture and we have another 'clown posse' on parade because they all think they can easily beat the clueless clown the process placed in the 'figurehead' position.

    This act has proven fatal to the process.


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...