Wednesday, January 8, 2020


Greetings good citizen, on the 8th day of the New Year we have ELephant in the Room day! Today's pachyderm is MAGIC and how all things magical have replaced our children's FUTURE.

Turns out too much 'let's pretend' is actually bad for you [as evidenced by the sky high suicide rate.]

Another 'epidemic' the media thinks you don't need to be made aware of, because it puts the lie to the fake economic reports they routinely pedal...which are also fabricated from whole cloth to keep the public 'pacified'.

What does the stock market have to do with the economy?

NOTHING! It's ALL 'jaw-boned'...except this deception makes the feckless rich beyond belief.

Media personalities (not the sharpest tools in the shed) hold their tongues because 'jawboning' is directly responsible for their outsized incomes as well.

Remember: Stupid is CHOOSING TO BELIEVE 'dumb' things.

Like 'Let's Pretend'.

Today's kids are only ever so slowly becoming aware that capitalism has stolen their future.

How do you keep the 'surplus population' distracted from the in your face problem of 'we don't NEED you?'

As it dawns on the kids who (hopefully, even eagerly at the time) have shoveled their future into the wood chipper of college debt pursuing jobs that NEVER existed that they are on the hook for 'educations' that only taught them what a suckers game their parents brought them into, that there are only two escape hatches. Either play let's pretend until they O.D. or run the gauntlet and try to make their heap 'scamming' like the Trumpster has, squandering millions in the process.

This disturbing realization just made itself apparent when my son's car croaked and instead of doing what I would have done in his shoes and buying a new one he revealed that he wasn't interested in a new car, all he wanted to do with his money was buy Magic Cards.

He doesn't yet see the 'bleakness' of this decision. We all wanted fast new cars so we could ESCAPE the No where-ville's we had been born in and get a start on our lives.

Kids today know their only 'salvation' will be either the announcement on their 13th birthday that someone left them a trust fund or they'd spend the rest of their natural days 'pretending' to be successful adults.

Trumps 'booming economy' is just an extension of the grinding poverty Reagan visited on America, which he dubbed 'Morning in America' and AM radio, led by a empty windbag from Cape Girardeau Missouri would convince the gullible that Patriotism was the currency of the nation and that the armed thugs were actually 'heroes' instead of what they really are, henchmen for thieves.

The stupid believe the dumb things the heartless teach them...because they don't know any better.

How sad is it to point out that 'truth' is probably rarer than Gold?

Worse, YOU are still trapped in participating in the endless game of 'let's pretend' the fucktards know what the fuck they are doing...while none of them acknowledge that FU, Pay me is creating a crisis for the ever-growing population...and despite all that the morons are still pursuing A.I.

Does that seem 'effective' or even 'grounded'?

Nope, I got mine, F-U!

Let's Pretend this is all going to work out okay...but you and I both know there isn't a chance in hell of that actually happening.

You dropped your kids in hell, now what the hell are YOU going to DO about it?

Pretend it's going to work out fine?

Double mindfuck, this whole thing wasn't even on your radar until I pointed to it.

You got some 'Splain'in to do Head.



  1. What does the stock market have to do with the economy?

    NOTHING! It's ALL 'jaw-boned'...except this deception makes the feckless rich beyond belief.

  2. Another 'epidemic' the media thinks you don't need to be made aware of, because it puts the lie to the fake economic reports they routinely pedal...which are also fabricated from whole cloth to keep the public 'pacified'.

  3. Today's kids are only ever so slowly becoming aware that capitalism has stolen their future.

  4. Double mindfuck, this whole thing wasn't even on your radar until I pointed to it.

  5. Let's Pretend this is all going to work out okay...but you and I both know there isn't a chance in hell of that actually happening.

  6. How sad is it to point out that 'truth' is probably rarer than Gold?


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...