Friday, January 24, 2020

Game Plan

Greetings good citizen, most of you have a sketch of an idea of how you expect life to go with various contingencies partially 'ready to go'.

But allow me a moment of your time to 'sidebar' if you please:

The self-absorbed media is reporting that only a third of the viewing public is following the impeachment hearings...and that this somehow translates to 'support' of the biggest dickhead in history! [only the media, right?]

Most people are ignoring the televised proceedings BECAUSE THEY DON'T EXPECT ANYTHING TO COME FROM THEM! That and we get paid to focus on other things during primetime working hours.

Understand, these are the same people who recognize the 'futility' of VOTING because it's all BULLSHIT!

Nothing weird about TRUMP using this now deeply rooted sentiment to paint himself as 'the underdog' when he was the 'media's darling' all along.

Would I be abusing your kindness to remind that EVERYBODY KNOWS the process is 'eyewash' has absolutely nothing to do with reality.

YOU can't change it because it is exactly the way the exploiters want it...and if you don't like it go live somewhere else!

Not exactly the compromise we are all told DEMOCRACY is, especially considering the only thing we decide is who will make decisions in our name without EVER consulting US.

Which, as everyone knows, is NOT Democracy.

Which segues back to the subject at hand, the Game Plan.

We all know SOME mentally challenged individuals who are warming up their Trump 2020 bandwagons based solely on idea of driving the 'Libs' mental because they are too dumb to appreciate the disaster that fascist evangelical conservatism will culminate in.

All they want is to see the libtards sputtering in disbelief as the conservative agenda is advanced with the 'implied support' of the majority.

Stupid, the arch believer in all things dumb is passionate about one thing, that the majority of people ARE STUPID and believe dumb things like you can't change the political process because there are too many 'stupid people' out there!

Proven fact that humans are not the most 'observant' creatures in the food chain, a sad demonstration of how 'success' can spoil a species...

Why go here?

Because it is our 'success' that has brought us to our knees. We are being 'manipulated' via the dumb into sacrificing our ability to choose.

Whosoever controls the media controls YOU.

Is the media in 'safe hands'?

Enjoy the weekend, Head.

Next post tomorrow when I get to it and not a minute sooner!



  1. The self-absorbed media is reporting that only a third of the viewing public is following the impeachment hearings...and that this somehow translates to 'support' of the biggest dickhead in history! [only the media, right?]

  2. Most people are ignoring the televised proceedings BECAUSE THEY DON'T EXPECT ANYTHING TO COME FROM THEM! That and we get paid to focus on other things during primetime working hours.


  3. We all know SOME mentally challenged individuals who are warming up their Trump 2020 bandwagons based solely on idea of driving the 'Libs' mental because they are too dumb to appreciate the disaster that fascist evangelical conservatism will culminate in.


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...