Monday, January 20, 2020

MLK day 2020

Greetings good citizen, among the collection of 'monday holidays' MLK day kicks off the years long holiday weekends despite being one of the least celebrated holidays.

This is not entirely due to racism, a large part of the blame is laid at commerce's feet. Thanks to the idiot drive to 'make a buck' many holidays go uncelebrated.

Zero irony that the word itself is a bastardization of the term 'holy day' (of obligation) and most holidays around the globe (now) have zero connection to religion.

Holy days still exist but our modern 'holidays' are more political/commercial hybrids to boost spending. Just as weather in the forecast drives shoppers to market to stock up, just in case.

More than a little disturbing that two of the dozen or so Monday Holidays are set aside to celebrate war [Memorial/Veterans day] although the latter was all but forgotten until the GWOT reminded us that commerce still calls the shots and [largely fake] support for veterans was used to cover the enormous waste of government funds.

Note I am mute on the 'human cost' of such blood adventures. How chilling is it that humans are raised to believe 'life is cheap'? [Which is to say nobody REALLY cares, which is why our 'fake kings' keep getting away with it.]

War is NOT a f'n Jobs Program!

Can't 'help the destitute' without handing them a gun and a uniform then sending them out to invade someplace for something the feckless wants for itself.

Now some of you think I digress and I'd respond that most of you don't think...pretty much all the time.

Look at the 'major holidays', we are down to Five, three if you work retail. New Years, for the sake of providing the 'false impression' that the human construct of 'time' isn't a dismal, endless march from the cradle to the grave. Memorial Day set aside to 'remember' those who died so you could be exploited by Capitalists. Then there is the nation's Birthday because way back then summer was the best time to travel in the colonies.

Haven't conducted a search but It is probably safe to say that most nations celebrate their founding. It's what builds 'national pride' [without which wars of conquest are almost impossible.]

Learning anything?

Didn't think so.

Then we have Labor Day [I'm skipping the 'sunday holidays' of Christmas and Easter because neither is celebrated for its founding reason but for its commercial thrust.]

After Labor Day comes Thanksgiving, an annual feast celebrating the Harvest regardless if it were bad or good.

With MLK day under our belts our attention drifts towards the 'long drought' and five months until we get another long weekend. Most of the planet celebrates May Day [which also went by Arbor Day] that was abandoned by the patriotic capitalists when the Soviets used May Day to display their military might. (besides, it fell too close to Memorial Day, the remembrance of CIVIL WAR dead.

Did I mention the people running things are fucked up?

Did you need me to remind you?

In fact if you look at it, most American Holidays are relatively recent but that is not the thrust of today's missive.

There are few things in (this) life that don't center on how YOU are being manipulated.

Truth is 'unimportant', the only thing that matters is Comply or Die.

Believe what they tell you to believe and do what they tell you to do and THEY will be just fine. You, not so much.

Just a tickle here but how many of you think/believe because YOU WERE TOLD IT WAS SO that the differences between the races all happened on THIS PLANET?

Chant the refrain, children.

Why don't we 'get along'? The answer is 'out there' somewhere. Worse, the story is likely more twisted than any of you can imagine...and that's saying something considering the tripe that gets green lit by those who own the media these days.

If we are to survive here we must heed the words of the late Dr. King and UNITE, despite history that is likely more ancient than you know.

That's the 'message' of today's post despite today's holiday actually representing fake 'atonement' and the likelihood that the commercial interests will snuff it out or marginalize it like they have all the other 'obsolete' holidays.

Unite while you still can.



  1. Note I am mute on the 'human cost' of such blood adventures. How chilling is it that humans are raised to believe 'life is cheap'? [Which is to say nobody REALLY cares, which is why our 'fake kings' keep getting away with it.]

  2. Holy days still exist but our modern 'holidays' are more political/commercial hybrids to boost spending. Just as weather in the forecast drives shoppers to market to stock up, just in case.


  3. After Labor Day comes Thanksgiving, an annual feast celebrating the Harvest regardless if it were bad or good.

  4. War is NOT a f'n Jobs Program!

    Can't 'help the destitute' without handing them a gun and a uniform then sending them out to invade someplace for something the feckless wants for itself.

  5. There are few things in (this) life that don't center on how YOU are being manipulated.

    Truth is 'unimportant', the only thing that matters is Comply or Die.

    Believe what they tell you to believe and do what they tell you to do and THEY will be just fine. You, not so much.


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...