Thursday, January 30, 2020


Greetings good citizen, I'd like to report I had a 'refreshing' day off but my experience was a typical fiasco that most encounters with the nation's (for profit) healthcare system are. Nice to know I am the home of a 'perfect' asshole but did I need to starve for thirty six hours to prove what most of my readers readily know?

But I digress, none of this is about 'me', everything I post is about 'US'.

Which brings us to today's title and the defacto death of this 'alleged' exercise in self determination.

Who thinks Pussygrabber's defense team should be disbarred (along with the war criminal W's pick, John Roberts?)

This is what 'anything for a buck' gets you. Newsflash for the knotheaded, being Jewish doesn't by default make you 'liberal'...look at who they are defending...for money.

Central to the whole impeachment is the inherent conflict between 'justice' and the influence of money in the public square.

Democracy of the dollar dooms you to being a highly disposable minority investor.

I belabor the obvious when I point out that there is nothing YOU can DO about it...short of revolt.

Existing 'power structures' condemn preaching sedition because revolt literally means 'change' and they will resist change with every tool available...starting with money. Get 'uppity' and they will pauperize you. The first thing to 'disappear' will be your purchasing power.

YOU should be very concerned with this travesty pretending to be 'justice' unfolding on the bought and paid for privately owned stage known as the media.

Some of the richest people on the planet OWN media conglomerates.

Did you know the 'Oracle of Omaha' owned one? Today's headline reads he's selling his and who do you think will scrape up the money to buy it? Some f'n hedge fund...because there is NOTHING else to invest in.

The growing 'gig economy has only made the unemployment crisis deeper as more hours are spent in pursuit of dollars THAT AREN'T THERE!

Zero 'productivity' produces a dirt poor population while the f'n Stock Market WHICH HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH REALITY continues to climb 'inexplicably'. [Truth, the stock market is 'fueled' by STUPIDITY!]

We can readily see what centuries of poppy production has done for the Taliban dominated Afghans [all you f'n fruitcakes who think the 'pot economy' is going to 'save' capitalism are f'n 'high'...]

Chant the refrain children, how f'n DUMB are YOU?

South Park did an excellent send up of what happens when 'legalization' becomes the norm, everybody who wants pot will grow their own FOR FUCKIN' FREE!

Which is WHY it remains stubbornly criminalized.

Can YOU say 'Justice System'?

Exile the lot of 'em! They are the very definition of EVIL.

Alas, three things people hate, cameras, mirrors and the f'n TRUTH.

Don't blame the 'useful idiots' it's how they were raised and what they have been taught to believe that makes society as torn as it is.

If we don't rid ourselves of 'the bad apples' the whole thing is going to rot.

The 'sinking' of democracy worldwide is a call to action for those with two brain cells still in communication with one another.

Unfortunately, the desperate reality here is our tiny crew is outnumbered by the self-serving and they control the mindless masses with the media.

The 'real' fuckaree starts when the mindless mob 'awakens' and decides it's sick and tired of all the lies and navel gazing...but doesn't have a clue how to turn the situation around.

That's where A Simple Plan comes in.

A place for EVERYBODY and the path to leadership is set at your feet waiting for your talent to carry you as far as you mind allows.

NO INDIVIDUAL will be able to control the law because the law will exist beyond the individual's reach. Treachery will be an exile offense and exiles will continue until education catches up to preachers of inequity.

Um, the 'funny guy's' will be barred from pretending an almighty exists and it's name is DOG spelled backwards.

This is what we are dealing with, good citizen.

We CAN beat this but it starts with putting HUMANITY first! One middle finger extended to the sky and the other pointing at the ground because EVIL lives INSIDE all of us, the only thing they told us that was true.

Is there something not particularly cryptic about Evil, like Dog being Live spelled backwards. Is humanity's enemy a hater of life?

Give it up Dog, inquiring minds want to know!

So sayeth 'the perfect asshole'!

Until next time Head.



  1. Is there something not particularly cryptic about Evil, like Dog being Live spelled backwards. Is humanity's enemy a hater of life?

    Give it up Dog, inquiring minds want to know!


  2. But I digress, none of this is about 'me', everything I post is about 'US'.

  3. Zero 'productivity' produces a dirt poor population while the f'n Stock Market WHICH HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH REALITY continues to climb 'inexplicably'. [Truth, the stock market is 'fueled' by STUPIDITY!]

  4. Um, the 'funny guy's' will be barred from pretending an almighty exists and it's name is DOG spelled backwards.

    This is what we are dealing with, good citizen.

  5. South Park did an excellent send up of what happens when 'legalization' becomes the norm, everybody who wants pot will grow their own FOR FUCKIN' FREE!

    Which is WHY it remains stubbornly criminalized.

  6. The 'real' fuckaree starts when the mindless mob 'awakens' and decides it's sick and tired of all the lies and navel gazing...but doesn't have a clue how to turn the situation around.

    That's where A Simple Plan comes in.

  7. We CAN beat this but it starts with putting HUMANITY first! One middle finger extended to the sky and the other pointing at the ground because EVIL lives INSIDE all of us, the only thing they told us that was true.

  8. NO INDIVIDUAL will be able to control the law because the law will exist beyond the individual's reach. Treachery will be an exile offense and exiles will continue until education catches up to preachers of inequity.

    What a novel idea, why didn't somebody think of it sooner...


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...