Thursday, April 13, 2017

Thumbnail sketch

Greetings good citizen, if you lack 'mental horsepower' you're gonna turn away from this post fairly quickly. Why am I warning you? Because the weak minded dislike having their beliefs much so that they would rather kill those that challenge those beliefs than consider their own folly.

This Nation, now the oldest republic on the planet, was founded [allegedly, there is zero proof of this] with Liberty and Justice for all. [Says so in 'the pledge' if you won't take my word for it.]

Naturally, that was then and this is now. Back then a vast majority of the population was 'illiterate', they didn't know the 'definition' of the words the founders used, just that 'freedom' [which they also didn't understand] was key. They didn't know liberty means freedom from tyranny just as they remain ignorant today that the dictionary definition of freedom is 'a state of being free'...not a particularly useful term because we live in a 'debt-driven' commerce model.

You work because you owe.

In the interests of reality/fairness, if you didn't owe chances are you'd work harder than you do now because you'd be obliged to do EVERYTHING [even the tasks you suck at] yourself.

Depending on what you personally detest, it would define the misery that would be your life.

There's a whole laundry list of things you'd have to do personally if you weren't a 'wage slave' but, and this is a mighty big but...once we decided to 'specialize'...NOWHERE in that game plan is there a provision for 'owners'.

Resources are FREE from nature. The nonsensical belief that I own the land and everything on it dates back to the kings [who pretended to be god on earth...or, at the very least, 'god's chosen'.]

Funny how nobody buys that load of manure anymore but the owner thing persists...

We went from having 'royals' to 'every man a king' and we can see how THAT worked out. The 'merchants' among us quickly started dictating what was necessary to be a 'proper king' and it all went downhill from there.

How unfortunate the average Rube is a 'slave to fashion' and the dictates [reinforced by ridicule] of 'society'?

We have sort of 'backed into' the 'liberty' part of the puzzle but how curious is it that most of you don't know what the word means?

If you actually DID value Liberty you wouldn't be so easily 'bullied' by the dictates of 'fashion'.

Ever wonder why [given how the world as we have come to know it is the product of 'conservatism'] that almost everyone you know professes 'conservative sympathies'?

Most of you don't waste time wondering where this rabbit hole goes, nor do you ponder the fate of the people that brought us 'The New Deal' after the conservatives crashed the global economy in 1929.

Funny how no sooner did they obtain the keys again did they crash it three more times...and they're getting ready to do it again!

All you can do is shake your head and marvel over how stupid people must be to vote Republican, given all they've done since Nixon.

When the truth is much more frightening...the political process was 'financialized' after their first attempt to install an 'Imperial President' and repeal The New Deal failed in 1962.

Since that time there hasn't been a candidate for political office that didn't have to pass a 'sniff test' [as Rummy himself called it] before receiving the 'party endorsement'.

The average voter doesn't spend much time thinking about this crucial factor but if you aren't 'palatable' to the monied classes, you might as well tote your plastic milk crate down to the town square and hope your Radio Shack bull horn has enough juice in it to last until you have blurted out your 'stump speech' [something along the lines of 'wake up America, the political process has been hijacked!' (everybody knows but NOBODY knows WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT!)]

If YOU don't have the endorsement of the One Percent, you're goose is cooked...because there seems to be an endless stream of 'political science majors' willing to whore themselves out to the highest bidder for a paycheck followed by a payday (but only if they please their 'overlords'.)

UNDERSTAND: most of you 'accept' this as 'the way it is' [no matter how frustrated you are with the way things are going, you CAN'T change it because THEY DON'T HAVE TO LISTEN TO YOU! Especially if you aren't willing to make them pay attention!]

My idea is as follows. 4th of July weekend...we ALL take Wednesday off, a one day strike/warning shot. The following week we take Monday and Tuesday off. A two day strike bound to stir things up somewhat. Hot heads will fire people that didn't have time coming to them but it should be their last act as self-important managers/owners. We go 'back to work Wednesday and if we are locked out/fired, the REAL strike is on! The following week it's three days off and the week after that it's four.

At this point the firings will get out of hand...and people will reach a boiling point but the 'alternative' is 'more of the same'.

The economy is ALREADY badly crippled without lifting a finger. It will only take a tiny shove to push things over the edge.

Are you with me?

Find out on the 5th.

Thank you for letting me inside your head,


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