Greetings good citizen, how pathetic is it that shorthand for society in general remains 'a collection of 'superstitious peasants'?
Understand those who want things the way they are worked long and hard to get these same peasants to embrace their point of view, although some would opine their thirty year long project to undermine rationality was a success with their election [coronation] of The Huckster.
If we could 'talk/posture' our problems away El Trumpo is definitely the man for the job. How sad is it he GOT THE JOB because those currently in power don't want anything (of consequence) to change?
Trump campaigned on a platform other politicians wouldn't touch with a ten mile long pole and he also was Brassy enough to make those promises knowing he'd never succeed in moving 'More for ME capitalism a single millimeter!
Was it 'genius' for an 'outsider' to run on a pocketful of empty promises? Guess that depends on who you ask. the disappointed public or the entrenched interests currently stonewalling the crap out of our hapless huckster president.
Worse, El Trumpo will do what he's told if he hopes to survive his stint of 'public service'. [Under the theory the ONLY reason he ran was to avoid prosecution for the Trump University scandal.]
I suspect half of his 'foot-in-mouth' problems actually are his way of protesting being put in this position.
Anybody notice how the campaign for 2020 hasn't started yet? It's NOT because they expect the most disappointing president EVER to get re-elected either [although he might get 're-appointed' if his health holds up!]
Just pointing out that the last campaign season was in full swing already, last election we put up with 4 years of idiots campaigning for a position nobody actually wants because the problems the POTUS faces aren't solvable using the current system.
Hill-Billy studiously avoided making campaign promises but she was never a 'real candidate', she knew getting sent to the Oval Office was actually a death sentence as some unhinged conservo-whacko would eventually succeed in exploiting a 'window of vulnerability.'
Why all this 'political talk' all of a sudden? Because like it or not they haven't pulled the plug on the old system yet and we still find ourselves 'hamstrung' with a broken system we are powerless to fix, thanks to worthless MONEY!
Funny how we keep returning to 'what are we gonna do about it?' and the only thing we hear in response is crickets chirping.
Do NOTHING and accept 'more of the same'.
Or we could 'REALLY do nothing' and save our species.
No irony should be lost that the solution set involves the exact same thing, the difference is 'co-operation'.
Do what they want/pay you [but not hardly enough] to do and everything remains in a steady rate of decline. Defy them and everything changes almost immediately. Defiance is the one thing that drives them MENTAL because if you DARE to stand up to them the likelihood they will be PROSECUTED FOR THEIR CRIMES INCREASES GEOMETRICALLY!
I was watching an (ironically Fox news) special about the aftermath of WWII yesterday and not once did they mention that the primary cause of WWII was 'capitalism'. [Predatory capitalism to be precise. Where did you think the meme 'Business is War' came from?]
WWII is/was nothing less the 'globalization' via military adventure. [Capitalism was originally 'adopted' at the point of a gun, it was thus believed it would take 'more of the same' to achieve Capitalist Utopia. A world where the elite ruled the resources of the planet for their sake [The 'slaver mentality' has never departed from those who bend us to their will.] They would boldly take out the 'trash' [with 'trash' being what we earlier defined as 'superstitious peasants' that has historically been referred to as 'the unwashed rabble'.
Again, no irony should be lost on the labels hung by those who created the problem in the first place!
Hitler's Master Race had little to do with 'genetic superiority' [although it was thought you could breed a more docile 'servant class', nobody had tried before.]
It was the children of the point of a gun rulers that figured out MONEY would take them where they wanted to go ['Global economic domination'] without ever firing a shot!
Figuratively speaking, WWIII has already been fought and the One Percent won! What we're living with today are 'the consequences of our own collective STUPIDITY!'
Practically speaking, the war has been over since 1980 and the world-wide victory of pseudo conservatism.
That's how long the (capitalist, corporate owned media) has been pining for a world THAT NEVER EXISTED (They don't call 'em 'conservo-whackos' for nuthin!)
We are in the midst of a war NONE OF US are equipped to fight.
If we wait until they start exterminating us we will be too weak to fight (starvation is a powerful weapon.)
The really sick part of all this is some of you are rubbing your hands together, muttering to yourself 'What's taking them so long?'
All you can think about are the possibilities and opportunities a world with less people holds.
Totally WRONG way of looking at the situation if you remember who you're dealing with here.
SLAVERS...(and a disobedient slave is a dead slave.)
Consider your position well.
I can point these FACTS out to you until the cows come home but if you don't embrace them the conclusion is already apparent.
Thanks for letting me inside YOUR head,
Understand those who want things the way they are worked long and hard to get these same peasants to embrace their point of view, although some would opine their thirty year long project to undermine rationality was a success with their election [coronation] of The Huckster.
If we could 'talk/posture' our problems away El Trumpo is definitely the man for the job. How sad is it he GOT THE JOB because those currently in power don't want anything (of consequence) to change?
Trump campaigned on a platform other politicians wouldn't touch with a ten mile long pole and he also was Brassy enough to make those promises knowing he'd never succeed in moving 'More for ME capitalism a single millimeter!
Was it 'genius' for an 'outsider' to run on a pocketful of empty promises? Guess that depends on who you ask. the disappointed public or the entrenched interests currently stonewalling the crap out of our hapless huckster president.
Worse, El Trumpo will do what he's told if he hopes to survive his stint of 'public service'. [Under the theory the ONLY reason he ran was to avoid prosecution for the Trump University scandal.]
I suspect half of his 'foot-in-mouth' problems actually are his way of protesting being put in this position.
Anybody notice how the campaign for 2020 hasn't started yet? It's NOT because they expect the most disappointing president EVER to get re-elected either [although he might get 're-appointed' if his health holds up!]
Just pointing out that the last campaign season was in full swing already, last election we put up with 4 years of idiots campaigning for a position nobody actually wants because the problems the POTUS faces aren't solvable using the current system.
Hill-Billy studiously avoided making campaign promises but she was never a 'real candidate', she knew getting sent to the Oval Office was actually a death sentence as some unhinged conservo-whacko would eventually succeed in exploiting a 'window of vulnerability.'
Why all this 'political talk' all of a sudden? Because like it or not they haven't pulled the plug on the old system yet and we still find ourselves 'hamstrung' with a broken system we are powerless to fix, thanks to worthless MONEY!
Funny how we keep returning to 'what are we gonna do about it?' and the only thing we hear in response is crickets chirping.
Do NOTHING and accept 'more of the same'.
Or we could 'REALLY do nothing' and save our species.
No irony should be lost that the solution set involves the exact same thing, the difference is 'co-operation'.
Do what they want/pay you [but not hardly enough] to do and everything remains in a steady rate of decline. Defy them and everything changes almost immediately. Defiance is the one thing that drives them MENTAL because if you DARE to stand up to them the likelihood they will be PROSECUTED FOR THEIR CRIMES INCREASES GEOMETRICALLY!
I was watching an (ironically Fox news) special about the aftermath of WWII yesterday and not once did they mention that the primary cause of WWII was 'capitalism'. [Predatory capitalism to be precise. Where did you think the meme 'Business is War' came from?]
WWII is/was nothing less the 'globalization' via military adventure. [Capitalism was originally 'adopted' at the point of a gun, it was thus believed it would take 'more of the same' to achieve Capitalist Utopia. A world where the elite ruled the resources of the planet for their sake [The 'slaver mentality' has never departed from those who bend us to their will.] They would boldly take out the 'trash' [with 'trash' being what we earlier defined as 'superstitious peasants' that has historically been referred to as 'the unwashed rabble'.
Again, no irony should be lost on the labels hung by those who created the problem in the first place!
Hitler's Master Race had little to do with 'genetic superiority' [although it was thought you could breed a more docile 'servant class', nobody had tried before.]
It was the children of the point of a gun rulers that figured out MONEY would take them where they wanted to go ['Global economic domination'] without ever firing a shot!
Figuratively speaking, WWIII has already been fought and the One Percent won! What we're living with today are 'the consequences of our own collective STUPIDITY!'
Practically speaking, the war has been over since 1980 and the world-wide victory of pseudo conservatism.
That's how long the (capitalist, corporate owned media) has been pining for a world THAT NEVER EXISTED (They don't call 'em 'conservo-whackos' for nuthin!)
We are in the midst of a war NONE OF US are equipped to fight.
If we wait until they start exterminating us we will be too weak to fight (starvation is a powerful weapon.)
The really sick part of all this is some of you are rubbing your hands together, muttering to yourself 'What's taking them so long?'
All you can think about are the possibilities and opportunities a world with less people holds.
Totally WRONG way of looking at the situation if you remember who you're dealing with here.
SLAVERS...(and a disobedient slave is a dead slave.)
Consider your position well.
I can point these FACTS out to you until the cows come home but if you don't embrace them the conclusion is already apparent.
Thanks for letting me inside YOUR head,
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