Saturday, April 1, 2017

April Fools!

Greetings good citizen, today's offering is a chilling example of Watch & Learn as formerly democratic Venezuela slides under the grip of capitalist fueled despotism.

[Look around the world good citizen, everywhere there is a dictator, there are resources being exploited that make the dictator rich while the people suffer...same way corporate chairmen regularly pay themselves a 1,000 times the salary of their underlings...just because they can, and our entire civilization suffers...]

Capitalists despised Hugo Chavez for his socialist policies but the people loved him...and they miss him even more, now that he's gone.

What killed democracy in oil rich Venezuela? The same people that are 'killing democracy' worldwide.

So in this instance we aren't pointing to some clever 'prank' that typically marks this 'unofficial holiday' because THE FOOLS here are the ones who falsely believe they have a choice, they don't and YOU don't.

The parallel here is if they can do this in Venezuela to poor people that can't fight back, is the only thing 'saving' our nation the hotly contested 2nd amendment?

What should disturb most of you is that The Right to keep and bear arms is an amendment at all, meaning it wasn't included in the original version which is where the amendments come from.

How sad is it good citizen that you 'don't remember' the conditions that made these 'amendments' a 'must' when it came to ratifying the foundation of this new nation.

While there are many 'self-professed' originalists, the world is a far different place than it once was...and not for the better.

The people in charge are just as feckless and greedy as their ancestors...and like their ancestors, they clawed and cheated their way back into positions of power that our extremely foolish system created.

So paranoid were the founders of their intent being repealed that they failed to leave a door that let the public vote for legislative change.

Or if it ever existed, it was murdered in the still of the night, so we'd be stuck with a system that could only be modified from within.

We can't even get Congress to put term limits on themselves so abolishing such handy relics like the Electoral College are beyond our reach.

No irony should be lost that the college was intended to prevent the election of a populist popinjay like the current president...who is in fact 'insulating himself' from the outside world.

How did this happen? Wasn't 'the press' supposed to keep the greedy and the grasping from defrauding the public?

Well, back to those 2,100 'billionaires', many with multiple billions.

April Fools! They're ALL fake! but that didn't stop them from buying the media and dictating what was and wasn't news to the clueless people who had no other source.

Notice the marked increase in 'fake news' as the 'corporate owned media' tries to plug the leaks they refuse to expose in the agenda of those who would murder those they can't enslave.

Sort of puts the biblical favorite 'blessed are the meek' in a new light...those 'too timid' to fight because they will end up doing all of the heavy lifting for the self-professed 'meat-eating monsters'.

For all of their posturing, carefully worded press releases don't make them factual or true...and if the reporter wants to keep seeing a PAYCHECK, they will write what they're told to write...and hold their tongue when the editor cuts their expose...

How FREE is that kind of press?

How stupid do the think we are?

Many more questions than answers good citizen...but isn't that our 'lot in life'?

The real question is why do we keep accepting the answers/shrugs provided by the shiftless, can't trust 'em as far as you could throw 'em 'professional liars'?

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


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