Monday, November 26, 2018


Greetings good citizen, I suspect few of you truly appreciate the consequences of lying to your children...not that it was anything YOU had control over. The lie that is biting modern civilization in the ass as the world descends into CHAOS [the proper term for general confusion and wanton destruction, ANARCHY is something the intelligent among us pray would take hold, rules without many people do you think would vote to screw themselves? (It can be done...but under anarchy it can be fixed, no such luck under capitalist dominated FAKE democracy, where the only thing you vote for is which 'pill' will influence your future.)

Even then, you've gotten the red pill jammed up your backside whether you wanted it or not.

YOU (the vast majority of us) are LABOR, how the fuck does MANAGEMENT keep winning almost every election?

Worse, you don't even question this [because in the end nothing will change until people succeed in uniting...and when they finally do there will only be one (vague) enemy and that will be civilization itself.

Have to admit, the feckless have become expert in heading off unity.

There is no 'consensus' regarding what is destroying civilization when the 'answer' is right under everyone's noses...

Do you know what the answer is?

The almost total breakdown of TRUST.

Can't trust the church, it's a lie all by itself.

Can't trust the government, it's supposed to protect you but due to rampant corruption the only people it protects are the OWNERS!

Can't trust commerce because it's run by the criminals that run the government via their bought and paid for meat-puppets.

Oh, icing on the cake, you can't trust your friends because they are scared spitless of losing what little they have managed to steal and they know a single 'misstep' in our highly PC many of you were shocked to learn the PC police were running the crusade against P.C.?

Or did I just let the cat out of the bag?

You detest 'political correctness but it's getting worse, not better as fascism keeps pushing to the fore.

Who is behind this force that is shredding society?

The fascists. [I call 'em conservo-whackos but they call themselves 'Freedom loving Patriots']

Newsflash for YOU (moron) they only have the power that YOU give them! If you, er, 'accept' their BS claims then they become a force to be reckoned with but if you reject the labels they put on just about everything [how many of you have noticed that NONE of this is their fault? Despite them being the ones with their hair on fire and their fingers pointing at everything but themselves?]

Jeremiah was a bullfrog and El Rushbo is a liar. [News to no one.]

You, if you continue to refuse to use your own mind, are a STOOGE...and the only thing lower than a stooge is a traitor.

That's what the people running around blaming everybody but themselves for figments of their imagination (mostly shit that never happened or if it did it was so long ago as to be irrelevant today.) are, traitors that aren't patriots but LIARS!

Your inability to sort truth from fiction will spell the end of civilization.

Once again I ask the barely cognizant to remember WHY I end these when I do.

Thanks once again for stopping by and opening your mind,


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