Friday, November 23, 2018

Globalization [X]

Greetings good citizen, not only are politicians playing stupid but the media isn't calling them on the global collapse of capitalism.

This morning's headlines are calling for politicians to 'somehow' stem the 'refugee crisis' so they can curb rising 'populism.'

For those of you that don't speak 'Fucktardo', populism is the new code for nationalism.

El Rump is playing the America first card BECAUSE refugees (from the economic desert) created by [the GLOBAL consolidation of market share] because, increasingly, the refugees are taking jobs that the locals consider as 'theirs' and as long as capitalism reigns those jobs will always go to the lowest wage seeker.

I will once again belabor the obvious and explain that the morons running things are handling money all wrong.

What 'stupid' doesn't get is there shouldn't be any such thing as 'rich'. That's NOT what money is for.

'Rich' is proof of criminality.

Wonder how many Trumpsters joined him at Mar-a-lago for their catered holiday feast? [The twerp that told the world if Jesus said Trump was a criminal, he'd have to beg god's pardon and ask HIS PRESIDENT if it were true; do you suppose he'd cut Satan the same slack? [God could be lying about him too...]


Those with their eye on the ball can see these cause and effect reactions for themselves and don't need me to draw pictures for them.

I am compelled to include them here so the reader doesn't have to do a 'cold start' and try to figure out where I'm coming from.

What angers me is how the media assumes you are aware enough to understand that the 'refugees' they keep talking about from all across the planet are NOT the victims of war despite the feckless media using a term more closely associated with those fleeing political/civil unrest rather than economic strife...despite capitalism creating an 'unnatural disaster', worldwide.

Victims are victims and capitalism has victimized whole societies around the planet.

Humanities future relies on mutual aid, if we cannot 'trust' the people running things [the current bunch all win the hemp neckwear award!] then humanity will fail to survive.

Treachery is still the number one problem facing humanity.

Let 'a few' be rich! Who is the moron that coined that one? [Although the clown that penned W's 'haves and the have more' speech should be given a flying wedgie award for sheer mental opaqueness.

We may never know despite the moron credited with both 'we launch in five minutes' [into a live mic no less] was also credited with Cesar's 'If not us, who, and if not now, when?' which was more recently immortalized in Churchill's 'Darkest hour' speech...

That fact that both literally bounced off an uncomprehending public tells us an 'all inclusive' decision-making process is above our species cognition level.

Which is to say after the new leadership wipes out poverty and inequality then they can lay down a merit based process for determining the course of mankind's survival [as war becomes a relic of the feckless past.]

We shall no longer be led by the self-serving who cater to the self-interested.

Looks silly when you see it here but it's where we have to go...but only if you want your grandchildren to live.

[Why am I tempted to say, 'go back to sleep, everything will be fine!' We know this works on Trump supporters but they are so few, a lot of effort for such a minimal return.]

Just keep thinking 'you're' in the majority and everything will be alright.

The thing you'll have to parse for yourself is if I'm delusional or are you the one that has 'reality issues'?

Thanks once again for stopping by and opening your mind,

Like the mug says, I can explain it to you but I can't understand it for you...


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