Friday, November 2, 2018


Greetings good citizen, while the average individual suffers from chronic outrage fatigue, stretching their 'sanity' to the limits, we often need to be reminded of the need/benefit of stopping to re-group.

In simpler times [which technically have nothing to do with nothing] taking stock annually was considered sufficient but these day require nearly hourly reassessment of our goals just to keep the main objectives in sight! Either you are 'aware' of the big picture or it runs you ragged as you chase your own tail, working yourself to death in a race to acquire the newest bauble or widget to capture the public's fancy.

Most of you only manage to catch every fifth one as they become passe so rapidly but the, er, 'economy' continues to chug along despite significantly rising customer dissatisfaction.

Yes good citizen, the 'twitch economy' is designed to build customer UN-happiness and drive home the message that increasingly, more and more of us are 'missing out'.

Bad enough most of you can't get your feet under you so you can start living YOUR life, a window that continues to shrink with frightening speed, no sooner do you get out on your own than you find yourself saddled with dependents!

It may be the 'purpose of life' but that doesn't mean we don't resent it, especially with the 'more for me' crowd always putting the screws to you.

Yes good citizen, your 'outrage fatigue' begins with the rampant mismanagement which manifests itself everywhere you look! It starts with 'picking' your 'career path'...which most of us 'fall into'. 90% of us never imagined we'd be doing what we find ourselves doing for a living as kids. Add to this the disturbing regularity with which these implausible occupations dry up and blow away and you find yourself reflecting on just how many times you have been forced to 're-invent yourself' only to fail yet again!

If I were to hold my (complete) resume up to my chin it would hit the floor. I'm 62 years old and have had over 65 jobs! {Many, too many perhaps, temporary.}

Wait, it gets worse! The longest I've been anywhere is 5 years. Bad enough you say? Well 99% of my resume is 'phantom'. The places I worked and the people I worked for/with no longer exist.

Tough being me but this is YOUR STORY TOO!

Why do I blog?

Boil away the 'altruism' and what's left is rage...outrage actually. I'm sick of being LIED to and like most of us, I'm tired of hearing platitudes that range from personal failure [either I didn't try hard enough or I didn't set my sights high enough, that list is endless.] to the futility of changing humanity [it's a machine that exists to chew you up and spit you out in tiny pieces.]

Yet history is pock marked with revolts, most of them failures but again our plight is chalked up to 'human nature'.

Anyhoo, I 'designed' a system I call A Simple Plan that repurposes the existing system into one humanity controls and not just the 'self-interested'.

That and I am the author of three novels, which this blog is intended to 'promote'. [If you have a kindle and 99 cents, you're in business!]

[I'd put up a tip jar but I don't know how...]

Oh, and I just got my first SSI check, not that I, er, 'voluntarily' retired. [Desperation makes us all do 'desperate' things.]

This is not a 'pity party', just a testament to the artificially difficult life the majority of us lead caused by the selfish among us.

Like a lot of things in life, the More for Me crowd walks around pretending like it doesn't exist...and the rest of us pay for it.

No need to name names. Simply re-leveling the playing field will suffice. When they jump up screaming 'you can't do that!' is when we pop 'em.

Isn't the Golden Rule (do unto others) wonderful? Much better than 'gold rules' which is only trumped by 'gun rules.'

Which leads to the insufferable circle of the ones with the gold endlessly paying off the ones with the guns to get their way.

Neither the man with the gun nor the man with the gold is YOUR friend, only the man with a MIND is because he is the only one aware that he needs to live here too and recognizes how he treats others is the way others will treat him.

Did I mention we are first and foremost 'mimics'? The mimic doesn't always win but the opportunist can be squelched if we remove the incentive to be greedy.

99% of crime is 'cash and carry'. Outlaw cash and 'property crime' goes poof because crime's customers have disappeared! (ASP is cashless.) Saldy the crimes committed by the mentally deranged remain beyond the reach of societal limitations.

More 'effective' than prison is exile. Putting a 'price/value' on membership in society usually curbs our 'baser reflexes'. We may become far less vocal when we realize our continued membership in society depends on our ability to get along with others.

If you don't appreciate the significance of being a peaceful and reflective member of society then Lord of the Flies Island is for YOU!

Screw people all I need is a castle and a window to shoot them from then check, Lord of the Flies Island is the perfect place to live your freedom loving life!

Not so fast? Well, if you walk around telling yourself 'I'm so smart and they're so stupid!' you're still going to have to tread carefully because being caught swindling others is another way to earn an express ticket to Freedom Island!

A society without cash will resort to barter despite the practice being discouraged. [Humans are only barely rational and there are few things more problematic than buyers (or sellers) remorse. A better deal is ALWAYS just one more negotiation away!]

Then there are boneheads who believe they are the best negotiators EVER and they ALWAYS get the best that thing with Kim Jong Un, where Bobo gave up the store while Kim gave up nothing!


Sometimes, even when you are taking a step away to reflect upon your effectiveness you have to grab yourself and force yourself back on task.

I do find myself apologizing for digressing [almost constantly...can't seem to help myself, my mind races so!]

With that I'm going to choke this one off here,

Thanks once again for letting me inside your mind!


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