Wednesday, November 21, 2018


Greetings good citizen, I belabor the obvious when I point out that most of you are suffering from 'tolerance fatigue', the hopelessly stupid can't comprehend what part of 'He's the President' the rest of us don't understand while the rational struggle with keeping themselves from physically slapping some sense into the MAGA-MORONS!

You only have one nerve left and numbnuts is on it, bigtime.

Perhaps it's the 'one trick pony' part of the equation the feeble seem unable to cope with.

In their teenie minds, President = God (on earth) as demonstrated by the fool on Last Week Tonight's Finale.

Someone that , er, 'deluded' shouldn't be walking around unsupervised because he's already proven he listens to the little voices in his head...and they are neither friendly nor rational.

Problem is what should be a rare occurrence is becoming more prevalent as people become confused between the lies they are told and the facts that keep proving they are being lied to.

Do YOU know what causes psychosis?


Repeatedly being told black is white will fuck you up, bigtime.

You know it's not true and the people telling you it know it too. Their real goal is to make you DOUBT yourself! [COULD it be true?]

That's how a party that represents just 25% of the population has a super majority in both houses of Congress...because you believe the independents are voting conservative now that there isn't a democrat to get behind since they were defunded by the people that control the money.

Which is the CRUX of all our, er, 'troubles'.

Money needs to be wiped out and redistributed rationally...better, we need a mechanism that removes money from the system once it has been 'used'.

How many of you morons know such a device has never been instituted and that dollar number one is still out there some ten thousand years after it was 'spent'?

Well, it's little 'inconsistencies' like this that make life a complicated mess when life itself is very, very straight-forward. Cooperate and thrive or buck the tide and perish.

Yeah, the 'illusion' that most people support the meat-puppet-in-chief is precisely that, an illusion created by the 'go along to get along' crowd.

This whole kabuki dance centered on pseudo-patriotism is an attempt to cow those of us with more backbone than the average stiff into submission even though those who keep their eyes front and their heads low don't really like what they are being forced to submit to in public.

Need I point to humanity's 'mimic' quality again? If you can make it seem like everybody is doing it, you win!

When criminals control your justice system there is no justice.

How did criminals seize control of the justice system? Through their control of the EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM!

What lends 'credibility' to the current FAKE justice system is it's claim that it is rooted on a 'refined understanding' of the most basic and ancient concepts of justice...without referencing a single specific statute...not even the golden rule that ASP is based on!

Our justice system is NOT based on it will NEVER be 'just'.

Our current justice system teaches only some of us can own, everybody else must borrow it from the bank at exorbitant rates!

That's NOT justice.

This planet is ours to share, NOBODY 'owns' ANY of it!

But I digress [albeit only a little.]

How much longer will you TOLERATE the self-serving to steal our future while they wastefully squander our collective inheritance?

For as long as they tell you they are 'god's chosen' without ANY proof?

Thanks once again for opening your mind, (careful some of this just might sneak in there and wreak havoc!)


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