Tuesday, November 13, 2018


Greetings good citizen, constant reader knows I am NOT a proponent of the colonization of 'near space' mostly because I disagree with the 'quaint notion' that light is the 'speed limit' of the universe.

Earlier 'futurists' speculated that space exploration would be built on warp drives and star gates because the distances involved are so vast.

Don't you think we should have our 'finest minds' working on solutions to those problems before they become collateral damage in the greedhead's quest to bankrupt us all?

[F-U, I got MINE (and yours too...but it's mine now!)]

So it was I caught an episode of 'Pigs in Space' last night, Fox Corps 'space opera' about the colonization of Mars.

A colony is established by a publicly funded science foundation and wasn't last night's episode about the the arrival of the first intrepid mining expedition. Sort of boggled the mind actually but the A-holes running things here think nothing of ten thousand mile long supply chains, why not kick that up to (a few) million? [WHAT on Mars would make a eight month long space journey worth it? Gold, which is commercially worthless, would be cost prohibitive to transport such distances...but like the diamond industry, the greedheads do have the humans here fooled into thinking gold is 'natural money'. [The hopelessly stupid even believe 'gold' is 'god-given!']

As long as moronic humans believe that there is no limit on the foolishness they will accept as true.

What did the Miners do to 'maximize' their payload (of mining equipment), they cut back the amount of water they brought with them, how's that for too stupid to live? [The leader of the mining expedition TOLD the scientists they would HAVE TO 'share' their water with them thanks to a 'treaty' signed back on Earth...]

Did I mention capitalists are F'n nuts?

When did humanity lose sight of the fact that job one is survival? Around the same time MONEY was introduced to the Troglodytes.

Feels like I'm talking to myself when I say, "We HAVE TO STOP FOLLOWING THE LEAD OF THE FREAKISHLY STUPID!"

I have taken that message to heart, you...not so much.

That said, most of you are still trying to master this thinking thing, which until recently was completely alien to you.

How ironic is it to find ourselves beholden to the Moron-in-Chief for overloading your gullibility circuits?

The mind can only accept a certain amount of bullshit before it rebels and Numbnuts has more than exceeded that mental limit switch.

How fortuitous that our minds are hardwired to protect us from predators of our own kind?

The 'friction' created by the now familiar 'booming economy' BS that follows tax cuts that did NOTHING for the working stiff is mentally being recognized for what it is...HAPPY TALK!

Only took you 50 years to catch on although some have never caught on but that's just evidence of evolutionary self selection...for extinction.

Most of us accept evolution as a natural process but the feckless don't believe in nature so they often ignore factors that will expose their lies.

Now it's 'crunch time' and the predators are facing a 'shit or get off the pot' moment.

Will the keep 'nudging' until critical mass results in widespread destruction or will they 'strike' and eliminate most of us, resetting the playing field as the surviving rabble get cowed into accepting their former shitty circumstances, while taking a giant step backwards personally?

This is the 'Dark Side' of the Naturalist movement, those who believe in the Natural Order of things, the leaders prosper while the rest (suffer) although the prosperous interpret this as 'making due with what's left.'

How bizarre?

Well, this is what 'I don't pay you to think!' produces.

You'd think it would be obvious but ANYONE that doesn't want/care about your thoughts DOESN'T have your (or anyone else's) interests at heart.

LEADERSHIP is critical to changing this 'My way or the highway' SLAVER mindset.

This is HOW we ended up following the dictates of the 'self-interested' while sacrificing our own!

Adam Smith is the greatest SWINDLE ever pulled off against our kind!

[Yeah, we'll wait while you google Adam Smith...]

More than a little ironic that the 'Holier than thou' Protestants were behind the original Gordon Gekko that championed the tragic 'Greed is Good' meme.

Shift mental gears with me for a moment because immediately before Pigs in Space came on they aired an episode of Star Talk...and who did NDT have on for a guest?

The late Anthony Bourdain!

Mr. Bourdain is perhaps one of the finest examples of humanity to ever be granted a pulpit which he used to demonstrate that there was much more to life than money.

It seems Mr. Bourdain shared an observation that I'm developing. What was the driver behind humans becoming 'social' creatures.

Neil DeGrasse Tyson pooh-poohed the idea that 'more successful hunts' brought mankind together [more men meant taking down bigger game, feeding more people!]

Cooperation meant sharing, one of the core premises of human civilization and one of the aspects most despised by the 'greedheads'...F-U Adam Smith!

The wealth of Nations wins a place alongside the machinations of Machiavelli and the Sadistic scribblings of Ayn Rand, humanity at its worst as described its most aberrant.

NONE of these conservative non-thinkers could see beyond the tip of their nose.

If YOU accept this as 'the world we live in' YOU are WRONG!

This is the world we will all DIE in. [If we don't make an extreme course correction.]

While I look like Chicken Little screaming 'the sky is falling' anybody that doesn't have their cranium jammed up their rectum can see for themselves that things have gone terribly off course. [That nagging, persistent feeling that we are headed in the 'wrong direction' and that we are drawing closer and closer to our doom.]

I can't derail the Crazy Train by myself...but it would only take a few of us to change the course of history...

Are you in?

Thanks once again for opening your mind!


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