Sunday, November 4, 2018


Greetings good citizen, since his inauguration 2 years ago the media has kept our attention focused on the Buffoon-in-Chief, whether we want to dwell on the national disappointment or not.

And for a sector that is regularly used as a punching bag by sitting POTUS they are strangely silent regarding his UNpopularity. In fact if we went solely by media reports you'd think Christ occupied the White House.

It is 'counter productive' to belabor the obvious when the clueless narcissist promptly jams one of his hooves in his mouth every time he opens it (Could he be any DUMBER?)

Now here we are and the, er, PEOPLE THAT WRITE FOR THEIR PAYCHECKS are doing everything in their power to make these midterms a referendum on the Head Oaf.

Like the process that gifted the feckless with Carte Blanche to pass tax cuts that weren't on radar and, regardless of outcome, are going to gut Social Security and Medicare...which will result in a hot guerilla war across that nation. [Civil DISOBEDIENCE will be the 'new normal', Blue lights? What blue lights?]

Now the MEDIA will tell us the 'results' of the midterms without a vote actually being cast. They could tell us today but that would serve to prove the process is window dressing, you vote has NEVER counted...literally.

I return your attention to the media's insistence that the nation is DIVIDED and they are CORRECT, it's just the size of the divide they are, er, 'keeping to themselves' [or they'd forfeit their jobs.]

While the 'inference' is the split is 50-50 the truth of the matter is 99 - 1.

99% of us are losing and only 1 percent are 'winning'.

Under these circumstances it is only a matter of time before they order their 'thralls' to murder as many of us as they can.

Worse, the guys with the printing press will put a damn bounty on us.

It's not their fault if the morons murdering anything that moves are too stupid to understand they are just going to 'void' the money afterwards!


The only one that has your back is you (and maybe your mother.)

Why is there such a lack of unity? Because the class that cuts the paycheck you can't live on needs us focused on something other than how badly we are being screwed and by whom...

Thus the never-ending coverage of the antics of the Clown posse and their self-important Chief!

LIke I pointed out YESTERDAY, their race is run, capitalism is collapsing and there isn't a damn thing on the planet that will stop it.

They TRIED to fix it in the Seventies but failed to rein in the predators, sparking a vicious wage/price spiral that the worker took in the shorts. Purchasing power fell and the consumer NEVER recovered.

Who has your back now?

Who was 'in office' when all this was going on? The One Percent (represented by the Republicans!) Nixon went off the Gold Standard and then he 'demonetized' precious metals, swapping silver coinage for copper, (then to zinc while St. Ronnie, the other failed 'celebrity president' and second 'Imperial Presidency'. Numbnuts marks the Third Imperial Presidency.)

See 'the pattern?'

Nixon, Reagan, Bush, Bush and now Numbnuts! Each one has been progressively WORSE then their predecessor and this is NO ACCIDENT.

THe same people that NEED YOU to believe it's just a 'huge coincidence' because if you even suspected the truth they'd all get LYNCHED!

Bush the greater even said as much!

But the media squelches these tiny 'slips' as quickly as they surface. [This was another legendary 'live mic' incident where Sr. was unaware the mic near him was on.]

What do you suppose is going to happen when the media hands Trump electoral victory on Nov 7th?

First they'll blame the kids for not voting, then it will be the minorities and finally it will be laid at the feet of 'White Apathy'.

The elections are two days in the future and you already know how the 'divided nation' will vote. It will be a 'squeaker' across the nation with El Trumpo holding on to a ONE SEAT majority in both houses...and that will be enough for the carnage to begin.

YOU WILL NOT see the, whoever they are pretending to be these days. They call themselves Progressives and pretend they are Democrats but they are actually 'plants', shills vetted to pretend to oppose the Republican agenda while caving at the last moment.

You won't see ANY investigations into anything and the Mueller investigation will stop on a dime.

Or, WORSE, the already dubious media will report Democratic victory and then nothing will happen just like all the other times [since Nixon] that democrats seemed unable to decide whether to fish or cut bait.

Worse yet, they will attempt to overturn Citizen's United [and fail.] Setting numbnuts up for a landslide win in 2020.

Honestly I didn't think society would still be 'limping along' until now but my generation is one of wafflers who are content to let the next guy handle/deal with the mess created on our watch.

How devastating is it to learn, seventy years later, that we didn't defeat the Nazis after all?

[They hijacked our government and took it over!]

The One Percent are using the same tactics they used to subjugate the German people back at the turn of the last century, remarkable what determined individuals can accomplish if given the resources and the, er, freedom to operate without scrutiny.

Isn't wealth terrific?

[Rhetorical question, dumbass! 99% of us can only assume so, we have no way of knowing.]

Can YOU wait until Tuesday because from here we're screwed no matter which way this shitshow unfurls.

The 'wildcard' here is rioting breaks out in metro areas across the country as the White Supremacists tangle with Anti-Fa at the polls.

No matter how you slice it, it ends poorly for ALL of us if YOU don't take a stand for unity, equality and (true) justice!

Thanks once again for letting me inside YOUR head,


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