Saturday, February 16, 2019


Greetings good citizen, um, I was likely composing yesterday's post when bozo was in the Rose Garden, telling the vegetables about the crisis that forced his hand.

So here we are with an EMERGENCY on our hands and the already non-functional government is likely preparing to do battle in the courts rather than rounding up a psychiatric evaluation team so congress can invoke the 25th amendment.

Poor RBG, 83 and she doesn't dare step down because the nation would get yet another sock puppet on the bench whose sole purpose would be to prop up the failed commerce system via the law.

Sort of makes you wonder if they keep the supremes in an artificial environment like they are doing with the astronauts preparing to go to Mars?

How can any of the so-called 'Justices' see the world we live in and pretend everything is alright? This cesspool that they pretend isn't here is a testament to what their actions have created.

That said, their treason will not go unpunished [assuming the unlikely victory of the forces of a united humanity.]

Courtesy dictates that the criminals will let 'their vassals' (the Supremes) walk free. Sadly, decorum dictates that they be executed most brutally. Will the criminals turn a blind eye or will appearances once again trump justice?

The hope here is that by invoking the 25th amendment Mr. Pence will straighten up and fly right. Damning is fact that Pence isn't leading the charge to have his running mate declared mentally incompetent, jeopardizing his own position in the succession.

Um, speaking of opportunity, Since Nancy Pelosi sits in chair number 3 she could depose the worst administration in history and become the nation's first female Chief Executive in one fell swoop.

Weirdly, here we are on the cusp of one of the strangest events in history which is likely to end in disaster.

If Nancy were to assume the helm of the nation the media corrupted public would riot immediately, chaos would prevail not only in the streets but on the air!

Were you savvy enough, you could tune in the local network news and watch Fox for two very conflicting views of A Nation in Crisis.

The corporate owned media would be puzzled by the rioting while Fox's bevy of angry busty bimbos would be declaring a communist takeover by the Democrats.

Seriously good citizen, how STUPID are you?

Unspoken is how the streets would run in blood if the succession went the way it is intended...because the founders were incapable of seeing a 'wired' nation and how that (mis-information) pipeline would serve to divide the public.

UNDERSTAND, the PURPOSE of keeping the public distracted is so they don't band together and LYNCH the people bilking them for all they are worth.

They have told a trusting public exactly what it wants to hear knowing full well they were lying through their teeth...but the only thing honesty would have gotten them was precisely what they were trying to avoid. [Hung in the main square by a mob of mindless morons.]

A strong case could be made that the public can't handle the truth, (thus the corrosive/destructive fiction.)


Time (for the cognizant) to circle back and ask the question nobody is asking: Why wall off the Emerald City? [especially when it will have zero effect on the flow of refugees?]

There is only one answer and that answer is the flip-side of the 'cheaper there' gambit, that the refugees are taking the jobs that no longer exist away. So building a physical WALL to keep them out will provide the 'appearance' of addressing the problem created by robots.

Just as 'allowing' you to vote for the handpicked candidate of THEIR choice provides the appearance/illusion of self-governance.

[Worse, when THEIR candidate betrays you the media blames the PARTY for the problem when Party is all a charade, an act!]

So we return to the question at hand: HOW STUPID ARE YOU?

You know the rest...

If Washington isn't on fire by sundown I am DONE with all of you!



  1. So here we are with an EMERGENCY on our hands and the already non-functional government is likely preparing to do battle in the courts rather than rounding up a psychiatric evaluation team so congress can invoke the 25th amendment.

  2. [STOP]

    Time (for the cognizant) to circle back and ask the question nobody is asking: Why wall off the Emerald City? [especially when it will have zero effect on the flow of refugees?]

    There is only one answer and that answer is the flip-side of the 'cheaper there' gambit, that the refugees are taking the jobs that no longer exist away. So building a physical WALL to keep them out will provide the 'appearance' of addressing the problem created by robots.

  3. How can any of the so-called 'Justices' see the world we live in and pretend everything is alright? This cesspool that they pretend isn't here is a testament to what their actions have created.

    That said, their treason will not go unpunished [assuming the unlikely victory of the forces of a united humanity.]

  4. So here we are with an EMERGENCY on our hands and the already non-functional government is likely preparing to do battle in the courts rather than rounding up a psychiatric evaluation team so congress can invoke the 25th amendment.

  5. The hope here is that by invoking the 25th amendment Mr. Pence will straighten up and fly right. Damning is fact that Pence isn't leading the charge to have his running mate declared mentally incompetent, jeopardizing his own position in the succession.

    Um, speaking of opportunity, Since Nancy Pelosi sits in chair number 3 she could depose the worst administration in history and become the nation's first female Chief Executive in one fell swoop.

  6. If Washington isn't on fire by sundown I am DONE with all of you!

  7. Time (for the cognizant) to circle back and ask the question nobody is asking: Why wall off the Emerald City? [especially when it will have zero effect on the flow of refugees?]

    There is only one answer and that answer is the flip-side of the 'cheaper there' gambit, that the refugees are taking the jobs that no longer exist away. So building a physical WALL to keep them out will provide the 'appearance' of addressing the problem created by robots.

  8. They have told a trusting public exactly what it wants to hear knowing full well they were lying through their teeth...but the only thing honesty would have gotten them was precisely what they were trying to avoid. [Hung in the main square by a mob of mindless morons.]

  9. How can any of the so-called 'Justices' see the world we live in and pretend everything is alright? This cesspool that they pretend isn't here is a testament to what their actions have created.

  10. The hope here is that by invoking the 25th amendment Mr. Pence will straighten up and fly right. Damning is fact that Pence isn't leading the charge to have his running mate declared mentally incompetent, jeopardizing his own position in the succession.

  11. If Washington isn't on fire by sundown I am DONE with all of you!

  12. he hope here is that by invoking the 25th amendment Mr. Pence will straighten up and fly right. Damning is fact that Pence isn't leading the charge to have his running mate declared mentally incompetent, jeopardizing his own position in the succession.

  13. So here we are with an EMERGENCY on our hands and the already non-functional government is likely preparing to do battle in the courts rather than rounding up a psychiatric evaluation team so congress can invoke the 25th amendment.


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...